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I. ChatGPT概述

ChatGPT是OpenAI于2023年11月推出的聊天机器人,基于OpenAI的GPT⑶模型构建。除ChatGPT API,还有一个可以用于聊天机器人等的可扩大API,即Reverse Engineered ChatGPT API。

A. ChatGPT是由OpenAI于2023年11月推出的聊天机器人


B. 基于OpenAI的GPT⑶模型构建

ChatGPT是基于OpenAI的GPT⑶模型构建的。GPT⑶(Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3)是一种预训练的自然语言处理模型,具有极强的语言理解和生成能力。ChatGPT利用这一模型来生成符合语境和意义的回复。

C. Reverse Engineered ChatGPT API是可以用于聊天机器人等的可扩大API

除官方提供的ChatGPT API,还有一种Reverse Engineered ChatGPT API,可以用于构建各种类型的聊天机器人。这个API是可扩大的,开发者可以根据自己的需求进行定制和扩大,实现更多功能和利用场景。

II. ChatGPT开源实现


A. ChatGPT的开源实现在GitHub上可取得

1. lencx/ChatGPT:lencx/ChatGPT是ChatGPT的开源克隆版本,使用PHP构建的简单Web利用。你可以在GitHub上找到该项目的源代码并进行浏览、学习和使用。

2. OpenChatGPT:OpenChatGPT是一个用于训练类似于ChatGPT的聊天机器人的开源库。它提供了包括训练数据集、模型实现和评估工具在内的一套完全解决方案,可以帮助开发者快速构建自己的聊天机器人。


GitHub上有一个提供了优秀UI界面的ChatGPT项目,它可以运行在网页、Windows、MacOS和Linux平台上。这个项目提供了美观友好的用户界面,使得使用ChatGPT更加方便和直观。同时,这个项目还使用了GitHub Actions for source延续集成工具,确保了代码的质量和稳定性。

A. GitHub上提供了一个UI界面优秀的ChatGPT项目

1. ztjhz/BetterChatGPT:这个项目提供了一个优秀的UI界面,可以在网页、Windows、MacOS和Linux平台上运行。它让用户可以轻松与ChatGPT进行交互,并取得开箱即用的聊天机器人体验。

2. 使用GitHub Actions for source延续集成工具:为了确保项目的质量和稳定性,这个ChatGPT项目使用了GitHub Actions for source延续集成工具。这意味着开发者可以延续不断地构建、测试和部署项目,保证项目的更新和改进能够得到及时的反馈和利用。

IV. ChatGPT桌面利用


A. ChatGPT的桌面利用在GitHub上可以找到

1. AI-powered CLI git wrapper:这是一个基于ChatGPT的AI驱动的命令行界面git包装器。它可以帮助开发者更高效地使用git,并提供了一些额外的功能,如聊天记录管理等。

2. Code search engine:这是一个AI驱动的代码搜索引擎,利用ChatGPT的能力来加速开发工作流程。它可以帮助开发者快速找到符合需求的代码片断,提高开发效力和质量。

V. ChatGPT的教程和示例


A. 提供了Python实践教程

1. Python hands on tutorial:这个教程提供了50多个Python利用的实践教程,每一个利用都只需10行代码。你可以通过这个教程学习怎样使用Python来实现各种功能,并将ChatGPT利用于你的项目中。

2. Simple ChatGPT AI tutorial:这是一个关于如何生成图象、文本、代码和其利用的简单ChatGPT AI教程。通过这个教程,你可以了解怎样使用ChatGPT来生成各种类型的内容,并探索它在区别领域的利用潜力。

VI. ChatGPT的其他资源


A. ChatGPT的相关资源一样可以在GitHub上找到

1. ChatGPT替换品列表:这个列表包括了区别类型的开源实现和相关数据,可以供你选择和使用。你可以在这个列表中找到符合自己需求的ChatGPT替换方案。

2. 与ChatGPT相关的功能:GitHub提供了一些功能,如代码搜索、存储库、用户、问题、拉取要求等。你可使用这些功能来查找和了解与ChatGPT相关的项目和内容。

chatgpt source code github的进一步展开说明

A Comprehensive Guide for Developers: How to Use and Integrate ChatGPT

Developers who want to incorporate ChatGPT into their applications can benefit from this comprehensive guide. It provides an overview of ChatGPT’s capabilities, a step-by-step tutorial on how to use the API and integrate it into projects, best practices for integration, and tips and tricks to maximize the potential of ChatGPT.

Overview of ChatGPT

ChatGPT is a language model developed by OpenAI. It is designed to generate human-like responses in conversational contexts. With ChatGPT, developers can create chatbots, virtual assistants, and other applications that require natural language understanding and generation.

ChatGPT is based on the gpt⑶.5-turbo model and comes with a set of pre-trained conversational capabilities. The model is continuously being improved with user feedback and fine-tuning, making it more powerful and versatile over time.

Using the ChatGPT API

The first step to using ChatGPT is to access the API. OpenAI provides simple and efficient API endpoints that developers can interact with to send and receive messages. The API allows for a dynamic back-and-forth conversation by maintaining the state of the conversation with a series of messages exchanged between the user and the model.

When using the API, developers need to follow a few key steps:

  1. Create an OpenAI account: Developers need to sign up for an OpenAI account to get access to the API.
  2. Obtain an API key: After creating an account, developers can generate an API key, which is required for making requests to the API.
  3. Construct a message object: To start a conversation, developers need to create a message object that contains the content of the user’s message.
  4. Send messages to the API: Developers can send the message object to the API endpoint for processing. The API will respond with the model’s generated message.
  5. Maintain conversation state: To continue the conversation, developers need to include the previous messages in the new message object. This allows the model to have context and produce more accurate responses.

Integration and Best Practices

Integrating ChatGPT into applications requires careful consideration to deliver a seamless user experience. Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  1. Set clear user expectations: Inform users that they are interacting with an AI and manage their expectations accordingly. Let them know about the limitations of the AI and any potential issues they may encounter.
  2. Handle system-generated responses: The model may sometimes ask for clarifications or exhibit behavior that requires handling from the developer. Anticipating and addressing such scenarios can improve the overall conversational flow.
  3. Implement safety measures: Take necessary precautions to prevent the model from generating harmful or inappropriate content. OpenAI provides guidelines for content moderation that developers should follow to ensure a safe environment.
  4. Test and iterate: Start with a small-scale implementation to test the integration and fine-tune the responsiveness of the application. Iterate based on user feedback to improve the user experience continually.

Tips and Tricks

To get the most out of ChatGPT, developers can employ some additional tips and tricks:

  • Use system-level instructions: You can provide high-level instructions to guide the model’s behavior. For example, instruct it to think step-by-step or to take a specific perspective.
  • Experiment with temperature and max tokens: Temperature affects the randomness of the model’s output, while max tokens restricts the response length. Adjusting these parameters can help fine-tune the tone and length of the generated responses.
  • Handle API rate limits: Be aware of the rate limits imposed by OpenAI and ensure your application complies with them. Use caching mechanisms or optimize the number of API requests to stay within the limits.
  • Continuous monitoring and improvement: Monitor the interactions between users and the AI closely. Collect feedback and iterate on the model’s behavior to make it more accurate and helpful over time.

By following these guidelines, developers can effectively use and integrate ChatGPT into their applications. With its powerful conversational capabilities, ChatGPT opens up new possibilities for creating intelligent and engaging user experiences.

chatgpt source code github的常见问答Q&A



  • ChatGPT是一种生成预训练变形器(Generative Pretrained Transformer),它可以通过学习大量的文本数据来生成具有联贯性和语义理解能力的对话。
  • ChatGPT可以通过API接口进行调用,从而集成到区别的利用和平台中。
  • ChatGPT可以用于构建各种聊天机器人,智能助手和客服系统等。



  • 将ChatGPT集成到您的利用程序或网站中,通过API接口与之进行交互。
  • 使用开源实现的ChatGPT,如ztjhz/BetterChatGPT和orhanerday/ChatGPT等。
  • 使用ChatGPT的UI界面进行交互,如chatgpt-python和ChatGPT Desktop Application等。
  • 在GitHub上寻觅ChatGPT相关的代码、示例和资源,如GitHub Topics中的chatgpt和chat-gpt等。



  • 逆向工程可以揭露ChatGPT API的参数、要求和响应的数据结构和格式。
  • 通过逆向工程,可以探索ChatGPT API的限制和功能,了解如何更好地利用ChatGPT的能力。
  • 逆向工程ChatGPT API可以帮助开发人员构建更灵活和强大的聊天机器人和对话系统。








