sppppky/Chatgpt3.5API: CHATGPT 3.5 TURBO API(chatgptAPI函数接口)(ChatGPTAPI Key申请)

I. 登录OpenAI网站

A. 在浏览器打开网址:https://openai.com/api/


B. 点击右上角的LOG IN按钮进入登录界面

在OpenAI的官方网站上方的右上角,找到LOG IN按钮并点击,进入登录界面。

C. 输入注册的邮箱和密码完成登录


II. 申请ChatGPT API Key

A. 进入登录后的页面


B. 点击”API keys”选项卡

在主页面上方可以看到一排选项卡,点击”API keys”选项卡。

C. 点击”Create new secret key”按钮

在API keys页面点击”Create new secret key”按钮,便可生成一个新的API Key。

D. 复制生成的API Key,并妥善保存

生成的API Key会显示在页面上,复制API Key并保存在安全的地方,以备将来使用。

III. 使用ChatGPT API Key

A. 将API Key集成到利用程序中,以开始使用ChatGPT的功能

将刚刚生成的API Key集成到您的利用程序中,这样您就能够开始使用ChatGPT的功能了。

B. 可使用简单的curl命令进行测试,将替换$OPENAI_API_KEY为自己的API Key

您可使用curl命令进行测试,以确保API Key的可用性。替换命令中的$OPENAI_API_KEY为您生成的API Key。

C. 根据官方提供的各种编程语言的简单实现代码进行开发


IV. 注意事项

A. API Key是个人的身份认证和接口扣费根据,需要妥善保管

生成的API Key是用于身份认证和接口扣费的根据,因此需要妥善保管,避免泄漏给他人。

B. 申请API Key时可能需要绑定一张卡,并确保卡内有一定余额

在申请API Key时,可能需要绑定一张卡作为支付方式,并确保卡内有一定余额,以便支付相关服务费用。

V. 总结

通过官方网站的申请流程,您可以轻松获得ChatGPT API Key,并将其集成到您的利用程序中,开始享受ChatGPT的强大功能。

ChatGPTAPI Key申请的进一步展开说明

Creating a branch with an existing tag

In Git, it is possible to encounter a situation where a branch name that you want to create already exists as a tag. While Git commands can accept both tag and branch names, creating a branch with the same name as an existing tag may lead to unexpected behavior. This article explores the implications of creating a branch in such a scenario.

1. The Conflict: Tag vs. Branch

When attempting to create a branch with a name that is already assigned to an existing tag, conflict arises. Git treats tags and branches differently, and their functionalities and intended purposes are not the same. A tag is usually used to label a specific version of a repository, while a branch represents an independent line of development. By trying to create a branch with a tag name, you risk causing confusion and unintended outcomes due to Git’s flexible acceptance of both tag and branch names.

2. Unexpected Behavior and Consequences

If you proceed with creating a branch that shares the same name as an existing tag, you may encounter unexpected behavior in your version control workflow. Git commands that accept both tag and branch names might not behave as intended, resulting in errors or unintended consequences. For example, if you attempt to switch to the branch using its name, Git might think you are referring to the tag instead, leading to confusion and potential mistakes in your workflow.

3. Examples of Unexpected Behavior

Here are a few examples that illustrate the potential confusion and issues that can arise from creating a branch with an existing tag:

  • If you use the branch name in a checkout command, Git may mistakenly switch to the tag instead, affecting your workflow.
  • If you merge or rebase branches and one of them has the same name as a tag, Git may treat it as a tag instead of a branch, resulting in unintended merging behavior.
  • If you use Git hooks or scripts that refer to branch names, they might encounter unexpected errors or issues when dealing with a branch that shares its name with a tag.

4. Best Practices

To avoid potential issues and confusion, it is recommended to adhere to the following best practices:

  • Choose distinct names: When creating branches, use names that do not conflict with any existing tags. By keeping the names unique, you reduce the risk of encountering unexpected behavior.
  • Use meaningful names: Choose descriptive names for branches that indicate their purpose or feature. This helps in clearly distinguishing between branches and tags, reducing the likelihood of confusion.
  • Consider tag prefixes: If you want to use similar names for tags and branches, consider adding a prefix to differentiate between them. For example, using “tag/v1.0” and “branch/v1.0” ensures clarity and minimizes confusion.
  • Documentation and communication: Clearly document your branch and tag naming conventions within your team or organization. Ensure that everyone understands the potential issues and best practices to follow when creating branches and tags.

5. Conclusion

Creating a branch with an existing tag name can lead to unexpected behavior and confusion in your version control workflow. To maintain a clear and efficient development process, it is essential to choose distinct and meaningful names for branches, ensuring they do not conflict with any existing tags. By adhering to best practices and communicating them effectively within your team, you can minimize the risk of encountering issues related to creating branches with existing tag names.

ChatGPTAPI Key申请的常见问答Q&A

问题1:ChatGPT API Key是甚么?

答案:ChatGPT API Key是使用OpenAI的ChatGPT模型进行编程调用的密钥。它是用来验证用户身份并跟踪API使用情况的一种凭证。通过申请API Key,用户可以将ChatGPT功能集成到自己的利用程序或网站中,从而利用ChatGPT的强大功能。

  • ChatGPT API Key是用于认证用户身份的凭证。
  • 通过API Key,用户可以将ChatGPT功能集成到自己的利用程序或网站中。
  • 申请API Key是开始使用ChatGPT API的关键步骤。

问题2:如何申请ChatGPT API Key?

答案:要申请ChatGPT API Key,可以依照以下步骤进行:

  1. 在浏览器中打开OpenAI的API申请网址:https://openai.com/api/。
  2. 点击页面右上角的“LOG IN”按钮,进入登录界面。
  3. 使用注册的邮箱和密码登录。
  4. 在登录后的页面中,找到API Key的申请或创建选项。
  5. 依照唆使填写相应的信息并提交申请。
  6. 等待OpenAI的审核和批准,一旦批准,将取得唯一的ChatGPT API Key。
  • 申请API Key时需要填写相应的信息并进行审核。
  • API Key一旦批准,将作为唯一的密钥提供给用户。
  • API Key申请的审批时间可能会有所变化。

问题3:怎么配置ChatGPT API Key?

答案:配置ChatGPT API Key可以依照以下步骤进行:

  1. 在利用程序或网站的代码中,找到与API Key相关的配置部份。
  2. 将取得的ChatGPT API Key复制并粘贴到配置部份指定的位置。
  3. 保存配置文件并重新启动利用程序或网站。
  • 配置API Key时需要将其粘贴到指定的位置。
  • 确保保存配置文件并重新启动利用程序或网站。
  • 配置API Key后,利用程序或网站将能够使用ChatGPT功能。








