How to create OpenAI API keys(OPENAI_KEY)
I. 获得OpenAI API Key
A. 注册OpenAI账号并申请API访问权限
要开始使用OpenAI API,您需要注册OpenAI账号并申请API访问权限。
示例:您可以在https://openai.com访问OpenAI官方网站并点击“Sign Up”按钮以创建新账户。
OpenAI会对申请进行审核,审核通过后便可获得API Key:
一旦您完成了注册进程,OpenAI团队将对您的申请进行审核。一般情况下,审核进程可能需要几个工作日的时间。一旦您的申请取得通过,您将收到一封电子邮件通知,并可以获得您的API Key。
II. 使用OpenAI API Key
A. 创建API Key
一旦您获得了OpenAI API Key,您可使用它来访问OpenAI的API。
登录OpenAI账户并选择左边菜单栏中的“API Key”:
登录您的OpenAI账户,并在左边菜单中找到“API Key”选项。
示例:您可以导航到,使用您的凭据登录,然后点击左边菜单栏的“API Key”。
点击“创建API Key”,记录下生成的秘钥:
在“API Key”页面,您可以选择“创建API Key”选项来生成一个新的API Key。请确保在生成API Key以后将其记录下来,以备将来使用。
示例:点击“创建API Key”按钮,然后将生成的秘钥复制到一个安全的地方。
III. 保护OpenAI API Key
A. 记录和保管好API Key
保护您的OpenAI API Key对确保您的账户和数据的安全相当重要。
在生成API Key以后,您只能在一次查看到它。因此,非常重要的是将API Key记录在一个安全的地方,以避免丢失。
为了最大程度地确保API Key的安全,您应当将其存储在一个唯一您知道的安全位置。这可以是一个加密的文件、密码管理器或其他安全的数字存储装备。
B. 遵守API Key安全最好实践
在使用和保护OpenAI API Key时,请遵守以下最好实践:
检查用户设置,可以在“User settings”中找到秘钥:
在OpenAI账户的“User settings”中,您可以查看和管理您的API Key。确保您的密钥仅对您可见,并定期检查和更新您的安全设置。
学习如何保护API Key,了解最好实践以确保秘钥的安全性:
在网络上有很多关于如何保护API Key的资源和指南。了解和实行最好实践,如限制API Key的访问、使用API密钥的时候进行身份验证、定期更换密钥等。
C. 谨慎分享和使用API Key
在分享和使用OpenAI API Key时,请保持谨慎并注意安全性。
不要轻易分享API Key给他人,以避免被滥用:
API Key是访问和使用OpenAI API的凭证。出于安全斟酌,不要随意与他人分享您的API Key,以避免被滥用。
在使用API Key时,注意验证要求的来源,避免歹意使用:
在使用API Key进行要求时,请确保验证要求的来源,并避免将API Key用于不受信任的利用程序或服务上。
How to Create OpenAI API Keys
GPT⑶ is a neural network model developed by OpenAI that has the ability to generate text in response to a given prompt. In order to access this API, you need to create an account and generate your own API keys. This process is straightforward and can be completed in a few simple steps.
1. Account Creation
To get started, you need to sign up for a free account on the OpenAI website. You can do this by visiting the signup page and providing your basic information. Alternatively, you can use your Google or Microsoft account to sign up. Please note that you may need to verify your account with a valid mobile number.
2. Generate API Keys
After successfully creating an account, you can visit your OpenAI key page. This page contains your API keys and can be accessed by clicking the “View API keys” menu item. To generate a new key, simply click the “Create new secret key” button. This key can be used in your applications.
It is worth mentioning that the API key you create grants access to both the GPT⑷ and ChatGPT models. You do not need separate API keys for each model.
3. Cost
When using the OpenAI API, it’s important to keep in mind that you will be charged based on your monthly usage. The cost structure is as follows:
Model | Cost per 1000 tokens |
GPT⑷ (8k Context) | $0.03 |
GPT⑷ (32k Context) | $0.06 |
GPT⑶ (Davinci) | $0.02 |
GPT⑶.5 Turbo | $0.002 (10x cheaper than GPT⑶) |
Whisper (Audio) | $0.006 per minute |
For example, if you use 2500 tokens per day of GPT⑶ Davinci for 20 days in a month, the cost would be $1, calculated as 0.02 * 2.5 * 20.
4. Setting Limits
OpenAI offers $18 of free credits, which you can use within the first 3 months. This is a great way to test the service and get familiar with its capabilities.
If you plan to use the API regularly, you will need to add your credit card information on the billing page. This will prevent you from encountering usage limit errors.
Additionally, you have the option to set up a usage limit for your paid plan. For example, you can set a limit of $10/month, which ensures that you won’t exceed your desired usage and budget.
Creating OpenAI API keys is a simple process that involves signing up for an account and generating keys. By following these steps, you can gain access to the powerful GPT⑶ and ChatGPT models for generating text.
It’s important to be aware of the cost structure and set appropriate limits to ensure that your usage aligns with your budget. With the ability to test the service with free credits and configure usage limits, OpenAI provides flexibility for both new and regular users.
Lastly, if you’re looking for an easy way to utilize the features of GPT⑶ and GPT⑷ on your Mac, be sure to check out Elephas. With Elephas, you can effortlessly write emails, documents, and blogs, and even rewrite sentences with different tones without leaving your application. It even supports loading your own documents, making it a comprehensive tool for content creation.
问题1:如何获得和使用OpenAI API Key?
答案:获得和使用OpenAI API Key的步骤以下:
- 访问OpenAI官方网站并注册账户,提供个人信息并完成注册。
- 登录OpenAI账户,在左边菜单栏当选择“API Key”。
- 点击“Create API Key”按钮创建新的API Key。
- 记录下生成的API Key,确保妥善保存,以便后续使用。
现在您已成功获得并创建了OpenAI API Key,在使用OpenAI接口时,只需将API Key作为参数传递便可。
问题2:如何保护OpenAI API Key?
答案:保护OpenAI API Key的重要性不言而喻,以下是一些建议的安全措施:
- 不要将API Key暴露在公共代码或公然可访问的地方。
- 仅将API Key与受信任的利用程序和服务共享。
- 定期轮换API Key,以避免潜伏的安全要挟。
- 使用安全存储和加密机制来保存API Key。
- 避免将API Key硬编码在代码中,而是将其存储在环境变量或配置文件中。
通过采取适当的安全措施,您可以确保OpenAI API Key的安全性,避免未经授权的访问。
问题3:怎么查看OpenAI的API Key?
答案:要查看OpenAI的API Key,请依照以下步骤操作:
- 登录到您的OpenAI账户。
- 点击右上角的个人资料图标。
- 选择“View API Keys”选项。
- 在此页面上,您将能够查看您的API Key。
请记住,API Key是私密信息,不要将其与他人共享或公然。