OpenAI ChatGPT之API调用(基础篇)(openai的api接口在哪)

找到OpenAI API接口的正确位置

I. 介绍OpenAI API接口的概述

OpenAI API是一个访问OpenAI开发的新型AI模型的接口。通过OpenAI API,你可以从任何语言与API进行交互。

  • OpenAI API是甚么
  • OpenAI API是一个访问OpenAI开发的新型AI模型的接口。通过OpenAI API,你可以从任何语言与API进行交互。

  • OpenAI API的用处和优势
  • OpenAI API可以用于各种场景,如编写代码、起草电子邮件、回答问题等。OpenAI API使用先进的AI模型,可以产生高质量、与人类类似的文本。

II. 获得OpenAI API接口的步骤

  • 创建OpenAI账户
  • 访问OpenAI官网并注册一个账户。填写个人信息并完成简单的申请表格。

  • 生成API Key
  • 在页面创建API key。选择申请的API key并保存好。

III. 替换OpenAI API接口的域名和认证信息

  • 替换官方域名为本身代理域名
  • 将官方域名api.openai.com替换为自己的域名。这样可使用自己的代理服务器与OpenAI API进行交互。

  • 设置API Key和模型引擎ID
  • 在代码中导入openai库,并设置api_key为自己的API Key。设置model_engine_id为你想要使用的模型引擎ID。

IV. 使用OpenAI API接口的在线调试工具

  • 在线调试工具的地址和功能
  • 在可以访问OpenAI API的在线调试工具。这个工具包括了OpenAI官方提供的所有API,方便进行操作和调试。

V. 解决OpenAI API定阅付款的问题

  • 使用虚拟信用卡进行付款
  • 国内用户可使用WildCard虚拟信用卡通过支付宝充值,解决没法直接使用国内信用卡定阅OpenAI消费的问题。



OpenAI’s ChatGPT has gained popularity for its ability to generate high-quality and coherent text. In addition to the free web-based version, OpenAI also offers a paid API for developers to further explore and integrate its capabilities into their own applications. Due to recent instances of website congestion, using the API has become necessary for a more seamless experience. The OpenAI GPT⑶ API provides numerous benefits:

1. High-Quality Text Generation

GPT⑶ is an advanced language model that excels in generating high-quality and coherent text.

2. Language Understanding

GPT⑶ demonstrates a deep understanding of natural language, making it well-suited for tasks such as language translation, text summarization, and sentiment analysis.

3. Wide Range of Use Cases

The API can be applied to various applications, including code writing, email and message composition, and chatbot creation.

4. User-Friendly

The API is easy to use, as it can be accessed through simple HTTPS requests. Moreover, there are open-source libraries available for different programming languages, making integration more convenient.

5. Cost-Efficiency

The GPT⑶ API is a cloud-based service, eliminating the need for expensive hardware or training your own models.

6. Time-Saving

The GPT⑶ API can rapidly complete many natural language tasks, reducing manual inputs and saving time and resources.

7. Access to Big Data

GPT⑶ is trained on large datasets, enabling access to a vast knowledge base that aids in generating accurate and informative outputs.

Using the OpenAI ChatGPT API

To leverage the power of the GPT⑶ API, you must first create an account on the OpenAI website and obtain an API key. This key serves as authentication for your requests to the API.

You can interact with the GPT⑶ API using your preferred programming language, such as Python, JavaScript, or Ruby. The API is accessed through HTTPS requests to a specific endpoint, and you can authenticate using your API key.

Several open-source libraries are available for different languages, allowing for easier integration with the GPT⑶ API. For example, in Python, libraries like openai, gpt⑶-simple, and others provide convenient ways to interact with the API.

If you require assistance with a specific library or language, feel free to ask!

An Example: Generating Quick Sort Python Code

Here’s an example that demonstrates how you can use the OpenAI GPT⑶ API to generate Python code for the quicksort algorithm:

import openai

# Set the API key
openai.api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"

# Define the prompt for the GPT⑶ model
prompt = (
    f"Write a Python function to implement the quicksort algorithm on a given list of integers."

# Make a request to the GPT⑶ API
response = openai.Completion.create(

# Print the generated code

Remember to replace “YOUR_API_KEY” with your actual API key.


The OpenAI GPT⑶ API offers developers a powerful tool for high-quality text generation and language understanding. Its easy-to-use interface, cost-efficiency, and ability to save time make it an attractive choice for a wide range of applications. By accessing the API, developers can benefit from OpenAI’s extensive knowledge base and leverage the capabilities of the GPT⑶ model. Whether you need to generate code, write emails, or create chatbots, the GPT⑶ API provides a solution to enhance your projects.

Stay tuned for further updates and developments from OpenAI’s ChatGPT API!


问题1:OpenAI API 是甚么和怎样使用?

答案:OpenAI API 是一种能够让开发者访问和使用 OpenAI 开发的新型人工智能模型的接口。通过使用 OpenAI API,开发者可以利用这些先进的 AI 模型进行文本生成、对话、翻译等多种任务。

要使用 OpenAI API,开发者需要进行以下步骤:

  1. 在 OpenAI 官网上注册一个账户,并创建 API 密钥。
  2. 使用 API 密钥在代码中进行身份验证。
  3. 调用 API 接口,发送要求并获得响应。
  4. 根据响应结果进行处理和解析,以满足具体的利用需求。

使用 OpenAI API 的具体流程和示例代码可以参考 OpenAI 官网提供的 API 文档和示例代码。

问题2:如何获得自己的 OpenAI API?

答案:要获得自己的 OpenAI API,你需要依照以下步骤进行操作:

  1. 在 OpenAI 官网上注册一个账户,并登录到你的账户。
  2. 在账户页面找到 “API Keys” 或类似的选项。
  3. 点击 “创建 API 密钥” 或类似按钮。
  4. 依照提示完成 API 密钥的创建,并将生成的密钥保存好。

创建完成后,你就能够将这个 API 密钥用于访问和调用 OpenAI API 接口。

问题3:如何申请 OpenAI 的 API 接口?

答案:要申请 OpenAI 的 API 接口,你需要依照以下步骤进行操作:

  1. 访问 OpenAI 官网,并创建一个账户。
  2. 在注册完成后,填写一个简单的申请表格,提供你的个人信息和你计划使用 API 的目的和预期。
  3. 提交申请表格后,等待 OpenAI 的审批和回复。
  4. 如果申请成功,你将收到 API 密钥或相关的访问凭证。

申请完成后,你就能够使用这些凭证来访问和调用 OpenAI 的 API 接口。







