D-ID’s new web app gives a face and voice to OpenAI’s ChatGPT(chatgpt id)

ChatGPT注册教程: 怎样快速获得ChatGPT ID

I. ChatGPT的背景和功能介绍


II. 注册创建ChatGPT账号


A. 进入ChatGPT官网

  1. 在浏览器中输入https://chat.openai.com/auth/login,进入ChatGPT的官网页面。

B. 点击”Sign Up”

  1. 在官网首页找到”Sign Up”按钮,并点击进入注册页面。

C. 填写注册信息

  1. 根据页面要求,输入所需信息,如用户名、密码和邮箱等。


完成注册后,你将取得一个唯一的ChatGPT ID,以下是获得ChatGPT ID的步骤:

A. 登录ChatGPT账号

  1. 回到官网登录界面,使用之前注册的用户名和密码登录。

B. 导航到ChatGPT对话页面

  1. 在ChatGPT官网中找到ChatGPT对话选项,并点击进入对话页面。

C. 查看ChatGPT ID

  1. 在对话页面中,你可以找到自己的ChatGPT ID。这个ID用于辨认和保存对话历史。

IV. 使用ChatGPT ID进行对话

获得ChatGPT ID后,你就能够开始与ChatGPT进行对话了,以下是使用ChatGPT ID的步骤:

A. 在对话页面中输入对话内容

  1. 在输入框中输入你想与ChatGPT对话的内容。你可以发问问题、寻求建议或进行闲谈。

B. 获得ChatGPT的回答

  1. ChatGPT会根据你输入的对话内容生成回答,回答会在对话页面显示出来。

V. 升级ChatGPT Plus

如果你想取得更多功能和优良的体验,可以斟酌升级到ChatGPT Plus,以下是升级ChatGPT Plus的步骤:

A. App Store下载ChatGPT

  1. 首先需要一个美区App Store账号。
  2. 访问https://appleid.apple.com/account注册页面,按要求填写注册信息。

B. 了解如何升级ChatGPT Plus

  1. 在ChatGPT官网或App Store查找升级信息,根据指引进行ChatGPT Plus的升级。

通过上述ChatGPT注册教程,你可以快速获得ChatGPT ID并开始享受与ChatGPT的对话体验。记住,ChatGPT ID是辨认和保存对话历史的唯一标识符。如果需要升级到ChatGPT Plus,可以通过App Store查找相关信息并进行升级。快开始与ChatGPT对话,获得即时回答、创意灵感和新知识吧!

chatgpt id的进一步展开说明

D-ID Launches chat.D-ID Beta Version

D-ID, an Israeli startup known for its Deep Nostalgia technology, has recently introduced the beta version of its new web app, chat.D-ID. This innovative web app enables users to engage in face-to-face conversations with AI-powered avatars that appear strikingly realistic. By integrating D-ID’s text-to-video streaming technology with OpenAI’s ChatGPT, chat.D-ID aims to make AI conversations more accessible and user-friendly.

Gil Perry, the CEO and co-founder of D-ID, emphasized the significance of giving ChatGPT a voice and face. According to Perry, this development will allow individuals who struggle with reading and writing to interact with AI. Additionally, the web app aims to facilitate AI usage for elderly individuals. D-ID believes that by incorporating a visual interface, chat.D-ID expands the reach and usability of ChatGPT.

The chat.D-ID web app showcases an initial avatar named “Alice” upon launching on a desktop or mobile device. Users can type their questions or utilize the microphone icon to ask verbally. D-ID claims that Alice is capable of answering almost any query. Whether one seeks a simulated job interview experience or wishes to host a family trivia night, the web app offers a range of possibilities. As an early-stage beta version, the web app may still have some imperfections.

In the near future, chat.D-ID plans to introduce various avatar options for users to select from. Furthermore, users will have the capability to upload their preferred images; however, the web app explicitly prohibits the usage of celebrity or public figure images. D-ID also plans to enable users to generate their own AI character, such as Dumbledore from the Harry Potter series, to facilitate more engaging conversations. Perry believes that matching the appropriate face with AI interactions is crucial. For instance, if an elementary school student wants to learn about quantum physics, they can adjust the application’s appearance to resemble Albert Einstein’s face.

D-ID currently provides chat.D-ID to users free of charge. However, Perry acknowledges the possibility of introducing user fees if the web app experiences overwhelming demand. Nevertheless, the ultimate goal is to keep the web app accessible to all users. D-ID anticipates the potential for widespread adoption and emphasizes its readiness to address scaling challenges.

Enhancing AI Communication with Realistic Avatars

Some individuals may find the concept of the chat.D-ID web app unsettling. D-ID acknowledges this concern, but CEO Gil Perry argues that incorporating AI into people’s daily lives is an inevitable future. D-ID believes that providing AI with a face facilitates more intuitive human-machine communication.

D-ID highlights the importance of addressing potential issues related to AI interactions. In contrast to Microsoft’s previous experience with unsettling responses from the Bing search engine, D-ID asserts that OpenAI has taken steps to enhance ChatGPT’s API and implement necessary guardrails. While D-ID does not take direct responsibility for the responses generated by Alice, the company has implemented safeguards within the web app. To maintain a safe environment, users are unable to upload pornographic or violent images.

Expanding the Applications of AI in Business and Support

In addition to the consumer-oriented web app, D-ID recently launched a chat API for enterprises, catering to branding and customer experience needs. Text chatbots have gained popularity as a means of engaging with consumers, and D-ID suggests that its API can enable brands to interact with customers in a more personalized and interactive manner.

These developments align with D-ID’s participation, alongside Adobe and OpenAI, in a framework that promotes ethical and responsible development and sharing of synthetic media. This collaboration signifies the industry-wide recognition of the importance of establishing guidelines for synthetic media technologies.

Generative AI for Supporting Victims of Domestic Violence

D-ID further announced its collaboration with the nonprofit organization Spring ACT and the support of Microsoft to launch a campaign using generative AI to strengthen global online support for victims of domestic violence. This initiative leverages Microsoft Azure AI’s text-to-speech capabilities and Azure AI cloud infrastructure.


OpenAI’s ChatGPT has rapidly gained popularity, captivating internet users across various platforms. D-ID’s introduction of chat.D-ID addresses the growing demand and interest in AI technology. By leveraging realistic avatars and integrating advanced language models, D-ID aims to enhance the effectiveness and accessibility of AI conversations. Moving forward, D-ID remains steadfast in its commitment to ensuring a user-friendly and responsible AI experience.

chatgpt id的常见问答Q&A



  1. 打开ChatGPT官网,并点击”Sign Up”按钮。
  2. 填写注册信息,包括邮箱地址和密码。
  3. 完成账号验证进程,根据唆使完成验证步骤。
  4. 成功注册后,便可使用ChatGPT账号登录。

问题2:怎么注册美区Apple ID以租赁ChatGPT账号?

答案:注册美区Apple ID并租赁ChatGPT账号的具体步骤以下:

  1. 访问https://appleid.apple.com/account注册页面。
  2. 按要求填写注册信息,包括姓名、邮箱地址和密码。
  3. 选择国家/地区为美国,并填写相关地址信息。
  4. 完成账号注册后,登录Apple ID。
  5. 在App Store中搜索并下载ChatGPT利用。
  6. 通过Apple ID租赁ChatGPT Plus定阅。



  1. 打开ChatGPT官网,并点击”Sign In”按钮。
  2. 输入已注册的邮箱地址和密码。
  3. 点击登录按钮,便可成功登录ChatGPT账号。







