Browser extension and cross-platform desktop application for translation based on ChatGPT API.(opena
OpenAI Translator:ChatGPT翻译插件,轻松实现语言互译
OpenAI Translator是一款基于ChatGPT的翻译插件,能够轻松实现区别语言之间的互译。不管是在工作中或者在学习中,语言翻译都是一个非常重要且常见的需求。OpenAI Translator的出现,为用户提供了一个强大且方便的工具,使得跨语言交换和浏览变得更加轻松和高效。
1. 简介
OpenAI Translator是一个使用ChatGPT API进行翻译的浏览器插件和跨平台桌面利用程序。用户只需安装OpenAI Translator插件,并在配置界面中输入API KEY,就可以够使用这款先进的翻译工具。
2. 强大而易用的功能
OpenAI Translator的功能非常强大且易于使用。用户只需选中需要翻译的文字,然后点击浏览器插件列表中的OpenAI Translator图标便可进行翻译。OpenAI Translator支持55种区别语言之间的实时翻译、润饰和总结功能,满足用户多样化的翻译需求。
2.1 实时翻译
OpenAI Translator能够实时将选中的文字翻译成目标语言,帮助用户快速理解和浏览外语内容。不管用户是在浏览网页、浏览文档或者与他人交换,OpenAI Translator都能够提供实时翻译的支持,消除语言障碍。
2.2 润饰和总结
除翻译功能外,OpenAI Translator还可以将用户选中的文字进行润饰和总结。用户可以将不规范的语句转换为标准英语,将文本简化为合适二年级学生的水平。这对外语学习和写作都是非常有帮助的功能。
3. 平台和浏览器的支持
OpenAI Translator提供了多种平台和浏览器的支持。用户可以在Windows、Mac、Linux等系统上安装OpenAI Translator,并且还可以在Chrome、Firefox等浏览器上使用相应的插件。这意味着不管用户在哪里,只要选中一段文字,就可以够使用OpenAI Translator进行翻译。
4. 其他实用的功能
OpenAI Translator不单单是一个翻译工具,还提供了其他实用的功能。例如,它支持语法纠正、文本润饰、数据解析等功能。用户可以将不规范的语句转换为标准英语,将文本简化为合适二年级学生的水平,还可以将无结构的数据创建成表格等。
5. 开源不要钱的翻译工具
OpenAI Translator是一个开源不要钱的翻译工具。用户可以在GitHub上找到OpenAI Translator的源代码,并进行自定义和改进。这个开源项目得到了广泛的关注和贡献,证明了OpenAI Translator的实用性和可靠性。
6. 利用ChatGPT的强大能力
OpenAI Translator基于先进的ChatGPT API,利用其强大的翻译能力,帮助用户更流畅地浏览、编辑外语。OpenAI Translator不单单是一个翻译工具,还可以进行总结、润饰、分析、代码解释等功能的实现。用户可以充分利用ChatGPT的强大能力,提升自己在外语交换和学习中的效力和体验。
7. 实现全球范围内的无缝连接
OpenAI Translator是一个先进的语言翻译利用,利用人工智能的气力,实现了全球范围内人与人、内容与内容、文化与文化的无缝连接。OpenAI Translator支持超过55种语言的翻译,极大地拓宽了用户的沟通和交换的广度和深度。不管用户面对甚么样的语言障碍,OpenAI Translator都能够为他们提供便利和帮助。
openai translator的进一步展开说明
# The translator that does more than just translation – powered by OpenAI.
## Introduction
In today’s globalized world, the need for seamless language translation has become increasingly important. Whether it’s for business, travel, or personal communication, the ability to easily understand and be understood in different languages is essential. While there are already numerous translation tools available, there is still room for improvement. That is why I have developed a translator that goes beyond the usual translation capabilities – powered by OpenAI.
## Why Yet another Translator?
You may be wondering why we need another translator when there are already so many options available. The answer lies in the unique features and capabilities that our translator offers. Unlike traditional translation tools, our translator is powered by OpenAI, which means it leverages the latest advancements in natural language processing and machine learning to provide a more accurate and efficient translation experience.
## More than just a browser extension
What began as a simple Chrome extension has now evolved into a multi-platform desktop app. This means that our translator is not limited to just one browser or operating system. Whether you’re using Windows, macOS, or Linux, you can easily access and use our translator on any platform. This versatility ensures that no matter what device or system you’re using, you can benefit from the power of our translation tool.
## More than just translation
While translation is the core function of our tool, we have expanded its capabilities to include much more. Our translator now offers three modes: translation, polishing, and summarization. This means that not only can you translate text from one language to another, but you can also improve the quality of the translated text and even generate summaries of longer texts. These additional features make our translator a comprehensive language processing tool that goes beyond basic translation.
## How to use
Using our translator is simple and intuitive. With just a few clicks, you can access its powerful capabilities and enhance your language translation experience. Here’s how:
1. Install the translator: Our translator is available for all platforms – Windows, macOS, and Linux. You can choose to install it manually by downloading the installation package from our website or by visiting your browser’s extension store.
2. Choose your mode: Once the translator is installed, you can choose from three different modes: translation, polishing, and summarization. Depending on your needs, select the mode that best suits your requirements.
3. Customize your translation: Our translator allows for mutual translation across 55 different languages. You can customize the translation text to ensure it accurately reflects the intended meaning. This customization feature ensures that you get the most accurate and contextually relevant translations.
4. One-click copying and Text-to-Speech (TTS): Our translator makes it easy to copy the translated text with just one click. Additionally, it supports Text-to-Speech (TTS) functionality, allowing you to listen to the translated text in a natural and easy-to-understand voice.
5. Support for vocabulary books and memory aids: If you’re learning a new language, our translator has additional features to support your learning journey. It supports vocabulary books, allowing you to easily translate words and phrases from your study materials. It also has the ability to generate memory aids based on the words in your vocabulary books, making it easier to remember and retain new vocabulary.
6. Support for multiple translation services: Our translator supports both OpenAI and Azure OpenAI Service simultaneously. This means that you can choose the service that works best for you or switch between them depending on your needs.
## Installation Guide
To start using our translator, follow these installation steps based on your operating system:
### Windows
– Manual Installation:
1. Visit our website and download the installation package ending in .msi from the Latest Release page.
2. Double-click the downloaded file to start the installation process.
3. If prompted with a security warning, click on “More Info” and then “Run Anyway” to proceed.
4. Once the installation is complete, you’re ready to use our translator!
### MacOS
– Manual Installation:
1. Go to our website and download the corresponding chip’s .dmg installation package from the Latest Release page.
2. Double-click the downloaded file to start the installation process.
3. If you’re using an Apple Silicon machine, make sure to download the aarch64 version and run the xattr command mentioned below.
4. After installation, you can start using our translator right away!
– Troubleshooting:
– If you encounter an error saying “OpenAI Translator can’t be opened because the developer cannot be verified,” follow these steps:
1. Click the “Cancel” button on the error message.
2. Go to “Settings” -> “Privacy and Security” on your Mac.
3. Click the “Still Open” button.
4. Click the “Open” button in the pop-up window.
5. Once you’ve completed these steps, you won’t see any more warnings when opening our translator.
– If you can’t find the above options in “Privacy & Security” or if you’re getting error prompts with Apple Silicon machines, follow these additional steps:
1. Open on your Mac.
2. Enter the following command (you may need to enter your password halfway through):
sudo xattr -d /Applications/OpenAI
3. Restart OpenAI Translator.
– If you encounter a permission prompt every time you open the translator or if you cannot perform a shortcut translation, follow these steps:
1. Go to “Settings” -> “Privacy & Security” on your Mac.
2. Click on “Supporting Features.”
3. Remove OpenAI Translator from the list.
4. Re-add OpenAI Translator.
5. Now you should be able to use the translator without any permission prompts.
### Browser Extension
In addition to the desktop app, we also offer a browser extension. Follow these steps to install it:
1. Visit your browser’s extension store.
2. Search for “OpenAI Translator” and locate our plugin.
3. Click on the plugin icon and enter the API key that you obtained from our website into the configuration interface.
4. Refresh the page in your browser to start using the translator.
### Configure Azure OpenAI Service
If you prefer to use Azure OpenAI Service instead of the default OpenAI service, you can configure it by following these steps:
1. Locate the following code snippet in the translator’s code:
const API_URL = `https://${resourceName}`
const API_URL_PATH = `/openai/deployments/${deployName}/completions?api-version=${apiVersion}`
2. Replace the values in the code snippet with your Azure OpenAI Service details:
– `resourceName`: Your Azure OpenAI Service resource name.
– `deployName`: Your Azure OpenAI Service model deploy name. You can change your model here.
– `api-version`: Use “2023-05⑴5” or a newer version.
## Conclusion
In conclusion, our translator powered by OpenAI offers more than just translation. With its advanced features and capabilities, it goes beyond traditional translation tools to provide a comprehensive language processing experience. Whether you need to translate text, polish the quality of translations, or generate summaries, our translator can assist you. With support for multiple platforms and languages, it ensures that language barriers are no longer an obstacle. So why settle for just another translator when you can have a translator that does so much more? Install our translator today and experience the power of OpenAI in your language translation journey.
## License
For information regarding the license of our translator, please refer to the LICENSE file included with the installation package.
## Star History
[Star History]
openai translator的常见问答Q&A
问题1:OpenAI Translator是甚么?
答案:OpenAI Translator是一款基于ChatGPT API的翻译工具,可以实现划词翻译、润饰、总结等多种功能。它是目前市场上最早进的翻译工具之一,具有简单易用、实时翻译多种语言等特点。
- OpenAI Translator可以帮助用户实现划词翻译,用户只需选中需要翻译的文字便可。
- 用户还可使用OpenAI Translator进行润饰,使翻译结果更加精准和流畅。
- 另外,OpenAI Translator还提供总结功能,可以将长文本进行概括和总结。
问题2:OpenAI Translator特点有哪些?
答案:OpenAI Translator具有以下几个特点:
- 简单易用:OpenAI Translator使用非常简单,用户只需安装插件或利用程序,便可在浏览器或桌面上使用。
- 多功能:OpenAI Translator不但可以实现划词翻译,还支持润饰和总结功能,满足用户多种翻译需求。
- 实时翻译:OpenAI Translator使用OpenAI API提供支持,可以实现实时的翻译功能,让用户取得更好的使用体验。
- 支持多种语言:OpenAI Translator支持55种区别语言之间的翻译,用户可以方便地进行跨语言交换。
- 不要钱开源:OpenAI Translator是一款开源不要钱软件,用户可以避不要钱下载安装并使用。
问题3:OpenAI Translator怎样使用?
答案:使用OpenAI Translator非常简单,具体步骤以下:
- 安装插件:用户可以在浏览器的插件商店中搜索OpenAI Translator并安装。
- 选中文字:在需要翻译的网页或文档当选中需要翻译的文字。
- 划词翻译:选中文字后,OpenAI Translator会弹出翻译框,用户可以即时获得翻译结果。
- 润饰和总结:如果需要对翻译结果进行润饰或总结,用户可以在翻译框中进行编辑。