Where do I find my Secret API Key?(chatgpt key sk-)

I. 介绍


II. API密钥的生成

A. 登录OpenAI网站

  1. 打开OpenAI网站(https://www.openai.com)。
  2. 输入您的登录凭据,登录到您的OpenAI账户。

B. 导航到API密钥页面

  1. 单击个人资料名称或图标,打开菜单。
  2. 选择“View API”以导航到API密钥页面。

C. 生成API密钥

  1. 在API密钥页面,创建一个新的API密钥。
  2. 确保复制API密钥并将其保存在安全的位置。

D. 重要提示

  1. API密钥的前三个字符始终为”sk-“,确保复制时包括这些字符。
  2. 生成的API密钥是唯一且不可再次获得的,一定要妥善保存。


A. 集成API密钥到利用程序或代码

  1. 将API密钥用于访问ChatGPT的API。
  2. 您可以参考OpenAI提供的示例代码,将API密钥集成到您的利用程序或代码中。

B. 安全保护API密钥

  1. API密钥是敏感信息,需要妥善保护。
  2. 您可以查阅OpenAI的API密钥安全最好实践,了解如何保护API密钥的安全性。

IV. 其他注意事项

A. API使用指南和计费信息

  1. 在使用ChatGPT的API时,需要遵照OpenAI的API使用指南和计费规定。
  2. 您可以在OpenAI的文档中找到关于API使用指南和计费的详细信息。

B. 清除数据和使用监控

  1. 在使用ChatGPT的API时,您可能需要了解怎么清除数据和监控使用情况。
  2. OpenAI提供相关文档,以指点您清除数据和监控API使用情况。


chatgpt key sk-的进一步展开说明

1. Introduction

As a user of our platform, you have the advantage of accessing various features and functionalities through our API. To utilize these capabilities, you will need an API key which can be found in your User settings page.

1.1 The Importance of API Key Safety

However, it is crucial to prioritize the safety of your API key. In this blog post, we will introduce some best practices that you can implement to ensure the protection of your API key.

2. Best Practices for API Key Safety

  1. 2.1 Keep Your API Key Confidential

    First and foremost, never share your API key with unauthorized individuals or entities. Treat it as a secret passphrase that grants access to sensitive information and functionalities.

    In addition, avoid including your API key directly in your source code or version control systems to prevent accidental exposure.

  2. 2.2 Implement Secure Storage Mechanisms

    Store your API key in a secure location, preferably an encrypted database or key management system. Ensure that this storage mechanism follows industry-standard security protocols and practices.

  3. 2.3 Limit API Key Access and Permissions

    Restrict the usage of your API key to specific IPs, domains, or subdomains. By doing so, you can prevent unauthorized use from external sources.

    Furthermore, consider creating multiple API keys with different permission levels based on the functionalities they require. This practice will help minimize potential risks associated with compromised keys.

  4. 2.4 Regularly Rotate Your API Key

    Periodically change your API key to minimize the impact of any potential security breaches. By doing so, even if your key has been compromised, the window of opportunity for unauthorized access will be significantly reduced.

  5. 2.5 Monitor API Key Usage

    Establish a system to monitor and analyze API key usage patterns. This will allow you to detect any suspicious activities or potential security threats promptly.

  6. 2.6 Regularly Update Software and Libraries

    Ensure that all software tools and libraries used in your application are up to date. Outdated software versions may contain security vulnerabilities that can be exploited to compromise your API key.

  7. 2.7 Utilize Secure Communication Protocols

    When making API requests, always use secure communication protocols such as HTTPS. This helps encrypt your data during transmission and prevents unauthorized interception.

  8. 2.8 Maintain a Strong Security Culture

    Lastly, educate your development team and other relevant stakeholders on the importance of API key safety. Set up clear protocols and guidelines for handling and managing API keys to foster a strong security culture within your organization.

3. Conclusion

In conclusion, the security of your API key is of utmost importance. By following these best practices, you can significantly enhance the protection of your API key and minimize the potential risks associated with its misuse or unauthorized access.

Remember, your API key is the key to unlocking the potential of our platform. Treat it as a valuable asset and safeguard it accordingly.

“The secret to API key safety lies in implementing robust security measures and maintaining a strong security culture.” – API Security Expert

chatgpt key sk-的常见问答Q&A

问题1:如何获得使用OpenAI ChatGPT的API Key?

答案:要使用OpenAI ChatGPT的API功能,您需要获得API Key,具体步骤以下:

  • 登录到OpenAI网站并选择“View API Key”。
  • 复制您的API Key并将其保存在安全的位置。
  • 您现在可使用您的API Key来调用OpenAI ChatGPT的API。

问题2:如何找到ChatGPT的API key?

答案:要找到ChatGPT的API Key,请依照以下步骤进行:

  • 登录到您的OpenAI帐户。
  • 点击您的个人资料名称或图标以打开菜单。
  • 选择“Settings”或“User settings”。
  • 在“API Keys”或“Secret API Key”部份找到您的API Key。
  • 确保妥善保存您的API Key,以便将来使用。


答案:使用OpenAI ChatGPT的API是需要付费的,暂时没有不要钱的API计划。



  • 获得您的OpenAI ChatGPT的API Key。
  • 使用R的HTTP要求库(如httr包)向OpenAI的ChatGPT API发送要求。
  • 处理API的响应结果,并将其用于您的R利用程序中。



api_key <- "YOUR_API_KEY"
endpoint <- "https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions"

chat_prompt <- "Tell me a joke:"
chat_settings <- list(
  messages = list(
      role = "system",
      content = "/start"
      role = "user",
      content = chat_prompt

response <- httr::POST(
  url = endpoint,
    `Content-Type` = "application/json",
    Authorization = paste("Bearer", api_key, sep = " ")
  body = jsonlite::toJSON(list(prompt = chat_settings)),
  encode = "json"

result <- httr::content(response)
completed_text <- result$choices[[1]]$message$content

cat("ChatGPT's response:", completed_text)







