OpenAI just opened ChatGPT-API – and its ten times cheaper than GPT⑶.5(api key chatgpt pri
自去年12月以来,OpenAI下降了ChatGPT的本钱90%。这一消息引发了广泛关注。OpenAI宣布可以“让利API用户”,为开发者们提供更加经济实惠的ChatGPT API。
二、ChatGPT API的详细信息
ChatGPT API是ChatGPT的本体模型,并不是背后的GPT⑶.5大模型。ChatGPT API的价格为1k tokens/$0.002,相当于每输出100万个单词的价格。这使得使用ChatGPT API更加灵活和经济实惠。
要取得ChatGPT API的API KEY,首先需要访问OpenAI的官方网址,并进行身份辨认。在官方网站上,您可以依照指南取得API KEY的具体步骤,并开始使用ChatGPT API进行开发和测试。
四、ChatGPT API的使用方法
使用ChatGPT API非常简单。您可以通过简单的curl命令来测试API的调用。以下是一个示例:
-H “Content-Type: application/json”
-H “Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY”
-d ‘{“prompt”: “Once upon a time”}’
另外,OpenAI官方还提供了多种编程语言的简单实现代码供开发者参考,以便更方便地使用ChatGPT API进行开发。
五、ChatGPT API与ChatGPT Plus定阅的区分
ChatGPT Plus定阅仅适用于,每个月费用为$20。ChatGPT Plus定阅和ChatGPT API是两个独立的服务,互不干扰。ChatGPT Plus的定阅费用与使用ChatGPT API的费用是独立计算的。
六、ChatGPT API价格与其他API的比较
ChatGPT API每1000个tokens的价格为$0.002。与其他API(例如Azure OpenAI APIs、Google Palm API)相比,ChatGPT API的价格更低廉,使得开发者可以更经济地使用OpenAI的ChatGPT模型。
七、ChatGPT API的定阅计划
OpenAI为ChatGPT API提供了定阅计划,起价为每个月$20。通过定阅计划,开发者可以以更经济实惠的方式取得使用ChatGPT API的权限,提高开发效力。
八、ChatGPT API的未来展望
ChatGPT API的价格调剂引发了许多讨论。人们对ChatGPT API未来发展的预测和展望充满期待。随着ChatGPT API的不断发展,我们可以期待更多功能和更多利用场景的开发。
api key chatgpt price的进一步展开说明
OpenAI Allows Developers to Access ChatGPT and Whisper API
OpenAI has recently announced that it is opening up its ChatGPT and Whisper API to developers. This move allows developers to integrate AI services into their applications and products. Previously, ChatGPT was only available through OpenAI’s web interface, even the Pro version that required a monthly subscription fee of $20.
By opening the API, developers now have direct access to the ChatGPT model, as well as the GPT⑶, GPT⑶.5, and Codex models. This expanded access gives developers more flexibility and options when it comes to incorporating AI capabilities into their projects.
The Cost of ChatGPT Plummets
One particularly exciting update is that OpenAI has significantly reduced the cost of ChatGPT. According to OpenAI, a series of optimizations have led to a 90% cost reduction since the model’s initial release in December. The cost savings are now being passed on to API users.
The new model, called gpt⑶.5-turbo, is ten times cheaper than existing GPT⑶.5 models, costing only $0.002 per 1,000 tokens. This reduced cost makes it more affordable for developers to utilize ChatGPT and integrate it into their applications. Additionally, gpt⑶.5-turbo is not just suitable for chat applications but also performs well in other contexts. Early testers have reported smooth migration from text-davinci-003 to gpt⑶.5-turbo with only minor changes to their prompts. Companies like Snap and Shopify have already started using this new model.
Compared to older GPT models, ChatGPT models like gpt⑶.5-turbo process “a sequence of messages with metadata” instead of unstructured text. OpenAI provides examples showing that inputs can now include role assignments, content categories, and translation requests. For detailed instructions on how to send requests to the ChatGPT model, developers can refer to the guidelines provided by OpenAI.
OpenAI’s innovative offerings don’t stop at the ChatGPT model. The company has also opened API access to the Whisper speech-to-text model, which enables transcriptions of audio files. The large-v2 model costs $0.006 per minute and supports various file formats such as m4a, mp3, mp4, mpeg, mpga, wav, and webm.
Furthermore, OpenAI has introduced privacy enhancements for ChatGPT users and organizations concerned about data privacy. They have stated that data submitted through the API will no longer be used for service improvements or model training unless the organization explicitly opts-in.
OpenAI’s decision to open up the ChatGPT and Whisper API to developers is a significant development in the field of AI. It allows developers to leverage the power of AI and integrate it into their applications and products more easily. The cost reduction of ChatGPT makes it even more accessible to developers who want to incorporate AI capabilities into their projects.
With the introduction of gpt⑶.5-turbo, developers can expect improved performance and efficiency in their applications, beyond just chat-based functionalities. The availability of the Whisper API for speech-to-text transcription adds another valuable tool to OpenAI’s offerings.
By addressing privacy concerns and giving control to organizations over their data submitted through the API, OpenAI has taken a step towards building trust with users and organizations. These privacy enhancements ensure that organizations can utilize the benefits of AI without compromising their data privacy.
All in all, OpenAI’s efforts to expand access to its AI models and provide cost-effective solutions open up new possibilities for developers and pave the way for the wider adoption of AI technologies in various industries.
api key chatgpt price的常见问答Q&A
- ChatGPT开放API提供了一种简单且灵活的方式来访问ChatGPT模型。
- 开发人员可使用ChatGPT开放API来构建聊天机器人、智能助手、客户支持系统等各种利用。
- 通过向ChatGPT开放API提交用户输入并处理生成的输出,开发人员可以实现与用户的自然交互。
- ChatGPT开放API的定价为每1000个token(或大约750个词)仅需0.002美元。
- 这意味着即便生成100万个词,也只需支付2.7美元。
- 相比之下,之前的GPT⑶.5模型每1000个token的价格为0.02美元。
- 首先,您需要访问OpenAI的官方网站,通过填写申请表格并遵守相关唆使,获得ChatGPT开放API的密钥(API Key)。
- 获得API Key后,您可以将其用于向ChatGPT开放API发送要求并获得响应。
- API Key是辨认您身份的一种方式,只有具有有效的API Key才能访问ChatGPT开放API。
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"prompt": "你好,我想预订一张机票。", "max_tokens": 50}'