怎么注册多个chatGPT账户:$5 API接口费用(一个手机号能注册几个openai账号)


A. OpenAI账号注册流程及相关限制

1. 注册需要手机号验证

2. 同一手机号最多可验证5个账号

B. OpenAI账号注册问题引发的讨论和猜想

1. 有人试图通过寻觅漏洞批量注册账号

2. 会不会可以通过虚拟手机号绕过限制


A. OpenAI对同一手机号的限制措施

1. 一个手机号只能注册一个OpenAI账号

2. 第二个账号不享受API接口费用赠送

B. 绕过一个手机号限制的方法

1. 使用虚拟手机号进行账号注册

2. 虚拟手机号的操作步骤及选择注意事项


A. OpenAI对同一IP地址的注册数量限制

1. 每一个IP地址大概能注册十个账户左右

2. 超过限制需要切换IP地址

B. 一个手机号和IP地址同时的注册限制情况

1. 一个手机号最多能注册两个账号

2. 第二个账号不享受API接口费用赠送


A. 发现OpenAI的漏洞与白嫖问题

1. 安全团队发现的漏洞,使用一个手机号注册多个账号

2. 攻击者可以无穷使用ChatGPT的不要钱额度

B. OpenAI可能针对漏洞采取的应对措施

1. 安全团队提供的漏洞信息会不会被OpenAI采用

2. OpenAI对安全漏洞的修复及用户账号的保护




You May Also Like


The “You May Also Like” section is a common feature on many websites and platforms, providing users with personalized recommendations based on their previous activities or preferences. This section aims to enhance user engagement, increase time spent on the platform, and ultimately drive conversions or actions. Let’s explore the benefits, challenges, and best practices of implementing a “You May Also Like” section.

Benefits of a “You May Also Like” Section:

  • 1. Personalization: By analyzing user behavior and preferences, a “You May Also Like” section can present content or products tailored to individual users, increasing relevance and user satisfaction.
  • 2. Discoverability: Recommending related or similar items encourages users to explore further, discover new content or products, and make additional purchases or engagements.
  • 3. Conversion and Revenue: When users encounter relevant recommendations, they are more likely to convert or make a purchase, leading to increased revenue and customer satisfaction.
  • 4. User Engagement: A well-designed “You May Also Like” section can keep users engaged on the website or platform, reducing bounce rates and improving overall user experience.

Challenges and Considerations:

While there are numerous benefits to implementing a “You May Also Like” section, there are also challenges to overcome:

  • 1. Data Analysis and Algorithms: Effective personalization requires robust data analysis capabilities and advanced algorithms to accurately match user preferences and behaviors.
  • 2. Over-Recommendation: It’s important to strike a balance between personalized recommendations and avoiding overwhelming users with excessive suggestions. Relevance and accuracy should be prioritized.
  • 3. User Privacy: Collecting and analyzing user data for personalization purposes raises privacy concerns. It’s crucial to handle user data securely and transparently, complying with privacy regulations.
  • 4. Adapting to Changing Preferences: User preferences and behaviors evolve over time, so the recommendation system needs to adapt and continually update its algorithms to provide relevant suggestions.

Best Practices for Implementing a “You May Also Like” Section:

  • 1. Accurate Data Collection: Collect and analyze relevant user data, such as browsing history, purchase history, or explicit user preferences, to build a comprehensive understanding of individual users.
  • 2. Advanced Recommendation Algorithms: Implement sophisticated recommendation algorithms, such as collaborative filtering, content-based filtering, or hybrid approaches, to generate accurate and relevant recommendations.
  • 3. A/B Testing: Continuously test and optimize the “You May Also Like” section by running A/B tests to determine the most effective algorithms, user interface designs, and placement strategies.
  • 4. Transparent Privacy Policy: Clearly communicate your data collection and usage practices to users, ensuring transparency and obtaining users’ consent for personalized recommendations.
  • 5. User Control and Feedback: Enable users to have control over their recommendations by providing options to customize or adjust their preferences. Additionally, collect and incorporate user feedback to refine the recommendation system.


In summary, a well-designed and properly implemented “You May Also Like” section can bring numerous benefits to websites and platforms. By personalizing recommendations, enhancing user engagement, and driving conversions, this feature can significantly improve the user experience and contribute to business success. While challenges exist, following best practices and considering user privacy concerns will help overcome these obstacles and create a valuable and effective recommendation system.




  • 用户可以通过虚拟号码注册多个OpenAI账号。
  • 每一个OpenAI账号可以绑定区别的虚拟号码进行手机号验证。
  • 虚拟号码可以在区别国家或地区进行选择,以适应区别的注册要求。



  • 该漏洞允许攻击者批量注册OpenAI账号,以获得不要钱额度。
  • 攻击者只需具有一个手机号码便可注册多个账号,无需提供其他验证信息。
  • 这个漏洞可能致使歹意用户滥用OpenAI的资源,对平台造成一定的经济损失。



  1. 准备多个虚拟号码,可通过租赁虚拟号码服务或使用在线虚拟号码平台获得。
  2. 使用区别的虚拟号码进行OpenAI账号注册,确保每一个账号都有区别的手机号。
  3. 完成账号注册后,将每一个账号绑定到相应的虚拟号码进行手机号验证。



  • 用户可以在手机、平板电脑、电脑等多个装备上使用同一个OpenAI账号。
  • 登录时只需提供正确的账号和密码便可,无需进行装备绑定或其他限制。
  • 用户可以根据自己的需要,在区别装备上方便地使用OpenAI的服务。







