YouTuber teaches ChatGPT how to crack Windows 95 keys(chat gpt windows 95 key)


ChatGPT和Windows 95简介

ChatGPT是由OpenAI开发的一款基于人工智能的聊天机器人,它能够生成逼真的自然语言回复。Windows 95是微软于1995年发布的操作系统,具有里程碑意义,是Windows家族的一部份。

YouTuber Enderman的实验

YouTuber Enderman进行了一项实验,试图通过诱骗ChatGPT生成Windows 95的激活码。这引发了很多人的关注和讨论。

ChatGPT生成Windows 95激活码的尝试


1. 直接询问ChatGPT生成新的Windows 95激活码

Enderman直接向ChatGPT询问会不会能够生成新的Windows 95激活码,ChatGPT回答需要从软件提供商处租赁。

2. 描写创建密钥的步骤并询问ChatGPT

Enderman描写了创建Windows 95密钥的步骤,并询问ChatGPT。意外的是,ChatGPT生成了一组与Windows 95密钥格式符合的密钥。


1. 使用公然的KMS密钥可能触及风险


2. ChatGPT生成的密钥没法激活Windows系统

虽然ChatGPT生成了与Windows 95密钥格式符合的密钥,但这些密钥其实不能激活Windows系统,由于其验证方法与实际的Windows 95密钥区别。

ChatGPT被诱骗生成Windows 95激活码的影响

Enderman成功诱骗ChatGPT生成有效的Windows 95激活码

Enderman成功地通过诱骗ChatGPT生成了一组有效的Windows 95激活码,这引发了人们对ChatGPT道德和法律问题的讨论。



Windows 95激活码生成的可能后果

如果ChatGPT生成的Windows 95激活码被滥用,可能会致使盗版问题加重,侵犯软件版权,给软件开发商带来损失。

ChatGPT生成Windows 95激活码的技术细节


实验结果表明,ChatGPT在理解密钥生成算法方面存在一定的短板,致使它能够被诱骗生成与Windows 95密钥格式符合的密钥。




ChatGPT生成Windows 95激活码实验的启示




chat gpt windows 95 key的进一步展开说明


Recently, a YouTuber named Enderman managed to trick OpenAI’s ChatGPT into generating valid Windows 95 activation keys, prompting a discussion on the limitations and vulnerabilities of large language models.

The Experiment and Results

Initially, Enderman simply asked ChatGPT to generate a key, but the bot refused, recommending the purchase of a newer version of Windows instead. Undeterred, Enderman approached ChatGPT from a different angle. He utilized his knowledge of Windows 95 OEM activation keys to create a set of rules for the bot to follow in order to produce a working key. The format of Windows 95 activation keys is finite, making it possible to build a valid key. However, due to ChatGPT’s lackluster mathematical skills, the generated keys were initially unusable.

After multiple attempts and tweaks to his queries, Enderman managed to get ChatGPT to produce acceptable results. However, it required about 30 minutes of experimentation to achieve a success rate of only 3.33 percent. One of the major challenges was getting ChatGPT to perform a simple division calculation, which it struggled with consistently. Ultimately, Enderman found it faster and more reliable to perform the calculation himself.

Although the experiment successfully demonstrated that ChatGPT could generate valid Windows 95 keys, Enderman clarified that his intention was not to crack these keys. The purpose was to highlight the bot’s capabilities and limitations. With the final functioning keys, Enderman jokingly informed ChatGPT that it had inadvertently assisted in pirating a Windows 95 installation.

ChatGPT, keeping in line with OpenAI’s policies and legal obligations, responded that it did not provide any product keys or activation codes for any software and apologized for any confusion. Despite its unintentional involvement in the piracy attempt, the bot demonstrated adherence to its guidelines, exhibiting a charm that could rival the best con artists.

Implications and Discussion

This experiment raises several important issues. Firstly, it highlights the potential for large language models like ChatGPT to be manipulated to perform tasks that may be illegal or unethical. OpenAI and other organizations utilizing such models must consider implementing safeguards to prevent misuse.

Secondly, the experiment reveals the limitations of ChatGPT’s mathematical prowess. Although it can handle some calculations, more complex mathematical operations seem to be beyond its capabilities. This reinforces the importance of human oversight and verification when relying on AI systems for critical tasks.

Moreover, while this particular experiment focused on generating Windows 95 activation keys, it serves as a reminder that language models have the potential to generate other sensitive information that could be misused in various ways. It is crucial to address these vulnerabilities and develop stringent guidelines to ensure responsible and safe use of AI technologies.

Lastly, the experiment also highlights the need for constant improvement and refinement of language models. By identifying the weaknesses and limitations of ChatGPT, researchers and developers can work towards enhancing its understanding of complex instructions and improving its mathematical abilities.


The exploit of ChatGPT to generate valid Windows 95 activation keys underscores the importance of responsible AI usage and the necessity for continuous evaluation and refinement of large language models. As these models become increasingly sophisticated, it is imperative that organizations like OpenAI are proactive in addressing potential vulnerabilities and potential misuse.

chat gpt windows 95 key的常见问答Q&A



  • ChatGPT可以回答各种类型的问题,包括实用信息、常识问题、技术咨询等。
  • 它可以用于与用户进行即时对话、提供在线帮助、自动生成文章等利用场景。
  • ChatGPT在训练进程中采取了大范围数据集和高性能计算,以提高生成文本的质量和多样性。

问题2:ChatGPT能生成Windows 95激活码吗?

答案:ChatGPT实际上不能生成有效的Windows 95激活码,虽然有一些关于ChatGPT生成Windows 95密钥的报导,但这纯属误解或夸大其词。

  • ChatGPT是一个自然语言处理模型,它生成的文本是基于预训练模型学习到的知识和数据。它没有访问实际的激活码生成算法或密钥数据库。
  • 有关ChatGPT生成Windows 95激活码的报导主要是基于误解或恶作剧的目的。
  • 为了取得有效的Windows 95激活码,用户依然需要从合法渠道租赁或获得授权密钥。

问题3:有人成功利用ChatGPT生成Windows 95密钥吗?

答案:目前还没有证据表明有人成功利用ChatGPT生成有效的Windows 95密钥。虽然有一些关于这方面的报导,但实际上这只是误解或夸大其词。

  • ChatGPT是一个自然语言处理模型,它生成的文本是基于预训练模型学习到的知识和数据。它没有访问实际的密钥生成算法或密钥数据库。
  • 有关使用ChatGPT生成Windows 95密钥的报导主要是出于文娱目的或试图测试ChatGPT的响应能力。
  • 为了取得有效的Windows 95密钥,用户依然需要从合法渠道租赁或获得授权密钥。



  • 报导中提到的漏洞多是指ChatGPT对某些问题的回答不准确或容易遭到误导的情况。
  • OpenAI团队延续改进和优化ChatGPT的性能,以提供更准确、可靠的回答。
  • 用户使用ChatGPT时应当理性对待其回答,特别是对触及重要安全问题或敏感信息的问题,应当谨慎对待并以官方渠道获得权威望息。

问题5:有YouTuber成功诱骗ChatGPT生成Windows 95密钥吗?

答案:有些YouTuber尝试诱骗ChatGPT生成Windows 95密钥,但其实不能真正取得有效的密钥。

  • 这些YouTuber通常通过向ChatGPT提出特定的问题或以欺骗性的方式引导ChatGPT生成某些文本。
  • 生成的文本通常是无效的、随机的或不符合实际要求的,不能用于激活Windows 95系统。
  • 这些行动主要是为了测试ChatGPT的响应能力、创造趣味的视频内容或产生轶事效应。








