ChatGPT API Pricing – ten times cheaper than GPT⑶.5(chatgpt pricing explained)



A. ChatGPT的API定价

1. ChatGPT API每1000个token的费用为$0.002

  • 相比于其他语言模型如GPT⑶-davinci-003,ChatGPT定价更低价
  • GPT⑶-davinci-003每一个token的费用为$0.02或$20/1000个token

B. ChatGPT Plus定阅费用

1. ChatGPT Plus定阅费用为每个月$20

  • 包括在全球绝大多数地区提供的服务
  • 比OpenAI的ChatGPT Pro原型服务的每个月$42要低价


A. ChatGPT API的费用

1. ChatGPT API每1000个token的费用为$0.002,约等于750个单词

2. OpenAI还提供专用实例,以取得计算资源的访问权限

B. ChatGPT⑷ API的费用

1. 加入等候列表是通过Chat GPT⑷ API访问这些模型的唯一方法

2. GPT⑶.5 Turbo API每1000个token的费用仅为$0.002

三、ChatGPT Plus定阅版优势

A. ChatGPT Pro重新定名为ChatGPT Plus

1. ChatGPT Plus为定阅版,每个月费用为$20

2. 使用更强大的GPT4模型


A. 付费定阅模式为用户提供额外的特权

1. 用户可取得定阅选项,每个月费用为$20

2. 提供额外的服务和优惠

五、OpenAI的ChatGPT API

A. OpenAI提供ChatGPT和Whisper的API

1. ChatGPT的模型名为gpt⑶.5-turbo

2. ChatGPT API每1000个token的费用为$0.002

  • 运行在Azure上
  • 新版本的API已推出



A. ChatGPT的API定价

ChatGPT API定价结构使其成为一种经济实惠的选择。它每1000个token只收取$0.002的费用。相比之下,其他语言模型如GPT⑶-davinci-003每一个token的费用为$0.02或$20/1000个token。ChatGPT的定价模型对许多用户来讲是一个非常具有吸引力的选择,特别是对那些需要大量处理文本的利用。

ChatGPT API每1000个token的费用为$0.002,远低于其他语言模型。

B. ChatGPT Plus定阅费用

对那些希望更频繁地使用ChatGPT并享受额外服务的用户,ChatGPT Plus定阅是一个理想的选择。它每个月只需$20,与OpenAI的ChatGPT Pro原型服务相比每个月$42的费用要低价很多。ChatGPT Plus定阅提供了全球范围内的服务,以满足用户的各种需求。

ChatGPT Plus定阅每个月只需$20,比ChatGPT Pro原型服务低价。


A. ChatGPT API的费用

ChatGPT API的费用非常实惠,它每1000个token的费用为$0.002。这相当于大约750个单词的文字。另外,OpenAI还为用户提供了专用的实例,以取得更多的计算资源和访问权限。

B. ChatGPT⑷ API的费用

要访问Chat GPT⑷ API,唯一的途径是加入等候列表。而GPT⑶.5 Turbo API每1000个token的费用仅为$0.002。这使得用户能够以经济实惠的价格使用ChatGPT的最新版本。

Chat GPT⑷ API访问需要加入等候列表,费用为$0.002/1000个token。

三、ChatGPT Plus定阅版优势

A. ChatGPT Pro重新定名为ChatGPT Plus

为了提供更好的服务和体验,ChatGPT Pro已重新定名为ChatGPT Plus。ChatGPT Plus是一个付费的定阅版,每个月费用为$20。它使用更强大的GPT4模型,可以提供更高质量和更准确的回复。


A. 付费定阅模式为用户提供额外的特权


五、OpenAI的ChatGPT API

A. OpenAI提供ChatGPT和Whisper的API

OpenAI为开发者提供了ChatGPT和Whisper的API。ChatGPT的API模型名为gpt⑶.5-turbo,它运行在Azure上。ChatGPT API每1000个token的费用为$0.002,这使得开发者能够以经济实惠的价格使用ChatGPT进行文本处理。

最新版本的API已推出,用户可以更加方便地获得和使用ChatGPT API的服务。

chatgpt pricing explained的进一步展开说明

OpenAI Introduces ChatGPT API at Lowered Price

OpenAI has recently launched the ChatGPT API, which is designed to be more accessible and cost-effective for developers. The pricing for the API is said to be ten times lower than the existing GPT⑶.5 models offered by OpenAI. Developers will be charged based on the number of tokens used, which refers to a sequence of messages consumed by the model.

How ChatGPT API Pricing Works

The pricing for ChatGPT API is $0.002 per 1000 tokens or approximately 750 words. This pricing structure allows developers to only pay for the number of tokens they access, making it a flexible and affordable option. In addition to the token pricing, OpenAI also offers dedicated instances that allow developers to pay for access to the computing infrastructure, run by Azure. These dedicated instances are particularly beneficial for developers who optimize workloads against hardware performance or require more than 450 million tokens per day.

Comparison to ChatGPT Plus

It is important to note that the ChatGPT API and the ChatGPT Plus subscription plans are not the same. While the API pricing is based on the number of tokens accessed, the ChatGPT Plus subscription has a fixed monthly fee of $20. This subscription plan allows users to access ChatGPT without worrying about the number of words used. Therefore, for developers who prefer a more flexible and cost-efficient option, the ChatGPT API pricing is the better choice.

The Benefits of ChatGPT API Pricing

OpenAI’s decision to introduce the ChatGPT API at a lowered price brings numerous benefits to developers and the public. With a price that is significantly lower than other existing models, the API becomes more accessible and affordable for a wide range of users. This reduction in cost structure not only allows developers to generate their own AI chatbots but also encourages innovation and creativity in utilizing the power of language models.

Early Adopters and Applications

Since its launch, several companies have already started utilizing the ChatGPT API for a variety of applications. Shopify, Quizlet, and Snap are among the early adopters of the API. For example, Snapchat uses the API to power its MY AI feature, available to SnapChat+ subscribers. Quizlet uses the API for its Q-chat, a virtual tutor. Instacart is also expected to utilize the API to enhance their customer service by providing shoppable answers generated by product data from their retail partners.

Revolutionary Pricing and Increased Accessibility

The lowered pricing of the ChatGPT API can be considered revolutionary in the field of language models. OpenAI’s aim to make their API more affordable not only benefits developers but also attracts more users and encourages innovation and experimentation. By reducing the barriers to entry, OpenAI is empowering developers to create new and exciting applications powered by ChatGPT API.

In conclusion, the introduction of the ChatGPT API at a lower price is a significant milestone for OpenAI. The flexible token pricing, along with the utilization of dedicated instances, provides developers with a cost-effective solution for accessing powerful language models. With this new pricing plan, OpenAI aims to drive innovation and unlock the potential of AI technology for a wider audience.

chatgpt pricing explained的常见问答Q&A


答案:ChatGPT是OpenAI开发的一种基于大范围预训练模型的对话生成工具。它使用了GPT(Generative Pre-trained Transformer)技术,能够为用户提供高质量、联贯的对话回复。以下是关于ChatGPT的一些要点:

  • ChatGPT基于自然语言处理和人工智能技术,可以摹拟人类对话风格。
  • 它通过分析大量的训练数据来学习语言模式,从而能够产生具有逻辑和自然流畅性的回复。
  • 用户可以通过ChatGPT与其进行对话,提出问题或寻求帮助。



  • 不要钱版:用户可以避不要钱使用ChatGPT来进行对话和获得回复。
  • ChatGPT Plus:ChatGPT提供了付费定阅服务,称为ChatGPT Plus,每个月收费20美元。
  • ChatGPT API:ChatGPT还提供了API服务,用户可以通过API访问ChatGPT的功能。ChatGPT API的定价为每1000个令牌(token)0.2美分,相对其他语言模型来讲更加低价。








