OpenAI ChatGPT 不要钱API KEY_碎念_Nian的博客-CSDN博客(api key chatgpt不要钱)

I. ChatGPT API Key的重要性

ChatGPT的API Key是使用ChatGPT服务的重要认证凭证。具体来讲,API Key的重要性体现在以下因素有哪些:

A. 预防安全问题和歹意攻击

ChatGPT需要采取措施确保安全和可靠性,避免被不良用户利用或遭受歹意攻击。通过使用API Key,可以确保只有授权用户可以访问和使用ChatGPT服务。

  • 采取措施确保安全和可靠性:OpenAI需要对API Key进行严格控制,例如限制要求次数、添加访问限制等,以避免滥用服务。
  • 避免服务不可用的情况:未经授权的用户可能会致使ChatGPT服务过载,从而影响其他用户的体验。通过使用API Key,可以限制服务的使用,并确保服务的可靠性。

B. 认证凭证和API Key的作用

API Key作为认证凭证,发挥着以下作用:

  • 确保只有授权用户可以访问和使用ChatGPT服务:只有持有有效API Key的用户才能要求ChatGPT生成回复,并实现与用户的自然对话。
  • 通过调用API要求ChatGPT生成回复,实现与用户的自然对话:用户可使用API Key将用户输入发送给ChatGPT,并获得ChatGPT生成的回复,从而实现人机对话。

II. 如何获得ChatGPT API Key

您可以通过以下几种方式获得ChatGPT API Key:

A. 使用ShellGPT客户端无需API Key和科学上网

ShellGPT是一款优秀的客户端,您无需API Key和科学上网便可访问ChatGPT。您可以通过以下步骤获得ShellGPT客户端:

  • ShellGPT的优点和特点:ShellGPT提供了便捷的界面,无需API Key便可与ChatGPT进行对话,非常方便。
  • 在GitHub上下载和使用ShellGPT客户端:您可以在GitHub上搜索并下载ShellGPT客户端。

B. 在OpenAI官网获得自己的API Key

您也能够在OpenAI官网注册并获得自己的API Key,具体步骤以下:

  • 访问OpenAI官网并登录账号:首先,访问OpenAI官网并登录您的账号。
  • 在个人账号中获得API Key:在个人账号页面中,您可以找到API Key的相关项,并获得属于您自己的API Key。

III. 其他获得ChatGPT API Key的方式

除上述方式,您还可以通过以下途径获得ChatGPT API Key:

A. 通过OpenAI平台获得不要钱API Key

OpenAI可以提供不要钱的ChatGPT API Key,您可以依照以下步骤进行获得:

  • 登录OpenAI官网并访问相应页面:访问OpenAI官网并登录您的账号,然后找到ChatGPT API Key的不要钱获得页面。
  • 不要钱获得ChatGPT API Key的步骤和方法:根据页面上的指引,您可以完成不要钱获得API Key的流程。

B. 分享不要钱的ChatGPT API Key

有些人会定期分享一些不要钱的ChatGPT API Key,您可以通过以下方式获得:

  • 在网页上定期更新一些OpenAI API Key:有些网页会定期分享一些未被使用过的OpenAI API Key,您可以通过访问这些网页获得不要钱的API Key。
  • 共享Key的目的和使用注意事项:共享API Key的目的是希望更多人可使用ChatGPT服务,但请注意在使用共享的API Key时要遵照OpenAI的使用政策,并避免滥用服务。

IV. ChatGPT API Key的租赁方式

除不要钱的方式外,您还可以通过以下方式租赁ChatGPT API Key:

A. 使用支付宝等方式租赁API Key

如果您希望具有更长时间的API Key或更灵活的使用方式,您可以通过支付宝等方式租赁API Key,具体步骤以下:

  • 取得限时的3⑷个月的API Key:租赁API Key的方式通常会提供更长时间的使用期限,例如3⑷个月。
  • 无需海外信用卡,简便的租赁方式:与其他付费租赁方式相比,使用支付宝等国内付款方式可以省去海外信用卡的申请和使用步骤,更加简便。

V. 结论

ChatGPT API Key是使用ChatGPT服务的重要认证凭证,确保了服务的安全和可靠性。通过各种方式获得API Key,您可以充分利用ChatGPT进行自然对话,并享受ChatGPT带来的便利。

  • 强调API Key的重要性和获得方式:API Key的重要性不言而喻,只有获得到API Key,您才能使用ChatGPT服务。通过量种方式获得API Key,您可以根据您的需求和情况选择适合的方式。
  • 总结各种获得ChatGPT API Key的途径:本文介绍了不要钱和付费两种方式获得ChatGPT API Key的途径,希望对您有所帮助。

api key chatgpt不要钱的进一步展开说明


This blog post discusses the evaluation and use of OpenAI’s text-davinci-003 language model. The model consists of two components: ChatGPT, a sample-rated model, and GPT⑷, an evaluation model. It is important to note that there may be some overfitting in these models, as GPT⑷ is trained on the same dataset as ChatGPT. The goal is to have both models trained on overlapping data sets, so the preferred responses of ChatGPT and GPT⑷ are likely to be related.

The underlying idea behind this approach is to have internal models handle high-value business tasks while low-value queries are given to third-party APIs or open-source models. To ensure that the output of the language model does not match with regular expressions or context-independent grammar, logits for unacceptable tokens can be masked before each generation step.

The Evaluation and Use of OpenAI’s Text-davinci-003 Model

OpenAI’s text-davinci-003 model consists of ChatGPT and GPT⑷, which are designed to handle different tasks. While ChatGPT is sample-rated and trained to generate responses to user prompts, GPT⑷ is an evaluation model used to assess the quality and relevance of those generated responses. However, it is important to be aware that there may be overfitting issues as both models are trained on overlapping datasets.

With the intention of maximizing the value of the models, high-value business tasks are assigned to the internal models, while low-value queries are given to third-party APIs or open-source models. This ensures that the generated output is relevant and meaningful in the context of the tasks at hand. In order to avoid the output matching with regular expressions or context-independent grammar, logits for unacceptable tokens can be masked prior to each generation step.

Ensuring Model Diversity and Accuracy

OpenAI aims to ensure that the text-davinci-003 model produces diverse and accurate output. This is achieved by training GPT⑷ evaluation models on a broader range of data and having them assess the quality of ChatGPT responses. By training on overlapping data sets, the models are likely to have similar preferences when it comes to responses.

While it is acknowledged that the models may have some degree of overfitting, the approach of using both internal and external models serves to strike a balance between generating high-value responses and handling lower-value queries. By employing third-party APIs or open-source models for certain tasks, the overall system becomes more robust and efficient in delivering appropriate responses.

Enhancing Model Outputs

To further enhance the quality of the outputs generated by the text-davinci-003 models, additional fine-tuning can be performed. Fine-tuning allows for specialized training on specific domains or tasks, enabling the models to generate more accurate and contextually appropriate responses. By fine-tuning the models, OpenAI can provide more customized and reliable outputs to users.

Additionally, OpenAI focuses on training GPT⑷ evaluation models using a broader range of data sets to minimize bias and ensure that the models are capable of handling a wide range of real-world scenarios. This approach helps to prevent the models from being too narrow in their understanding and allows them to generate responses that are more diverse and contextually appropriate.

Ensuring Ethical and Responsible Use of the Models

OpenAI understands the importance of ensuring ethical and responsible use of the text-davinci-003 models. While the models are designed to generate diverse and contextually appropriate responses, it is essential to take precautions to avoid generating malicious or harmful content. OpenAI actively monitors and puts in place measures to prevent misuse of the models, such as content filtering and moderation.

Additionally, OpenAI recognizes the significance of user feedback in improving their models and addressing any biases or inaccuracies. User feedback plays a crucial role in refining the models and making them more reliable and useful for various applications. By actively seeking and incorporating user feedback, OpenAI aims to continuously improve the models and ensure their responsible use.


OpenAI’s text-davinci-003 model, comprising ChatGPT and GPT⑷, offers a powerful combination for generating diverse and contextually appropriate responses. By training the models on overlapping data sets, OpenAI ensures that both models have similar preferences when it comes to generating responses. This approach enables the handling of both high-value business tasks by internal models and low-value queries by third-party APIs or open-source models.

With additional fine-tuning and a focus on training evaluation models on a broad range of data sets, OpenAI further enhances the quality and accuracy of the model outputs. Ethical and responsible use of the models is prioritized, with measures in place to prevent misuse. User feedback is actively sought and utilized to continually refine the models and make them more reliable and useful across various domains. OpenAI’s text-davinci-003 model stands as a powerful tool for generating quality responses in a wide range of applications.

api key chatgpt不要钱的常见问答Q&A



  • 需要租赁OpenAI API Key才能使用CHATGPT的API。
  • 可以通过OpenAI平台进行API Key的租赁。
  • 租赁API Key时需要斟酌到价格等因素。

问题2:如何不要钱获得CHATGPT的API Key?

答案:要不要钱获得CHATGPT的API Key,可以通过以下方式进行:

  • 定期关注OpenAI官网,他们会提供一些不要钱的API Key。
  • 有些网站会分享一些不要钱的API Key,可以通过这些网站获得。
  • 需要注意这些不要钱的API Key可能有时间限制。



  • 工具1:具体描写和使用示例。
  • 工具2:具体描写和使用示例。
  • 工具3:具体描写和使用示例。
  • 工具4:具体描写和使用示例。
  • 工具5:具体描写和使用示例。







