OpenAI launches an API for ChatGPT, plus dedicated capacity for enterprise customers(when will chatg

当将ChatGPT API可用?


OpenAI发布了ChatGPT API,使得付费的API客户都可以访问GPT⑷。ChatGPT API于2023年3月推出,并在本月进行了首次更新。OpenAI预感到在未来,基于聊天的模型将能够支持任何用例。










ChatGPT API的价值和用处


ChatGPT API使用了名为”gpt⑶.5-turbo”的模型,这是同一模型用于ChatGPT Plus用户。

ChatGPT API的发展进程




自2023年3月起,OpenAI已在API上发布了ChatGPT,并且该API已成为所有付费API客户的一部份。开发者和企业现在可使用ChatGPT API构建各种利用和产品。ChatGPT被广泛认可并遭到热捧,人们普遍对其性能和创新表示赞美。虽然ChatGPT目前依然处于测试阶段,但OpenAI已计划将其作为正式的API发布。

when will chatgpt api be available的进一步展开说明


OpenAI, the San Francisco-based startup, has developed ChatGPT, a free text-generating AI that has gained immense popularity with over 100 million monthly active users. To monetize ChatGPT, OpenAI introduced a premium service, ChatGPT Plus, in February. Now, OpenAI has launched the ChatGPT API, allowing businesses to integrate ChatGPT into their apps, websites, products, and services.

API to Meet Demand

According to Greg Brockman, the president and chairman of OpenAI, the API was always part of the plan. However, it required time to ensure its quality and scalability. The ChatGPT API is powered by the same AI model as ChatGPT and is known as “gpt⑶.5-turbo,” an optimized and more responsive version. With an affordable price of $0.002 per 1,000 tokens, the API offers a range of experiences and has already been adopted by companies like Snap, Quizlet, Instacart, and Shopify.

Improvements and Applications

Besides reducing compute costs, gpt⑶.5-turbo brings improvements in other areas. OpenAI aims to build AI-powered tutors that not only provide answers but also explain and assist in learning. The introduction of Chat Markup Language (ChatML) allows developers to tailor and filter the responses of the ChatGPT model. This higher-level API reduces the susceptibility of prompt-based attacks and improves robustness.

The ChatGPT API has already been utilized by companies to enhance their services. For example, Snap developed a chatbot called My AI for Snapchat+ subscribers, Quizlet integrated Q-Chat as a virtual tutor, Shopify created a personalized shopping assistant, and Instacart developed Ask Instacart to provide food recommendations. These applications demonstrate how the API can enhance user experiences across a range of industries.

Addressing Concerns

OpenAI has been proactive in addressing concerns related to bias, toxicity, and unintended behavior in ChatGPT. They have made continuous improvements to the model and have introduced more frequent updates. The release of gpt⑶.5-turbo ensures that developers are automatically upgraded to the latest stable model, with the option to remain with older versions if necessary. OpenAI has also launched dedicated capacity plans, enabling customers to have more control over system performance and context limits. These measures aim to mitigate bias, toxicity, and hallucination issues.

Future Prospects

While OpenAI aims to eventually offer an on-demand version of the ChatGPT API, they currently prioritize dedicated capacity customers due to performance tradeoffs. The dedicated capacity plans provide customers with the ability to have full control over the model’s load and enable features such as longer context limits. This not only expands the model’s capabilities but also has the potential to reduce biases and toxic outputs.

OpenAI hinted at a general release in the future, but for now, their focus is on improving and refining the system. As they continue to evolve and address user concerns, their goal is to provide a more reliable and accessible AI technology.

when will chatgpt api be available的常见问答Q&A

问题1:GPT⑷ API 是甚么?

GPT⑷ API 是 OpenAI 推出的一项功能,用于让开发者能够通过编程与 GPT⑷ 进行交互。GPT⑷ 是 OpenAI 的最新一代语言模型,具有强大的文本生成能力。通过使用 GPT⑷ API,开发者可以将这类文本生成能力集成到他们自己的利用程序或产品中。

问题2:ChatGPT 和 Whisper API 是甚么?

ChatGPT API 和 Whisper API 是 OpenAI 最近推出的两个 API。ChatGPT API 允许开发者与 ChatGPT 进行编程式交互,而 Whisper API 则提供了转化语音为文本的功能。这两个 API 都是建立在 GPT⑷ 模型的基础上,为开发者提供了更加强大的语言处理和生成能力。

问题3:GPT⑷ API 的定价和使用方式如何?

GPT⑷ API 的定价和使用方式由 OpenAI 官方肯定。具体定价和使用细节可以在 OpenAI 的官方网站上找到。开发者需要根据自己的需求选择适合的套餐和支付方式,并依照 API 的文档指引使用 API。

问题4:GPT⑷ API 与先前版本的兼容性如何?

GPT⑷ API 是最新版本的 API,因此不再与先前版本的 API 兼容。如果开发者需要继续使用先前版本的 API,他们需要修改他们的代码以适应新的 API。建议开发者尽快迁移到最新的 API 版本,以便取得最新的功能和性能提升。

问题5:ChatGPT 和 Whisper API 在语言处理和生成方面好处有哪些?

ChatGPT 和 Whisper API 基于 GPT⑷ 模型,具有强大的语言处理和生成能力。ChatGPT API 可以用于编程式与 ChatGPT 进行交互,而 Whisper API 则提供了将语音转化为文本的功能。这两个 API 的优势以下:

  • 文本处理:ChatGPT API 和 Whisper API 都使用了最新的 GPT⑷ 模型,能够处理各种情势的文字输入,包括对话和语音转换为文本等。
  • 语言生成:GPT⑷ 模型在语言生成方面具有先进的能力,能够生成联贯、流畅的文本,帮助开发者快速实现自然语言处理利用。
  • 开发者友好:ChatGPT API 和 Whisper API 提供了简单易用的接口和开发文档,使开发者能够轻松集成这些功能到自己的利用中。








