Janitor AI Free API Key & OpenAI Reverse Proxy (September 2023)(openai api key free)

I. 介绍如何不要钱取得OpenAI API Key

A. 使用OpenAI账户登录并创建API Key

  • 1. 使用邮箱和密码登录OpenAI账户
  • 2. 在左边菜单栏选择“API Keys”
  • 3. 点击右上角的“+ Create new API key”按钮
  • 4. 在弹出窗口中为API Key提供名称和权限

II. 注册OpenAI账户并获得API Key的步骤

A. 在OpenAI官方网站上注册账户

  • 1. 访问OpenAI官网并注册账户
  • 2. 登录成功落后入Dashboard页面

B. 在Dashboard页面生成API Key

  • 1. 进入Dashboard后选择“API Keys”
  • 2. 点击“+ Create new API key”按钮
  • 3. 填写API Key的名称和权限

III. OpenAI API Key的获得方法

要获得OpenAI API Key,请依照以下步骤操作:

  1. 使用邮箱地址和密码登录OpenAI账户。
  2. 进入Dashboard页面并选择“API Keys”。
  3. 点击“+ Create new API key”按钮并填写相关信息。
  4. 保存生成的API Key并开始使用。

IV. 如何不要钱取得OpenAI API Key

A. 注册并创建新的OpenAI账户

  • 1. 访问OpenAI官网并注册账户
  • 2. 使用账户登录落后入Dashboard页面

B. 生成API Key

  • 1. 在Dashboard页面选择“API Keys”
  • 2. 点击“+ Create new API key”按钮并填写相关信息

C. 不要钱试用和付费信息

  • 1. 不要钱试用用户可取得5美元的不要钱信用额度
  • 2. 三个月后不要钱试用期结束,需要提供付费信息继续使用API

V. 总结

A. OpenAI API Key的不要钱获得步骤

  1. 注册OpenAI账户并登录Dashboard
  2. 在API Keys页面生成新的API Key

B. 注意事项和限制

  1. 不要钱试用期仅限三个月
  2. 过期后需要提供付费信息才能继续使用API

openai api key free的进一步展开说明

The Importance of Making a Memorable First Impression

When it comes to meeting someone we’re interested in, making a memorable first impression is crucial. It sets the tone for our relationship with that person and determines whether they will be interested in getting to know us further. However, many people find themselves at a loss for words when trying to make that initial impact. In this blog post, we will explore some key strategies for making a memorable first impression.

1. Project Confidence Through Body Language

Confidence is key when it comes to making a memorable first impression. One of the most effective ways to project confidence is through body language. Standing tall, maintaining eye contact, and having a firm handshake can go a long way in showing the other person that we are self-assured and comfortable in our own skin.

Additionally, being mindful of our facial expressions and gestures is important. Smiling warmly and having an open, relaxed stance can make us appear approachable and friendly.

2. Show Genuine Interest and Active Listening

Another important aspect of making a memorable first impression is showing genuine interest in the other person. People love to talk about themselves, so asking thoughtful questions and actively listening to their responses can make them feel valued and important.

In addition, using verbal cues and body language to show that we are actively engaged in the conversation can help create a positive impression. Nodding, maintaining good eye contact, and affirming the speaker through small interjections or phrases like “I see” or “That’s really interesting” can make the other person feel heard and understood.

3. Be Authentic and Genuine

While it’s important to put our best foot forward, it is equally important to be authentic and genuine. Trying to be someone we’re not will eventually backfire, as people are adept at picking up on inconsistencies and insincerity.

Instead, let’s focus on showcasing our true selves. We can share our passions, interests, and stories that reflect our personality, values, and experiences. This not only helps the other person get to know us better but also builds a foundation of trust and authenticity.

4. Dress Appropriately for the Occasion

First impressions are formed not only through our words and actions but also through our appearance. Dressing appropriately for the occasion shows respect and consideration for the other person.

Researching the dress code beforehand and choosing an outfit that aligns with the event or setting can help create a positive impression. It’s better to be slightly overdressed than underdressed, as it demonstrates that we value the opportunity to meet this person.

5. Maintain a Positive Attitude

A positive attitude is contagious and can greatly impact the way others perceive us. By approaching the first interaction with optimism, enthusiasm, and a friendly demeanor, we can create a welcoming atmosphere that is conducive to building a connection.

Avoiding negative or judgmental remarks and focusing on uplifting conversations can help create a positive and memorable first impression. People are more likely to remember us if we leave them feeling uplifted and inspired.


Making a memorable first impression requires a combination of confidence, genuine interest, authenticity, appropriate appearance, and a positive attitude. By implementing these strategies, we can enhance our chances of creating a lasting and meaningful connection with someone we’re interested in.

Remember, first impressions are important, but it’s also important to give ourselves grace and understand that not every interaction will lead to a deep connection. However, by being our authentic selves and approaching each interaction with kindness and respect, we are already setting ourselves up for success.

openai api key free的常见问答Q&A

问题1:如何获得OpenAI API Key不要钱?

答案:要不要钱获得OpenAI API Key,您可以依照以下步骤进行:

  1. 访问OpenAI的官方网站https://openai.com/
  2. 注册并创建一个新的OpenAI账户。
  3. 登录账户后,进入Dashboard页面。
  4. 在Dashboard页面左边菜单栏当选择“API Keys”。
  5. 点击右上角的“+ Create new API key”按钮。
  6. 在弹出的窗口中,您将为该API Key命名,并选择访问权限。
  7. 单击“Create API Key”按钮生成新的API Key。
  8. 将生成的API Key保存好,以便在使用OpenAI接口时进行身份验证。

问题2:怎样使用OpenAI接口和API Key?

答案:一旦您取得了OpenAI API Key,您就能够依照以下步骤来使用OpenAI接口:

  1. 确保您已安装了OpenAI的相关SDK或库。
  2. 在您的项目中导入OpenAI SDK并引入API Key。
  3. 使用API Key进行身份验证,以便访问OpenAI的服务。
  4. 根据OpenAI提供的文档和示例代码,调用相应的API接口。
  5. 处理和解析API接口返回的数据,根据需求进行后续操作。

问题3:OpenAI API Key不要钱的获得方式有哪几种?

答案:以下是一些可以避不要钱获得OpenAI API Key的方式:

  • 通过注册OpenAI官方网站并创建新账户取得。
  • 参与OpenAI的促销活动或推广活动。
  • 关注OpenAI的官方社交媒体账号,获得他们发布的不要钱API Key相关信息。
  • 寻觅OpenAI的合作火伴或援助商,获得他们提供的不要钱API Key。
  • 参与OpenAI举行的开发者大赛或活动,取得不要钱API Key的嘉奖。







