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ChatGPT的API开放价格为1k tokens/$0.002。与其他类似产品如百度文心一言、阿里通义千问大模型等开放接口的产品相比,ChatGPT具有竞争力的价格。在当前的AI大战中,价格已成为各大巨头公司竞争的一环。
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近日,有关中科院ChatGPT学术版(chatgpt academic)的强大功能已传遍耳朵,特别是其在论文写作润饰和优化方面。但是,由于没有OpenAI的key,许多人没有机会亲身体验它的功能,不能不放弃。但是,通过仔细研究ChatGPT的底层代码,发现它本质上也是利用ChatGPT完成的,只是使用了固定的模板语法。因此,只要能使用ChatGPT,就能够到达相同的效果。
1. 英语学术润饰
Intelligent Construction refers to achieving the goals of digitization, intelligence, automation, and sustainable development in the construction process through advanced information technology and intelligent technology. Intelligent Construction covers the entire process of pre-construction, construction, and post-construction, including building design, construction management, equipment debugging, operation, and maintenance. Through the application of intelligent technology, construction efficiency, quality, and safety can be improved, construction costs and energy consumption can be reduced, and sustainable development can be achieved.
## Introduction
Intelligent Construction is a comprehensive approach that aims to achieve the objectives of digitization, intelligence, automation, and sustainable development in the construction industry. It leverages advanced information technology and intelligent technology to enhance various stages of the construction process, including pre-construction, construction, and post-construction. By incorporating intelligent technology, Intelligent Construction offers numerous benefits, such as improved construction efficiency, enhanced construction quality and safety, reduced construction costs and energy consumption, and the promotion of sustainable development.
### Definition of Intelligent Construction
Intelligent Construction refers to the utilization of advanced information technology and intelligent technology to realize the digitization, intelligence, automation, and sustainable development of the construction process. It encompasses various aspects, including building design, construction management, equipment debugging, operation, and maintenance. Through the integration of intelligent technology, Intelligent Construction aims to optimize construction practices and achieve higher levels of productivity, efficiency, and sustainability.
### Key Objectives of Intelligent Construction
The primary goals of Intelligent Construction are:
1. Digitization: Transitioning from traditional paper-based processes to digital systems to enhance information management, communication, and collaboration.
2. Intelligence: Leveraging artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics to enable intelligent decision-making, predictive analysis, and optimization of construction operations.
3. Automation: Implementing automation technologies and robotics to streamline repetitive tasks, improve productivity, and minimize human errors.
4. Sustainable development: Incorporating sustainable practices, such as energy-efficient design, waste reduction, and environmental preservation, to minimize the ecological footprint of construction activities.
By achieving these objectives, Intelligent Construction aims to revolutionize the construction industry by making it more efficient, safe, environmentally friendly, and technologically advanced.
## Conclusion
Intelligent Construction is a transformative approach that harnesses advanced information technology and intelligent technology to optimize the construction process. By embracing digitization, intelligence, automation, and sustainable development, Intelligent Construction offers immense potential for enhancing construction efficiency, quality, and safety, while minimizing construction costs and energy consumption. Furthermore, it paves the way for a more sustainable and resilient future in the construction industry.
2. 中文学术润饰
智能建造(Intelligent Construction)是指利用先进的信息技术和智能化技术,实现建造进程的数字化、智能化、自动化和可延续发展的目标。智能建造涵盖了建造前、建造中和建造后的全进程,包括建筑设计、施工管理、装备调试、运营保护等环节。通过智能化技术的利用,可以提高建造效力、质量和安全性,下降建造本钱和能耗,实现可延续发展。
## 引言
智能建造(Intelligent Construction)是指利用先进的信息技术和智能化技术,实现建造进程的数字化、智能化、自动化和可延续发展的目标。智能建造涵盖了建造前、建造中和建造后的全进程,包括建筑设计、施工管理、装备调试、运营保护等环节。通过利用智能化技术,可以提高建造效力、质量和安全性,下降建造本钱和能耗,实现可延续发展。
### 智能化技术对建造效力的影响
### 智能化技术对建造质量的改进
### 智能化技术对建造可延续发展的推动
## 结论
3. 查找语法毛病
请帮我检查以下段落的语法和拼写会不会正确。如果没有毛病,请告知我这段文字是正确的。如果发现语法或拼写毛病,请在一个两列的 markdown 表格中列出你发现的毛病,将原始文本放在第一列,将更正后的文本放在第二列,并突出显示你更正的关键词。 示例:
段落: How is you? Do you knows what is it?
| 原句 | 更正句 |
| :— | :— |
| How is you? | How are you? |
| Do you knows what is it? | Do you know what it is? |
段落:The research is study about how social media affect people’s sleep quality. The result shown that people who use social media before sleep have a much more worse sleep quality than people who don’t use social media before sleep. The researcher found that the light from social media screen can disturb people’s circadian rhythm, which lead to a bad sleep quality. In addition, people who use social media before sleep have a much more higher risk of depression and anxiety than people who don’t use social media before sleep. The research suggest that people should avoid using social media before sleep to improve their sleep quality and mental health.
| 原句 | 更正句 |
| :— | :— |
| The research is study about how social media affect people’s sleep quality. | The study investigates how social media affects people’s sleep quality. |
| The result shown that people who use social media before sleep have a much more worse sleep quality than people who don’t use social media before sleep. | The results show that individuals who use social media before sleep experience significantly poorer sleep quality compared to those who do not engage in social media activities before sleep. |
| The researcher found that the light from social media screen can disturb people’s circadian rhythm, which lead to a bad sleep quality. | The researchers found that exposure to light from social media screens can disrupt individuals’ circadian rhythm, resulting in poor sleep quality. |
| people who use social media before sleep have a much more higher risk of depression and anxiety than people who don’t use social media before sleep. | Individuals who use social media before sleep are at a significantly higher risk of experiencing depression and anxiety compared to those who do not use social media before sleep. |
| The research suggest that people should avoid using social media before sleep to improve their sleep quality and mental health. | The study suggests that individuals should refrain from using social media before sleep to enhance their sleep quality and mental well-being. |
4. 中译英
请将以下句子翻译成英文:智能建造(Intelligent Construction)是指利用先进的信息技术和智能化技术,实现建造进程的数字化、智能化、自动化和可延续发展的目标。智能建造涵盖了建造前、建造中和建造后的全进程,包括建筑设计、施工管理、装备调试、运营保护等环节。通过智能化技术的利用,可以提高建造效力、质量和安全性,下降建造本钱和能耗,实现可延续发展。
翻译以下:Intelligent Construction refers to the utilization of advanced information technology and intelligent technology to achieve the goals of digitization, intelligence, automation, and sustainable development in the construction process. It encompasses the entire process of pre-construction, construction, and post-construction, including building design, construction management, equipment debugging, operation, and maintenance. Through the application of intelligent technology, it is possible to enhance construction efficiency, quality, and safety, reduce construction costs and energy consumption, and achieve sustainable development.
5. 学术中英互译
智能建造(Intelligent Construction)是指利用先进的信息技术和智能化技术,实现建造进程的数字化、智能化、自动化和可延续发展的目标。智能建造涵盖了建造前、建造中和建造后的全进程,包括建筑设计、施工管理、装备调试、运营保护等环节。通过智能化技术的利用,可以提高建造效力、质量和安全性,下降建造本钱和能耗,实现可延续发展。
Intelligent Construction refers to the utilization of advanced information technology and intelligent technology to achieve the goals of digitization, intelligence, automation, and sustainable development in the construction process. It encompasses the entire process of pre-construction, construction, and post-construction, including building design, construction management, equipment debugging, operation, and maintenance. Through the application of intelligent technology, it is possible to enhance construction efficiency, quality, and safety, reduce construction costs and energy consumption, and achieve sustainable development.
6. 找图片
我需要你找一张网络图片。使用Unsplash API(https://source.unsplash.com/960×640/?<英语关键词>)获得图片URL,然后请使用Markdown格式封装,并且不要有反斜线,不要用代码块。现在,请按以下描写给我发送图片:”麦田”

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