ChatGPT Rate Limit: A Comprehensive Guide(chatgpt api key limit)

I. ChatGPT API关键词限制概述

ChatGPT API 提供区别的速率限制,根据用户的定阅计划而定。以下是不要钱试用用户和按使用付费的用户的限制:

1. 不要钱试用用户的限制

  • a. 每分钟最多可发送20个要求 (RPM)
  • b. 每分钟最多可发送40,000个令牌 (TPM)

2. 按使用付费的用户的限制

  • a. 前48小时的限制
    • i. 每分钟最多可发送60个要求 (RPM)
    • ii. 每分钟最多可发送60,000个令牌 (TPM)
  • b. 48小时后的限制
    • i. 每分钟最多可发送3,500个要求 (RPM)
    • ii. 每分钟最多可发送90,000个令牌 (TPM)

II. 解决ChatGPT API关键词限制的方法

A. 优化要求速率限制的使用


1. 肯定要求速率限制的类型

ChatGPT API 的速率限制有两种类型:要求数限制 (requests per minute, RPM) 和令牌数限制 (tokens per minute, TPM)。根据实际情况选择合适的优化策略。

2. 监控要求速率限制使用情况


B. 优化令牌使用量

减少令牌使用量可以帮助我们更有效地利用ChatGPT API:

1. 减少输入文本的令牌数


2. 斟酌令牌数限制的最大值


C. 使用预生成回复


1. 利用API中的预生成回复功能


2. 检查API文档取得有关预生成回复的详细信息


III. 总结

ChatGPT API提供区别的关键词限制,根据用户定阅计划的区别而有所区别。为了最大限度地提高ChatGPT API的使用效果,我们可以优化要求速率限制的使用方式,公道利用令牌数限制,并学会使用预生成回复来减少API要求量。通过这些方法,开发者可以免超越关键词限制,并更好地利用ChatGPT API。

chatgpt api key limit的进一步展开说明


ChatGPT is an advanced language model that has gained popularity for various applications, including chatbots, writing assistants, and customer service bots. However, like many other API-based services, ChatGPT has a rate limit. This article delves into the concept of rate limit and its impact on ChatGPT’s performance.

What is ChatGPT Rate Limit?

The rate limit sets a threshold for the number of requests that can be sent to an API within a given time interval. It is enforced to prevent abuse, overload, or resource depletion on the server side. In the case of ChatGPT, the rate limit determines the maximum number of requests that can be made to the ChatGPT API within a specific time frame.

Understanding ChatGPT Rate Limit

The ChatGPT rate limit controls the volume of API requests that can be made by a user within a given time period. It is measured in requests per minute (RPM). For example, if the rate limit is set to 100 RPM, it means that a user can make 100 requests per minute. Once the limit is exceeded, the server will stop processing the requests until the time window expires.

Types of Rate Limit

ChatGPT offers two types of rate limits to control API usage:

  • IP-based rate limit: This rate limit is based on the IP address of the user. The server monitors the number of requests made from the same IP address within a given time frame. If the requests exceed the limit, the server blocks the IP address for a certain period.
  • API key-based rate limit: This rate limit is associated with the API key of the user. The server tracks the number of requests made with the same API key within a given time interval. If the limit is reached, the server stops processing the requests associated with that API key.

Best Practices for ChatGPT Rate Limit

To ensure optimal performance and avoid rate limit errors when using ChatGPT, consider the following best practices:

  1. Understand Your Application’s Needs: Assess your application’s requirements and set a rate limit that aligns with the expected number of requests.
  2. Monitor Your API Usage: Keep track of your API usage and use monitoring tools or custom scripts to prevent exceeding the rate limit.
  3. Implement Backoff Strategies: If the rate limit is reached, implement backoff strategies such as exponential or linear backoff, which involve delaying subsequent requests by increasing time intervals between them.
  4. Use Caching Mechanisms: Implement caching mechanisms, like memoization or storing the results of previous requests, to avoid unnecessary requests that may exceed the rate limit.
  5. Apply Rate Limiting at the Client-side: Set a limit on the number of requests a user can make within a given time frame on the client side. This reduces the volume of requests sent to the server and prevents rate limit errors.


The ChatGPT rate limit is a critical aspect to consider when implementing chatbots, writing assistants, or customer service bots using the ChatGPT API. Understanding the rate limit and its impact on performance is essential for optimal usage and to avoid rate limit errors. By following the best practices mentioned above, users can leverage ChatGPT’s capabilities without exceeding the rate limit.


  1. What happens if I exceed the ChatGPT rate limit?

    If a user exceeds the ChatGPT rate limit, the server will stop processing the requests until the time window expires. This means that the user will not be able to send any further requests until the rate limit is reset.

  2. How can I monitor my API usage and prevent exceeding the rate limit?

    You can monitor your API usage by using tools such as monitoring software or custom scripts that track your API usage. Additionally, implementing caching mechanisms and backoff strategies can help prevent exceeding the rate limit.

  3. How can I set an appropriate rate limit for my application?

    To set an appropriate rate limit, assess your application’s requirements and determine the expected number of requests. Based on this assessment, set a rate limit that meets your application’s needs.

  4. Can I apply rate limiting at the client-side?

    Yes, you can apply rate limiting on the client side by setting a limit on the number of requests a user can make within a given time frame. This technique helps reduce the volume of requests sent to the server and prevents rate limit errors.

  5. What are the benefits of implementing backoff strategies?

    Implementing backoff strategies reduces the load on the server and prevents rate limit errors by delaying subsequent requests. Backoff strategies can improve the overall performance of your application by reducing the number of requests sent to the server.

chatgpt api key limit的常见问答Q&A

问题1:ChatGPT API是甚么?

答案:ChatGPT API是OpenAI提供的一种利用程序编程接口(API),用于与ChatGPT模型进行交互。通过ChatGPT API,开发者可以向模型发送文本提示并获得模型生成的响应。这样,开发者可以将ChatGPT集成到自己的利用程序、工具或服务中,实现自然语言处理和对话生成的功能。

  • ChatGPT API提供了一种简单、灵活的方式,让开发者能够充分利用ChatGPT的强大能力。
  • 开发者可使用ChatGPT API实现聊天机器人、智能对话系统、虚拟助手等利用场景。
  • 通过API调用ChatGPT模型,开发者可以根据自己的需求定制对话的流程、语义解析和响应生成的逻辑。

问题2:ChatGPT API的速率限制是多少?

答案:ChatGPT API的速率限制取决于用户的定阅计划。不要钱试用用户每分钟可以发送20个要求(RPM)和40,000个令牌(TPM)。按需付费用户在前48小时内的限制是每分钟60个要求(RPM)和60,000个令牌(TPM),48小时后限制为每分钟3,500个要求(RPM)和90,000个令牌(TPM)。

  • 速率限制是为了确保API的稳定性和可靠性,避免滥用和过度消耗资源。
  • 根据区别的用户计划,限制的要求频率和令牌数区别,但都有一定的限制。
  • 不要钱试用用户的速率限制较低,而按需付费用户的速率限制较高。


答案:如果遇到ChatGPT API的速率限制毛病,可以采取以下解决方法:

  • 检查API要求频率:确保自己的要求频率没有超过速率限制,根据区别的定阅计划进行调剂。
  • 优化要求内容:减少每一个要求中的令牌数,尽可能缩短要求的长度,以便在限制范围内。
  • 斟酌升级定阅计划:如果当前的速率限制没法满足需求,可以斟酌升级到更高级的付费计划,以获得更高的速率限制。







