ayaka14732/ChatGPTAPIFree: A simple and open-source proxy API that allows you to access OpenAI&#

I. 注册并取得API Key

A. 前往ChatGPT官网注册账户

在使用ChatGPT API之前,您需要前往ChatGPT官网注册一个账户。这是取得API Key的第一步。

  1. 提供必要的个人信息和支付方式

B. 取得API Key

在注册完成后,您可以找到API Key并将其生成。

  1. 在账户设置中找到API Key
  2. 点击生成API Key


A. 了解API Key

API Key是访问ChatGPT API的凭证。在使用ChatGPT API之前,您需要了解API Key的作用并将其添加到您的代码或利用程序中。

  1. API Key是访问ChatGPT API的凭证
  2. 将API Key添加到代码或利用程序中

B. 调用ChatGPT API

使用取得的API Key与ChatGPT建立连接,并发送要求以获得对话模型的响应。

  1. 使用API Key与ChatGPT建立连接
  2. 发送要求以获得对话模型的响应


A. 登录OpenAI网站,进入个人中心

如果您需要充值ChatGPT API服务,可以通过登录OpenAI网站并进入个人中心完成充值进程。

B. 设置付款方式


  1. 绑定刚申请的卡号信息

C. 充值API

在Billing页面进行充值,并为ChatGPT API添加资金。

  1. 在Billing页面进行充值

chatgpt api-key的进一步展开说明


The ChatGPT API Free project aims to provide free and open access to OpenAI’s ChatGPT API through a simple and open-source proxy API. This initiative is driven by the belief that the power of AI should be accessible to everyone, without financial barriers, and aims to promote equality, education, and innovation.

The Open ChatGPT Initiative

In a world where technology is advancing rapidly, it is crucial to ensure that the benefits of AI progress are not limited to a privileged few. The Open ChatGPT Initiative aims to break down the barriers to accessing the latest AI technology by providing a free and open-source proxy API.
This project believes that technology should serve humanity, and access to AI advancements should not be determined by one’s technical ability or financial resources, but rather by creativity, imagination, and ambition. By democratizing the AI industry, this initiative enables every person, regardless of their background or financial situation, to leverage the power of AI.


Using the ChatGPT API Free is simple. All you need to do is send a POST request to the provided endpoint: https://chatgpt-api.shn.hk/v1/. For example, to generate a response to the prompt “Hello, how are you?” using the gpt⑶.5-turbo model, you can use the following curl command:

curl https://chatgpt-api.shn.hk/v1/
-H ‘Content-Type: application/json’
-d ‘{
“model”: “gpt⑶.5-turbo”,
“messages”: [{“role”: “user”, “content”: “Hello, how are you?”}]

For more details and comprehensive API documentation, you can refer to the official OpenAI documentation.

What does ChatGPT API Free do?

The ChatGPT API Free project acts as a simple proxy API that serves as a bridge between users and the OpenAI ChatGPT API. Users can send requests to the ChatGPT API Free endpoint using the same format as the original API. This proxy API then forwards the requests to the OpenAI API using an API key provided by this project, and returns the response from the OpenAI API back to the users.


The ChatGPT API Free project is a game-changer for the AI development community. It enables anyone to access the state-of-the-art ChatGPT model without needing an API key or bearing the financial burden associated with it. This open accessibility fosters creativity, innovation, and collaboration among developers, which could potentially lead to groundbreaking advancements in AI technology.
Furthermore, the success of other projects like the ChatGPT Free App, which is built on top of this API, demonstrates the vast potential and impact of this project.

Privacy Statement

Privacy is a paramount concern for the ChatGPT API Free project. The project is committed to safeguarding the privacy of its users. It does not collect, record, or store any user-provided text or OpenAI server responses in any manner. Additionally, this project does not disclose any identifying information about API callers, including IP addresses and user-agent strings, to OpenAI or any third parties. The project’s source code is available for inspection to substantiate this privacy claim.
However, it is important to note that the OpenAI API retains data for 30 days, in accordance with its data usage policies.

Host Your Own Instance

If you desire to run your own instance of ChatGPT API Free, the process is straightforward. Follow these steps:
  1. Obtain an OpenAI API Key from OpenAI API Keys.
  2. Star and fork this repository on GitHub.
  3. Ensure your environment variables are configured correctly.
  4. Deploy Docker locally or on Google Cloud Run.
  5. Set up rate limits locally or using Google Cloud Armor.

Improving the Project

The ChatGPT API Free project is open to feedback and contributions from users. Suggestions and ideas for improvement are welcome, and users can create issues or submit pull requests on the GitHub repository.


If you find ChatGPT API Free useful, consider sponsoring the author on GitHub to show support for ongoing development and maintenance. Sponsorship would help maintain this project and ensure that AI technology remains accessible for all. Thank you for your support!

chatgpt api-key的常见问答Q&A

问题1:如何获得ChatGPT的API KEY?

答案:要获得ChatGPT的API KEY,您可以依照以下步骤进行:

  1. 访问OpenAI的官方网站。
  2. 注册一个账户并登录。
  3. 完成注册进程时,提供必要的个人信息和支付方式。
  4. 在您的OpenAI账户中,找到并点击API keys。
  5. 点击生成API KEY按钮,系统将会为您生成一个唯一的API KEY。

问题2:怎样使用ChatGPT的API KEY?

答案:一旦您获得了ChatGPT的API KEY,您可以依照以下步骤使用它:

  1. 在您的利用程序或代码中,将API KEY添加为身份验证和授权访问ChatGPT的凭证。
  2. 使用API KEY与ChatGPT建立连接,并发送要求以获得对话响应。
  3. 解析和处理ChatGPT返回的响应,以获得所需的对话结果。

问题3:如何充值ChatGPT的API KEY?

答案:要充值ChatGPT的API KEY,您可以依照以下步骤进行:

  1. 登录您的OpenAI账户。
  2. 在账户信息中找到并点击Billing。
  3. 选择适合的付款方式,并绑定您的支付信息。
  4. 根据您的需求,在ChatGPT API充值页面进行充值。
  5. 根据充值金额自动在您的账户余额中增加相应的API使用额度。

问题4:如何取得ChatGPT的不要钱API KEY?

答案:目前,OpenAI提供了一种获得不要钱API KEY的方式。您可以依照以下步骤进行:

  1. 前往OpenAI的官方网站。
  2. 注册一个账户并登录。
  3. 在注册进程中,提供必要的个人信息和支付方式。
  4. 完成注册后,您将取得一个不要钱的API KEY,可使用一定量的ChatGPT服务。







