OpenAI API(openai api接口)

I. OpenAI API接口的申请流程

A. 在OpenAI官网注册账户并登录

要申请OpenAI API接口,首先需要在官网注册一个账户并登录。在官网首页,可以看到右上角有一个“Get Started”的按钮,点击进入API申请页面。

B. 填写API申请页面的相关信息


C. 等待审核并获得API密钥


获得API密钥后,就能够开始配置和使用OpenAI API接口了。

II. OpenAI API接口的配置和调用

A. 导入OpenAI库和设置API密钥

在开始配置和调用OpenAI API接口之前,首先需要导入OpenAI库,并设置API密钥。可使用以下代码来导入库并设置API密钥:

import openai
openai.api_key = 'your-api-key'

B. 配置模型引擎和输入提示

配置模型引擎是使用OpenAI API接口的关键步骤之一。可以通过指定模型引擎来选择使用哪一个模型进行文本生成。在配置模型引擎时,还可使用输入提示来唆使生成的文本内容。

C. 调用API接口进行文本生成


response = openai.Completion.create(
  prompt='Once upon a time',
result = response.choices[0].text

通过以上步骤,就能够使用OpenAI API接口进行文本生成了。

III. OpenAI API接口的高级用法

A. 自定义URL前缀

除基本的配置和调用,OpenAI API接口还支持一些高级用法。比如,可以自定义URL前缀来设置API接口的访问路径。具体操作以下:

  1. 从源码中找到openaiapibase参数。
  2. 设置URL前缀的实例化参数。

B. 接口版本差异

OpenAI API接口有区别的版本,包括基于GPT⑶.5版本的ChatGPT接口和基于GPT⑶版本的ChatGPT接口。这两个接口在功能和使用上有一些差异,可以根据实际需求选择适合的版本。

IV. OpenAI API接口的利用案例

A. 聊天机器人开发

通过使用OpenAI API接口,可以构建聊天机器人,实现与用户的交互体验。聊天机器人可以用于解答常见问题、提供建议或文娱等场景,提升用户体验。

B. 文本生成利用

利用OpenAI API接口进行文本生成,可以利用于生成文章摘要、生成新闻标题或推文内容等场景。通过调用API接口,可以方便地生成各种类型的文本内容。

V. OpenAI API接口的注意事项

A. 资费计算和使用限制

使用OpenAI API接口时,需要注意费用的计算方式和使用接口的限制和配额问题。具体的计费方式和限制信息可以在OpenAI官网上查看。

B. 安全和隐私保护

在使用OpenAI API接口时,需要注意API要求中的数据隐私问题。OpenAI采取了一系列安全措施和合规要求,保护用户的数据安全和隐私。

openai api接口的进一步展开说明

Preventing Misuse of GPT⑵

With GPT⑵, one of the major concerns is the potential misuse of the model for purposes such as disinformation. Once a model is open sourced, it becomes difficult to prevent such malicious use. However, with the API, there are measures in place to better prevent misuse by limiting access only to approved customers and use cases. Before proposed applications can go live, there is a mandatory production review process to evaluate them.

Production Review Process

The production review process involves evaluating applications across several aspects. Some of the questions asked during this evaluation include:

  • Is this a currently supported use case?
  • How open-ended is the application?
  • How risky is the application?
  • How do you plan to address potential misuse?
  • Who are the end users of your application?

If an application is found to cause or intend to cause physical, emotional, or psychological harm to individuals, including harassment, intentional deception, radicalization, astroturfing, or spam, API access for that use case is terminated. Additionally, applications without sufficient guardrails to limit misuse by end users are also prevented from accessing the API.

As more experience is gained in operating the API, the categories of use that can be supported are continually refined. This is done to broaden the range of applications that can be supported and to create more specific categories for those that raise concerns of misuse.

Importance of Constrained Behavior

One important factor in approving uses of the API is the extent to which an application demonstrates constrained behavior as opposed to open-ended behavior. Open-ended applications that allow for the frictionless generation of large amounts of customizable text via arbitrary prompts are particularly vulnerable to misuse. Constraints that can make generative use cases safer include:

  • Keeping a human in the loop during system design
  • Restricting end user access
  • Applying post-processing to outputs
  • Implementing content filtration
  • Setting input/output length limitations
  • Active monitoring
  • Limiting the topics of generated content

By implementing these types of constraints, the potential for misuse can be reduced.

Research and Collaboration

Continual research is being conducted to explore potential misuses of the models served by the API. This research is done in collaboration with third-party researchers through the academic access program. Although the number of researchers involved is currently limited, some initial results have already been obtained through partnerships with institutions such as Middlebury Institute, University of Washington, and Allen Institute for AI. The academic access program has received tens of thousands of applications, and priority is currently given to projects focusing on fairness and representation research.

Through this ongoing research and collaboration, further insights into potential misuses can be gained, and measures can be taken to mitigate those risks.

openai api接口的常见问答Q&A

问题:甚么是 OpenAI API?

答案:OpenAI API 是 OpenAI 公司提供的一个接口,用于访问和使用他们开发的新型人工智能模型。通过这个 API,开发者可以利用 OpenAI 的 AI 模型进行文本生成、问题回答、聊天等各种任务。OpenAI API 提供了一种方便的方式,让开发者可以通过编程的方式与 AI 模型进行交互,从而创建出各种智能利用。

  • 怎样使用 OpenAI API?
  • 使用 OpenAI API 的步骤以下:

    1. 在 OpenAI 官网上注册账户并登录。
    2. 点击网页右上角的 “Get Started” 进入 API 申请页面。
    3. 填写申请页面上的相关信息,提交申请。
    4. 等待审核通过后,获得 API 密钥。
    5. 使用编程语言(如 Python)调用 OpenAI API,并将需要处理的文本传递给 API。
    6. 接收 API 返回的结果,并根据需要进行进一步的处理和展现。


以下是使用 Python 语言调用 OpenAI API 的简单示例:

import openai

openai.api_key = '你的 API 密钥'

# 设置模型引擎
model_engine_id = "text-davinci-002"

# 设置文本提示
prompt = "请帮我生成一段关于自然语言处理的介绍。"

# 调用 OpenAI API
response = openai.Completion.create(

# 获得生成的文本
generated_text = response.choices[0].text








