Named API keys and new API key limit!(openai的apikey最多多少个)

OpenAI的API Key最多支持多少个?

近期,很多用户都对OpenAI的API Key数量的限制产生了疑问。在本文中,我们将详细介绍OpenAI的API Key的申请、认证和使用限制,并回答这个问题。

1. OpenAI API Key的申请和认证

要取得OpenAI的API Key,用户需要注册OpenAI账号并进行申请和认证。每一个账号只能申请一个API Key,该密钥将用于验证用户的身份和API访问权限。

2. 使用API时的认证和身份验证

在使用OpenAI的API时,用户需要在每一个API要求中使用所取得的API Key进行认证,以验证自己的身份和API访问权限。API Key的使用确保了每一个用户只能访问自己的数据和服务,保护了用户的隐私和数据安全。

3. API Key的限制和使用次数

至于API Key的使用次数,OpenAI没有明确的限制和计数机制。一个API Key可以屡次使用,但具体的使用次数和限制可能会因具体的API服务和用户的定阅计划而有所区别。

4. API Key的命名和数量限制

最近的更新提供了API Key的命名功能,用户可以为API Key设置自定义的名称。而且,用户可以创建多达25个API Key,相比之前的限制提升了10倍。这样的增加使得用户可以更好地管理和辨别区别的API访问权限和使用情况。


在总结部份,我们再次强调,目前每一个OpenAI账号最多可以申请一个API Key,用于认证用户的身份和API访问权限。用户可以通过注册OpenAI账号并申请API密钥来使用API服务。每一个API密钥可以屡次使用,但具体的使用次数和限制可能会因API服务和定阅计划而有所区别。最近的更新将API Key的数量限制提升到25个,并提供了自定义命名的功能,使用户可以更好地管理和辨别区别的API访问权限和使用情况。



The killer feature would be “constrained use” keys. There are many third-party apps that cannot afford the unlimited usage of their own keys and therefore ask the user for theirs. However, users don’t want to give out unlimited keys. This problem can be easily solved by allowing users to give apps limited keys that they can control the usage limits on.

The Need for “Constrained Use” Keys

In the digital age, third-party apps have become an essential part of our lives. These apps provide us with various services, ranging from entertainment to productivity. However, many of these apps require access to our personal information or resources, such as social media accounts or cloud storage, to function properly. As users, we want to maintain control over the access and usage of our personal data and resources. Therefore, the need for “constrained use” keys arises.

1. Protecting the User’s Privacy

  • Privacy Concerns: Users value their privacy and want to ensure that their personal information is not misused or accessed without their permission. By using “constrained use” keys, users can limit the access and usage of their personal data.
  • Control over Access: Giving third-party apps unlimited access to our personal information might put us at risk of data breaches or unauthorized use. By providing limited keys, we can control the level of access these apps have and minimize the potential risks.

2. Meeting the Needs of Third-Party Apps

  • Cost Concerns: Many third-party apps have limited financial resources and cannot afford the costs associated with generating and maintaining their own keys. By allowing them to utilize the users’ keys within specified limits, these apps can save resources and focus on improving their services.
  • User Reluctance: Some users might be reluctant to provide unlimited access to their personal keys due to security concerns. By offering limited keys, users are more likely to grant access, as they have control over the usage limits.

The Solution: “Constrained Use” Keys

The concept of “constrained use” keys is simple yet effective. It allows the users to generate keys with predefined usage limits and parameters. These keys can be given to third-party apps, granting them access to specific functionalities or resources without compromising the user’s privacy or security.

1. User-Controlled Limits

With “constrained use” keys, users have complete control over the limits placed on app usage. For example, a user could generate a key with a limited number of API calls, a specific expiration date, or a restricted set of permissions. This ensures that the app cannot exceed the predefined boundaries set by the user.


Let’s say a user wants to give a third-party app access to their cloud storage. Instead of providing the app with their unlimited key, which grants unrestricted access to all their files, the user can generate a constrained key. This key could limit the app’s access to a specific folder and restrict the app from deleting files or making changes. The user can also set an expiration date for the key, ensuring that the app can only access their files for a limited time.

2. Enhanced Security

“Constrained use” keys enhance the security of both the user and the app. By providing limited keys, users are less vulnerable to data breaches or unauthorized access. Even if an app’s security is compromised, the attacker would only have access to the resources permitted by the limited key.


Imagine a scenario where a user grants a third-party app access to their social media account. By using a constrained key, the app can only read the user’s timeline and post tweets, but it cannot access direct messages or modify account settings. In the event of a security breach, the hacker would have limited access, reducing the potential damage.


“Constrained use” keys provide a solution to the problem of limited resources for third-party apps and user concerns over privacy and security. By allowing users to generate keys with controlled limits, both parties can benefit. Users can maintain control over their personal data while granting apps access to the resources they need. Third-party apps can utilize the limited keys, saving resources and ensuring user trust. The implementation of “constrained use” keys is a win-win solution for all parties involved.




  • 每一个OpenAI账号是独享一人一号的。
  • 每一个账号都带有一个API密钥,用于验证用户身份和API要求。
  • 一个OpenAI账号只能开一个apikey。



  • 在使用OpenAI API时,需要在要求中使用所获得的API密钥进行认证。
  • 目前每一个账号最多可以申请一个API密钥。
  • OpenAI密钥申请和认证可以通过瑞晟科技网进行。



  • 每一个OpenAI账号是独享一人一号的,apikey也是与账号相关联的。
  • 每一个账号只能开一个apikey,不支持共享。
  • 这是为了确保每一个用户的API要求能够准确验证身份和计费。



  • OpenAI的目标是让用户可以更轻松地使用AI接口进行开发和利用。
  • 在设计上,OpenAI更重视简单易用和开发效力,而不是增加过量的安全防护机制。



  • OpenAI提供了AI接口的访问权限,用户可以租赁OpenAI账号来使用API。
  • 租赁OpenAI账号可以取得API密钥,用于在使用API时进行认证。
  • WEB-NFT是一个提供OpenAI账号租赁的网站。







