ChatGPT Prompts, Completions, & Tokens Course(what are chatgpt tokens)

What Are ChatGPT Tokens?

In the context of ChatGPT, tokens refer to the basic units of text that the language model uses to understand and generate language. They play a crucial role in the functioning of the model and have implications for its usage, limitations, and cost. Let’s delve deeper into the concept of ChatGPT tokens.

1. Introduction to ChatGPT Tokens

ChatGPT converts each word into a legible token to process and analyze text effectively. Tokens can be thought of as fragments of text, which can range from single characters to entire words or even subword units.

For example, the sentence “I love ChatGPT” may be tokenized into [“I”, “love”, “Chat”, “G”, “PT”], where each token represents a word or a segment of a word. This tokenization process allows the language model to handle language in a granular manner.

It’s important to note that tokenization is a language-specific process, and the token boundaries may vary depending on the language being used.

2. Understanding Token Usage in ChatGPT

Tokens serve as the input and output units for ChatGPT. When you provide a prompt or ask a question, it is converted into tokens to be processed by the model. Similarly, when ChatGPT generates a response, it produces a sequence of tokens that are then transformed into human-readable text.

The ChatGPT language model has a maximum token limit, currently set at 4096 tokens for the gpt⑶.5-turbo version. If a conversation exceeds this limit, you may need to truncate or omit portions of the text to fit within the allowed token count. It’s important to consider token usage to avoid unexpected cutoffs or additional costs.

3. Counting Tokens and Token Limits

The pricing of the ChatGPT API is based on the number of tokens used. It is crucial to keep track of tokens to manage costs effectively. The token count can be calculated by summing the total number of tokens in the prompt, user messages, and model-generated messages within a conversation.

When estimating the token count, it’s important to consider not only the visible text but also any underlying metadata or formatting. Additionally, longer words or complex phrases can significantly impact the token count.

If a conversation’s token count exceeds the model’s limit, you may need to truncate or omit parts of the text. However, removing a message from the input history may make the model lose knowledge of earlier parts of the conversation.

4. Token Limit Exceedance and Handling

In some situations, you might receive an error indicating that the conversation has exceeded the token limit. In such cases, you can try various strategies to handle this issue:

  • Shorten the prompt or user messages to reduce the token count.
  • Condense or rephrase long sentences or messages.
  • If less important context is exceeding the limit, consider removing or summarizing it.
  • Utilize the system message instead of user messages to provide important instructions.

By managing your token usage carefully, you can ensure efficient and cost-effective interactions with ChatGPT.

5. Conclusion

Tokens are the fundamental units of text used by the ChatGPT language model. They allow for precise language processing and generation. Understanding tokenization, counting tokens, and navigating token limits can help you make the most of ChatGPT’s capabilities while optimizing usage and managing costs effectively.

what are chatgpt tokens的进一步展开说明

ChatGPT prompts, completions, and tokens

Artificial intelligence has gained significant attention recently, largely due to the emergence of ChatGPT. In simple terms, ChatGPT is an AI-driven chat bot that enables human-like conversations. Microsoft, as an investor in OpenAI, is actively working on integrating ChatGPT and other AI features into its existing products, such as Bing search. Other companies are also following this trend and rapidly incorporating ChatGPT into their software offerings. This provides a great opportunity to explore some key terminology related to ChatGPT. Let’s start with prompts.

1. Prompts

A ChatGPT prompt is a sentence or phrase presented to the ChatGPT language model to generate a response. In simpler terms, it is the question or input provided to ChatGPT to elicit a response. The prompt prompts the model to produce a reply. Now, let’s move on to the next term: ChatGPT completions.

2. Completions

ChatGPT completions refer to the responses generated by the ChatGPT language model when presented with prompts. In essence, completions are the answers to the questions or inputs given to ChatGPT. They represent the model’s generated replies. Now, let’s delve into the most crucial aspect: ChatGPT tokens.

3. Tokens

ChatGPT tokens are the building blocks of text used by the ChatGPT language model to understand and generate human-like language. Tokens symbolize words, phrases, and other elements of language, and the model generates a sequence of tokens to form a coherent response to a given prompt. When working with ChatGPT, text is represented by tokens. To provide a rough estimate, 1000 tokens generally correspond to around 750 words.

ChatGPT provides a tokenizer tool that helps estimate the number of tokens required for a given block of text. For instance, I pasted a 1500-word essay I found online into the tokenizer tool, and it showed that the essay contains approximately 6100 characters and 1200 tokens. Understanding tokens is essential because it also poses limitations when using ChatGPT.

Looking at the prompt and completion displayed on the screen, each chat session (including both prompt and completion) has a combined maximum limit of 2048 tokens for version 3 of ChatGPT. It might be insightful to explore what happens when ChatGPT runs out of tokens for completion. Let’s ask ChatGPT.

When ChatGPT runs out of tokens for completion, it is unable to provide any further output. This token limitation poses a challenge. If a prompt lacks sufficient information for the model to train on, the completion might not be satisfactory. On the other hand, if the prompt is too long, ChatGPT may not have enough tokens to provide a comprehensive answer.

However, as a paying subscriber, you gain access to a limited version of GPT version 4, which has a higher token capacity. Nevertheless, this comes with the tradeoff of increased completion time. It is worth noting that ChatGPT version 3.5 was publicly released in November 2023, followed by the release of version 4 in March 2023. Version 4.5 is expected to be released in the fall of 2023. As these updates unfold, Cloud Academy will continue to guide you through the changes.


In conclusion, ChatGPT prompts serve as the questions or inputs provided to the language model for generating responses. Completions are the corresponding replies generated by ChatGPT. Tokens, on the other hand, are the fundamental units of text that ChatGPT uses to comprehend and create language. They represent words, phrases, and other language elements, forming coherent sequences to respond to prompts. Understanding tokens is crucial due to the limitations they impose on the model, as the token count affects the completeness of the generated replies. By keeping these concepts in mind, you can effectively utilize ChatGPT for more engaging and insightful conversations.

what are chatgpt tokens的常见问答Q&A

问题1:ChatGPT Token是甚么?

答案:ChatGPT Token是ChatGPT语言模型用来理解和生成语言的文本单位。

  • ChatGPT将每一个单词转换为可读的token,当你发问时。
  • Token是文本片断,ChatGPT将其拆分为更小的单位来进一步分析。
  • 每一个token是模型消耗的一段带有一些元数据的文本。

问题2:ChatGPT Token限制是多少?会不会可以超过限制?

答案:ChatGPT Token的限制是每次要求最多可以处理4096个token,但是这可能会根据你使用的API进行调剂。


问题3:如何计算ChatGPT Token数量?

答案:计算ChatGPT Token的数量是通过将输入文本分解为token并统计它们的数量。

  • ChatGPT模型中的token是基于字符的组合,可以是单词、子词或乃至是单个字符。
  • 每一个字符都被当作一个token来计算。
  • 你可使用OpenAI提供的Token Count工具或自行编写代码来计算token数量。

问题4:ChatGPT Tokenizer是甚么?

答案:ChatGPT Tokenizer是一个用于将输入文本分解为token的工具。

你可使用ChatGPT Tokenizer来预处理输入,将其转换为模型可以理解的token序列。


问题5:使用ChatGPT API时如何计费?

答案:ChatGPT API的计费是基于你使用的token数量来计算的。












