Demystifying Azure OpenAI Service Pricing: Generative AI Cost for Businesses(chatgpt pricing azure)

标题:Azure OpenAI服务中ChatGPT的定价和使用方法

1. ChatGPT的价格概述



2. ChatGPT的定价模式


  • 在提示模式下,使用GPT⑶.5-Turbo模型,8K上下文的价格为$0.0015,32K上下文的价格为$0.003。
  • 在完成模式下,使用GPT⑶.5-Turbo模型,8K上下文的价格为$0.002,32K上下文的价格为$0.004。
  • 从2023年7月17日起,gpt⑷模型在8K上下文下的价格为$0.03,32K上下文下的价格为$0.06。


3. ChatGPT的整体本钱影响因素



4. Azure OpenAI服务中的ChatGPT使用方法

ChatGPT的预览版已在Azure OpenAI服务中提供,用户可以开始使用。ChatGPT的定价为每1,000个token的价格为$0.002。

用户可以通过访问Azure OpenAI服务,选择ChatGPT,并使用平台提供的API来调用ChatGPT的功能。计费将根据使用的token数量来进行结算。

5. ChatGPT的经济性优势




Azure OpenAI服务中的ChatGPT定价为每1,000个token的价格为$0.002,价格较低,使其成为用户更经济的选择之一。该服务提供了区别的定价模式和上下文长度选择,以满足区别需求,并且可以通过使用频率和其他因夙来影响整体本钱。通过在Azure平台上使用ChatGPT,用户可以取得高质量的聊天功能,并节省开发和保护自建模型的本钱。

chatgpt pricing azure的进一步展开说明

GPT⑷ Pricing: A Comprehensive Guide

In today’s rapidly evolving world, every company is eager to embrace generative AI technology. While giants focus on developing large models to offer as services, smaller companies are looking to integrate these technologies into their own applications. With AI implementation happening at an incredible speed, companies often have questions about how the pricing structure works. In this article, we will delve into the details of ChatGPT (GPT⑷) pricing, shedding light on its key components and helping businesses make informed decisions.

1. Pay as You Go Model

The pricing for ChatGPT⑷ revolves around a usage-based model. OpenAI has adopted a transparent pricing strategy that allows businesses to scale their usage up or down based on their requirements, without being tied to fixed plans or upfront commitments. The usage is measured in tokens, which serve as the currency of ChatGPT. OpenAI provides tools for monitoring token usage, enabling businesses to track their consumption in real-time and make informed decisions about scaling. Different pricing tiers are available based on token limits, and if a conversation exceeds the token limit of a given plan, overage fees come into play. While token usage forms the foundation of ChatGPT pricing, other factors such as conversation complexity, required response times, and additional features or customizations can affect the final pricing.

2. Understanding Tokens

In the context of ChatGPT, a “token” refers to a unit of text that is processed by the language model. Tokens can be as short as a single character or as long as a word. They enable the model to understand and generate language by breaking down the text into smaller units. For example, in the sentence “I love cats,” the tokens would be three: [“I”, “love”, “cats”]. Each word in the sentence is considered a separate token. The total number of tokens processed in a given request depends on the length of the input, output, and request parameters. It’s important to note that the number of tokens is not directly related to the number of words. Tokens can be words or just chunks of characters. For instance, the word “hamburger” gets broken up into the tokens “ham”, “bur”, and “ger”, while a short and common word like “pear” is a single token.

Examples of Tokens Usage

Let’s look at two examples to understand how tokens are used:

  • Example 1:

    • Set up content with a prompt question, resulting in a total of 286 tokens.
    • After receiving the response, the number of tokens changes to 293.
  • Example 2:

    • Although the total number of words is around 71, the number of tokens is 118.
    • After hitting the “Generate” button, the number of tokens increases from 118 to 120. However, only one word, “Entertainment,” is added.

3. Azure Regions and Models Availability

Currently, OpenAI services, including ChatGPT, are offered as part of Azure Cognitive Services and are available in specific Azure regions. These regions include East US, South Central US, and West Europe. It’s important to note the availability of language and image models may vary by region.

4. Restrictions

OpenAI imposes general restrictions on the usage of Cognitive Services, and there are limits in place. However, businesses can request an increase in these limits on a case-by-case basis if their use case demands more. It’s essential to be aware that these restrictions and quotas can change at any time.

5. Pricing for GPT⑷

GPT⑷ is one of the most advanced and costly models. The pricing for GPT⑷ is determined by the number of tokens processed. As per the billing provided by Azure, “Per 1,000 tokens” refers to the cost or price associated with processing 1,000 tokens of text using the GPT⑷ model. For example, if you provide a prompt or input text with 1,000 tokens, it would cost ₹2.454. Similarly, generating completion or output text of 1,000 tokens would cost ₹4.907 for the 8K context and ₹9.813 for the 32K context.

Understanding 8K and 32K Context

The context size of ChatGPT⑷ plays a crucial role in generating responses. Here’s a breakdown of the two context sizes:

  • 8K Context:

    With an 8K context size, ChatGPT⑷ considers the previous 8,000 tokens of the conversation when generating its responses. This means it takes into account the immediate conversation history to understand the context and provide relevant replies. For example, if the preceding conversation history contains 500 tokens and you ask a question or provide a prompt, ChatGPT⑷ incorporates those 500 tokens as context along with your current input to generate a response.

  • 32K Context:

    With a 32K context size, ChatGPT⑷ has a broader understanding of the conversation. It analyzes the preceding 32,000 tokens to generate more contextually rich responses. This allows the model to have a more extensive view of the conversation history. For instance, if the preceding conversation history contains 10,000 tokens, ChatGPT⑷ can utilize all 10,000 tokens as context to better understand the ongoing conversation and produce more informed responses.


It’s crucial for businesses to understand the pricing structure of OpenAI’s Azure services when considering AI implementation. The pay-as-you-go model allows companies to pay only for the AI capabilities they use. Pricing is determined by tokens, which are units of text processed by the language model. Different pricing tiers exist based on token limits. Factors such as conversation complexity, response times, and additional features can impact the overall costs. By understanding the pricing structure, businesses can make informed decisions, optimize costs, and unlock the benefits of enhanced customer interactions and operational efficiencies.

We hope this comprehensive guide to GPT⑷ pricing has been helpful. We welcome your feedback and comments. If there are any other Azure Cognitive Services-related topics you’d like us to cover, please let us know.

chatgpt pricing azure的常见问答Q&A

问题1:Azure OpenAI Service的定价是甚么?

答案:Azure OpenAI Service是Microsoft提供的一种云计算服务,用于让开发者能够访问和使用OpenAI的人工智能模型。以下是Azure OpenAI Service的一些定价相关信息:

  • Azure OpenAI Service中的ChatGPT模型定价为每1,000个token(约750个词)0.002美元。
  • Azure OpenAI Service中的ChatGPT模型使用的是gpt⑶5-turbo版本。
  • 根据Microsoft的新闻发布,ChatGPT服务的定价为每1,000个token 0.002美元。这使得ChatGPT服务具有很高的性价比。
  • Azure OpenAI Service中的ChatGPT模型使用的context长度越长,定价也会相应增加。

问题2:如何计算Azure OpenAI Service的使用本钱?

答案:计算Azure OpenAI Service的使用本钱可以通过以下因素有哪些:

  • 首先,需要根据使用的ChatGPT模型的token数量来计算本钱。ChatGPT模型的定价是每1,000个token 0.002美元。
  • 其次,还需要斟酌到context的长度对定价的影响。context长度越长,定价也会相应增加。
  • 另外,还需要注意其他因素也可能会对整体本钱产生影响。

问题3:ChatGPT如何通过Azure OpenAI Service进行聊天?

答案:ChatGPT通过Azure OpenAI Service进行聊天的进程以下:

  • 首先,用户需要在Azure OpenAI Service上创建一个ChatGPT实例。
  • 然后,用户可以通过使用该实例提供的API来与ChatGPT进行交互。
  • 用户可以通过发送文本输入到ChatGPT实例中,然后ChatGPT将返复生成的响应。
  • 用户可以根据需要进行命令和对话,与ChatGPT进行聊天。
  • 通过Azure OpenAI Service,ChatGPT可以在各种利用场景中提供智能的聊天服务。



  • 首先,可以监控和跟踪OpenAI服务的使用情况,包括token的使用量和context长度等。
  • 其次,可以根据实际需求和预算,设定好公道的限额和阈值。
  • 还可以通过优化使用OpenAI服务的方式,如缩减context长度或减少没必要要的API调用次数。
  • 另外,可以斟酌使用Azure提供的本钱管理工具和功能,如本钱警报和本钱分析等。








