API突然频繁被封(原#419) · Issue #423 · zhayujie/chatgpt-on-wechat(openai的key被禁用)


1. OpenAI封号提示和缘由



2. OpenAI封号的解决方案


解决方案二:定期更换API KEY以减轻KEY使用压力。


3. 避免关键词被滥用的方法


定期检查API KEY会不会被滥用,保护账号安全。


4. 密钥安全问题

避免将OpenAI Key上传到公共代码托管平台,避免被黑客歹意利用。


5. 解决没法访问OpenAI API的问题


6. 地区限制与网站访问问题



7. 避免API Key被封禁的措施

了解OpenAI API Key的限制和注意事项。


8. 账号被禁用的解决方案






In this article, we will explore the steps to ask a question about a project on GitHub. GitHub is a popular platform for collaboration and version control, and it provides a straightforward way for users to contact maintainers and the community.

Signing up for GitHub

If you have a question about a project on GitHub and don’t have an account yet, the first step is to sign up for a free GitHub account. Follow the steps below:

  1. Pick a username: Choose a unique username that will be associated with your GitHub account.
  2. Email Address: Enter your email address for account verification and communication purposes.
  3. Password: Set a secure password to protect your GitHub account.
  4. Sign up for GitHub: Click on the “Sign up for GitHub” button to complete the registration process.

By signing up for GitHub, you agree to their terms of service and privacy statement. It’s important to review and understand these terms before proceeding with the registration.

Opening an Issue

Once you have signed up and logged in to your GitHub account, you can open an issue to ask your question. Follow the steps below:

  1. Find the project: Search for the project you have a question about using the search bar at the top of the GitHub page.
  2. Navigate to the repository: Click on the repository related to the project.
  3. Go to “Issues”: Inside the repository, go to the “Issues” tab.
  4. Create a new issue: Click on the “New issue” button to create a new issue for the project.
  5. Title and description: Give your issue a clear and descriptive title. In the description, provide all the necessary details and context for your question.
  6. Contact maintainers and the community: Once you have filled in the title and description, click on the “Submit new issue” button to open the issue. This will notify the project maintainers and the community about your question.

Contacting via Email

In addition to opening an issue on GitHub, you can also contact the project maintainers directly via email. This can be useful if you have a more personal or urgent question. Here are the steps to contact maintainers via email:

  1. Determine the maintainer’s email address: Look for the maintainer’s contact information in the project’s README file or on their personal website if available.
  2. Compose your email: Write a clear and concise email including your question and any relevant details or context. Make sure to be respectful and professional in your communication.
  3. Send the email: Once you have composed your email, send it to the maintainer’s email address. Keep in mind that the response time may vary depending on the maintainer’s availability and workload.

Remember to be patient and understanding while waiting for a response. Maintain a professional and courteous attitude throughout the communication process.


Asking a question about a project on GitHub is a straightforward process that involves signing up for a free GitHub account and opening an issue or contacting the maintainers via email. By following these steps, you can effectively reach out to the project maintainers and the community, enabling you to get the answers and assistance you need.


问题1:OpenAI API避免封禁的解决方案是甚么?

答案:为了不OpenAI API被封禁,可以采取以下解决方案:

  • 定期更换API KEY:可以定期从OpenAI平台上要求一个新的API KEY,或从区别的OpenAI平台中切换API KEY,避免长时间使用同一个KEY酿成的压力。
  • 遵照OpenAI使用规定:在使用OpenAI API时,需要遵照OpenAI的使用规定,比如不违背使用协议,不进行背法活动等。
  • 限制API调用频率:注意限制API调用的数量和频率,避免异常的API要求致使API KEY被停用。

问题2:OpenAI API被封禁的缘由是甚么?

答案:OpenAI API被封禁的缘由通常是由于用户违背了OpenAI的使用协议或行动不当。具体的缘由可能包括:

  • 违背了OpenAI的使用规定:比如使用API进行背法活动,发布背法内容等。
  • 异常的API要求数量和频率:极端情况下,过量的接口要求可能致使API KEY被停用。
  • 其他风控升级:OpenAI可能针对具体风险进行升级,限制用户使用API的某些功能或服务。

问题3:如何避免OpenAI API Key被盗用?

答案:为了避免OpenAI API Key被盗用,可以采取以下措施:

  • 不要将API Key上传到公共位置:避免将API Key上传到GitHub等公共代码库,避免被黑客获得。
  • 保护好API Key:确保API Key的安全性,不要随便泄漏或分享给他人。
  • 定期更换API Key:定期更换API Key,避免长时间使用同一个KEY增加被盗用的风险。

问题4:怎么解决OpenAI API访问问题?

答案:如果遇到OpenAI API访问问题,可以尝试以下解决方案:

  • 检查API Key会不会有效:确认API调用使用的访问密钥会不会正确。
  • 排查网络问题:检查网络连接会不会正常,可以尝试使用其他网络环境或装备。
  • 联系OpenAI支持团队:如果问题依然没法解决,可以联系OpenAI支持团队获得进一步的帮助和支持。








