Best Practices for API Key Safety(openai的apikey能干甚么)

OpenAI API Key 接入指南

为了更好地理解和使用OpenAI的API Key,我们首先需要了解它的用处和重要性。

OpenAI API Key是甚么

OpenAI API Key是一种API密钥,用于访问OpenAI平台上的人工智能模型和工具。它是OpenAI提供的一种服务,可让开发者和企业轻松地使用OpenAI的人工智能技术,以构建更加智能化的利用程序。

OpenAI通过API Key来管理和控制对其模型的访问。这样做可以确保访问者是经过验证和授权的开发者,同时也能够监控和管理API的使用情况。

OpenAI API Key的用处

OpenAI API Key的主要作用是通过API调用OpenAI的人工智能模型,从而实现各种有趣和有价值的功能。以下是API Key可以实现的主要功能:

  1. 文本生成:OpenAI API Key可使用GPT⑶、GPT⑷等模型生成各种各样的文本,包括写作、聊天机器人、自动回复等。
  2. 文本理解:OpenAI的模型可以理解和解析文本,从而进行文本分类、语音转写、情感分析、机器翻译等自然语言处理任务。
  3. 聊天机器人:利用OpenAI API Key,可以开发智能聊天机器人,这些机器人可以与用户进行实时的对话和交换。

如何获得OpenAI API Key

要获得OpenAI API Key,您需要遵守以下步骤:

  1. 访问OpenAI官方网站,并登录您的账号。
  2. 进入API Keys页面,在该页面上可以创建和管理您的API Key。
  3. 点击“Create new secret key”按钮,生成一个新的API Key。
  4. 将生成的API Key保存好,并妥善保管。

保护OpenAI API Key的重要性

由于OpenAI API Key是用于访问OpenAI的人工智能模型和工具的凭证,所以保护它的安全性非常重要。

以下是保护OpenAI API Key的一些建议:

  • 不要将API Key泄漏给第三方,避免被歹意使用。
  • 不要在公然的代码或配置文件中明文保存API Key,可使用环境变量等方式进行隐藏。
  • 定期更换API Key,以减少被滥用的风险。


Always use a unique API key for each team member on your account

API keys are unique codes that identify your requests to the API. It is important to use a unique API key for each team member to ensure accountability and security. Sharing API keys is not allowed according to OpenAI’s Terms of Use. To grant API access to your team, invite new members to your account from the Members page. They will receive their own unique API key upon sign-in.

Never deploy your key in client-side environments like browsers or mobile apps

Deploying your OpenAI API key in client-side environments such as browsers or mobile apps is highly discouraged. Doing so can expose your key to malicious users who can make unauthorized requests on your behalf. This can result in unexpected charges or compromise of sensitive account data. To ensure security, always route requests through your own backend server where you can securely store your API key.

Never commit your key to your repository

Committing your API key to source code is a common way that keys get exposed to the internet. Even in private repositories, there is still a risk of data breaches that could lead to your keys being leaked. It is strongly recommended to use environment variables as a proactive key safety measure. By using environment variables, you can set and retrieve your API key without directly including it in your code. This adds an extra layer of security and prevents accidental exposure of your key.

Use Environment Variables in place of your API key

Environment variables are variables that are set on your operating system rather than within your application. By using environment variables, you can securely store and retrieve your API key. In this case, set the name of the variable to OPENAI_API_KEY. By keeping this variable name consistent across your team, you can share and commit your code without the risk of exposing your API key. Using environment variables also allows for easier management and updates of your API keys.

Windows Set-up

Option 1: Set your ‘OPENAI_API_KEY’ Environment Variable via the cmd prompt

To set your ‘OPENAI_API_KEY’ environment variable using the cmd prompt, follow these steps:

  1. Open the cmd prompt.
  2. Run the following command, replacing <yourkey> with your actual API key:
setx OPENAI_API_KEY "<yourkey>"

After running this command, you need to open a new cmd prompt window to use the environment variable with curl. You can validate that the variable has been set by opening a new cmd prompt window and typing:

Option 2: Set your ‘OPENAI_API_KEY’ Environment Variable through the Control Panel

To set your ‘OPENAI_API_KEY’ environment variable through the Control Panel, follow these steps:

  1. Open the System properties.
  2. Select Advanced system settings.
  3. Select Environment Variables…
  4. In the User variables section, select New…
  5. Add your name/key value pair, replacing <yourkey> with your actual API key:
Variable name Variable value
OPENAI_API_KEY <yourkey>

Linux / MacOS Set-up

Option 1: Set your ‘OPENAI_API_KEY’ Environment Variable using zsh

To set your ‘OPENAI_API_KEY’ environment variable using zsh, follow these steps:

  1. Run the following command in your terminal, replacing yourkey with your actual API key:
echo "export OPENAI_API_KEY='yourkey'" >> ~/.zshrc
  1. Update the shell with the new variable:
source ~/.zshrc
  1. Confirm that you have set your environment variable using the following command:

The resulting output should be the value of your API key.

Option 2: Set your ‘OPENAI_API_KEY’ Environment Variable using bash

Follow the directions in Option 1, but replace .zshrc with .bash_profile.

Use a Key Management Service

For teams deploying applications into production, it is recommended to use a Key Management Service (KMS) to securely manage API keys. KMS tools provide a secure way to store and manage keys, allowing you to control access and improve overall data security. With KMS, even in the event of a data breach, your keys are encrypted and stored in a separate location, reducing the risk of compromise.

Monitor your account usage and rotate your keys when needed

Regularly monitoring your account usage is important to ensure the security of your API key and prevent unauthorized access. If you suspect any misuse or unauthorized activity, there are steps you can take to protect your account:

  1. Track your team’s API usage by accessing the Usage page.
  2. If you have concerns about misuse, consider rotating your API keys regularly. By generating new keys and updating your code and environment variables, you can prevent any potential compromises.
  3. Stay vigilant and keep an eye out for any suspicious activity or unexpected charges. If you notice anything unusual, take immediate action to investigate and rectify the situation to minimize the impact on your account.

By following these best practices, you can ensure the security of your OpenAI API key and protect your account from unauthorized access or potential data breaches.


问题1:OpenAI API Key是甚么?

答案:OpenAI API Key是一种用于访问OpenAI平台上人工智能模型和工具的API密钥。 它是OpenAI为开发者和企业提供的一项服务,可帮助他们轻松使用OpenAI的人工智能技术来构建更智能化的利用程序。

  • OpenAI API Key允许开发者通过API调用访问OpenAI的强大模型,完成各种复杂任务。
  • 通过OpenAI API Key,开发者可以利用OpenAI的模型进行文本生成、文本理解、自然语言处理、聊天机器人等利用。
  • 使用OpenAI API Key,用户可以控制访问权限,根据需要生成和撤消API密钥,以确保安全性。

问题2:如何获得和使用OpenAI API Key?

答案:要获得和使用OpenAI API Key,可以依照以下步骤进行:

  • 访问OpenAI官网,打开官方网站:。
  • 登录OpenAI账号,点击右上角个人头像。
  • 点击“View API keys”进入API Keys页面。
  • 点击“Create new secret key”生成一个新的API密钥。
  • 将生成的API密钥保存好,用于访问OpenAI的API。

获得到OpenAI API Key后,可使用它来调用OpenAI的API进行相关开发,如文本生成、文本理解、自然语言处理、聊天机器人等。

问题3:OpenAI API Key的用处有哪几种?

答案:有了OpenAI API Key,您可以进行以下操作:

  • 文本生成:使用OpenAI API Key可以调用GPT⑶、GPT⑷等模型生成各种类型的文本,例如写作、聊天机器人、自动回复等。
  • 文本理解:OpenAI的模型可以理解和解析文本,用于文本分类、语音转写、情感分析、机器翻译等利用。
  • 聊天机器人:利用OpenAI API,可以开发智能聊天机器人,实现与用户的对话交互。
  • 自然语言处理:使用OpenAI API可以开发自然语言处理利用程序,用于处理文本数据、提取信息等。







