ChatGPT – OpenAI: Exploring the Power of Conversational AI


The official chat.openai.gpt website is the platform for accessing ChatGPT, an AI-powered language model developed by OpenAI. This article explores the features, capabilities, and latest developments of ChatGPT, showcasing the potential of conversational AI.

Features and Capabilities

ChatGPT is designed to generate human-like text based on context and past conversations. It enables developers to build interactive chatbots and virtual assistants, providing a natural and engaging conversational experience for users.

Latest Developments

In November 2023, OpenAI launched ChatGPT based on GPT⑶.5. The chat.openai.gpt website serves as the platform for members to engage with ChatGPT. It is worth noting that the GPT⑷ API is expected to have general availability, potentially deprecating older models in the Completions API.

Advancements of GPT⑷

Released in March 2023, GPT⑷ by OpenAI offers safer and more useful responses. With enhanced problem-solving capabilities and improved accuracy, it demonstrates the progress made in the field of language models.

Integration with Azure AI

ChatGPT and GPT⑶.5 were trained on an Azure AI supercomputing infrastructure. This integration allows the language model to leverage the power of state-of-the-art computing for training and development, enhancing its performance and capabilities.

Tools and Extensions

OpenAI provides a Chat GPT Extension that enables quick access to ChatGPT directly from the Chrome web browser toolbar. Additionally, OpenAI offers a detection tool that can identify content generated by ChatGPT, supporting educational integrity and responsible use of the platform.


ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, showcases the potential of conversational AI. With its ability to generate human-like text, it empowers users to explore, learn, and engage in a natural and interactive manner. The development of GPT⑷ and its integration with Azure AI further contribute to the advancement of language models.

ChatGPT Image

ChatGPT Plus与New Bing如何申请?

ChatGPT Plus的申请相对较简单,只需要在相关平台上租赁定阅便可。而New Bing的申请相对复杂,需要排队等候申请并取得访问资历。

ChatGPT Plus申请步骤:

  1. 在支持ChatGPT Plus的平台上,如OpenAI网站或腾讯云开发者社区,找到租赁定阅的入口。
  2. 依照指引填写个人信息、选择定阅计划,并完成支付。
  3. 等待平台审核,通常会在申请后的几分钟或几个工作日内给予回复。
  4. 审核通过后,便可正常使用ChatGPT Plus账号。

New Bing申请步骤:

  1. 打开微软的New Bing申请页面,输入账号和密码。
  2. 在Microsoft Edge中打开,由于微软规定只能在该浏览器中使用New Bing。
  3. 根据提示填写个人信息,并提交申请。
  4. 等待申请结果,由于申请人数较多,可能需要一定时间。
  5. 如果取得访问资历,便可开始使用New Bing。








