「Chatgpt被封?解封攻略」三步让奥特曼还我账号(您的 OpenAI 帐户已被停用,请检查您的电子邮件以获得更多信息。如果您认为这是一)




  1. 违背OpenAI使用条款

    • 进行大量类似或相同操作,可能会被认为是自动化软件或脚本生成的。
    • 在没有授权的情况下使用API或创建模型。
  2. 违背OpenAI使用策略
  3. 在不支持的地区使用




  1. 检查电子邮件以获得更多信息
  2. 审查OpenAI的使用条款和策略
  3. 提交申述或要求消除禁令
  4. 等待回复并依照唆使行动
  5. 斟酌更换账户或联系技术支持




  1. 遵照OpenAI的使用条款和策略
  2. 注意使用语言和内容
  3. 尊重OpenAI社区准则
  4. 定期检查OpenAI的政策更新
  5. 密切关注账户行动



您的 OpenAI 帐户已被停用,请检查您的电子邮件以获得更多信息。如果您认为这是一的进一步展开说明

最新解封教程指南-从3.30到今天(4.3)ChatGPT停止注册,open AI开始全面封亚洲登录账号!不管是普通账号或者Plus账号,都有可能面临被封的风险,短时间内千万不要用亚洲节点登录! 如果被封不要慌张,这里提供一个保母级的解封教程,以帮助大家快速解封。

## 前言

最近,由于一系列安全问题,open AI决定全面封禁亚洲地区的账号。这对很多ChatGPT用户带来了困扰,因此我们提供以下的解封教程,帮助大家快速恢复ChatGPT账号的使用。

## 解封教程分三步走:

1. 通过open AI申述邮箱发送申请邮件(附模板)。

2. 等待官方回复,确认致使账号被封的节点轨迹(支持邮箱:[email protected])。

3. 指明具体可疑节点轨迹,恳切地回复申述邮件(附模板)。

## 步骤一:通过open AI申述邮箱发送申请信

首先,发送一封申请信到open AI的申述邮箱[email protected]。强调这是一个误解,并恳求open AI开启解封审查程序。我们提供了几套模板,你可以将你的邮箱账号和姓名复制到中英文模板中,也能够根据模板自己修改一下,再转成英文,这样成功率会更高。



Subject: Urgent call to unban account: Unauthorized access and abuse of my ChatGPT account

Dear ChatGPT Support Team,

I am writing to request the lifting of the ban on my ChatGPT account(用户名:[你的邮箱名字]). I believe that my account has been wrongly flagged and blocked due to suspicious activity, which I suspect is a result of unauthorized access and misuse.

Recently, I discovered that my account has been hacked, and I have reasons to believe that it has been accessed and misused by someone without my knowledge or consent. I apologize for any inconvenience or disruption this may have caused to the ChatGPT community and assure you that I have not been involved in any activities that led to the ban.

To address this issue and secure my account, I have taken necessary steps such as changing my password and enabling two-factor authentication. I respectfully request you to investigate my account to verify my claim and consider lifting the ban.

I have always valued and respected the ChatGPT community guidelines and have strived to maintain a positive and constructive presence. I understand the importance of all users maintaining a safe and enjoyable environment and apologize for any trouble this situation may have caused.

Please let me know if I need to provide any additional information or take any action to facilitate the investigation and resolution of this issue. I am more than willing to cooperate with any further inquiries from your team.


[您的全名] [您的用户名] [您的电子邮件地址]


Subject: Urgent Appeal for Account Unban: Unauthorized Access and Misuse of my ChatGPT Account

Dear ChatGPT Support Team,

I hope this email finds you well. My name is [你的名字], and I am writing to request the lifting of the ban on my ChatGPT account(用户名:[你的邮箱名字]). I believe my account was mistakenly flagged and prohibited due to suspicious activity, which I suspect was a result of unauthorized access and misuse.

I recently discovered that my account was compromised, and I have reason to believe that it was accessed and misused by someone else without my knowledge or consent. I apologize for any inconvenience or disruption this may have caused to the ChatGPT community and assure you that I did not engage in any activity that resulted in the ban.

To resolve this issue and restore my account, I have taken necessary steps to secure my account by changing the password and enabling two-factor authentication. I urge you to investigate my account to verify my claims and consider lifting the ban.

I have always valued and respected the ChatGPT community guidelines and have strived to maintain a positive and constructive presence. I understand the importance of all users maintaining a safe and enjoyable environment and apologize for any trouble this situation may have caused.

Please let me know if I need to provide any additional information or take any further action to facilitate the investigation and resolution of this matter. I am more than willing to cooperate with any further inquiries from your end.

Thank you for your time and attention.


[您的全名] [您的用户名] [您的电子邮件地址]


Subject: Request for Account Unban: Suspicion of Unauthorized Access

Dear ChatGPT Support Team,

I am writing to you with great urgency as I recently discovered that my ChatGPT account has been banned. However, I want to emphasize that I have always followed the rules and guidelines set by ChatGPT, and I have never engaged in any suspicious activities that would warrant a ban.

I am deeply concerned about this situation, as my ChatGPT account plays a crucial role in my work and studies. I am confident that there has been a mistake or technical error that led to this ban. I kindly request your assistance in resolving this issue and restoring my account.

I have always valued the ChatGPT community and have strived to contribute positively to its growth. I understand the importance of maintaining a safe and enjoyable environment for all users. Therefore, I am committed to working with you to resolve this matter promptly.

I kindly request that you investigate my account and consider lifting the ban. If necessary, I am willing to provide any additional information or take any further steps to support the investigation.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to your prompt response.


[Your Full Name]
[Your Username]
[Your Email Address]

请根据自己的情况选择合适的申请信模板,并发送到[email protected]邮箱。

## 步骤二:等待官方回复,确认致使账号被封的节点轨迹


## 步骤三:指明具体可疑节点轨迹,恳切地回复申述信

在确认被封的节点轨迹后,你需要屡次发送申述信给open AI,并指出具体可疑节点轨迹。为了提高成功率,我们建议最少发送三封邮件,采取区别的申述信模板,并适当修改个人信息。每封邮件的内容应恳切地解释情况,并对具体可疑节点信息进行详细说明。



Subject: Urgent Request for Account Unban – Never Used [您的可疑IP]

Dear ChatGPT Support Team,

I am writing to urgently request your help in unblocking my ChatGPT account (用户名:[你的邮箱名字]). I was surprised to learn that my account has been banned due to the use of a Hong Kong IP address ([您的可疑IP]), which I have never used before! I want to assure you that I am a law-abiding user who has always followed ChatGPT’s rules and regulations.

This ban has left me deeply disappointed and frustrated. My ChatGPT account is of utmost importance to me as I rely on it for my work and studies. Without access to my account, I will face significant challenges and setbacks.

I kindly request your prompt attention to this matter. Please investigate the situation and lift the ban on my account as soon as possible. I trust that you will recognize this as a misunderstanding and restore my account access.

Thank you for your understanding, and I look forward to your swift resolution of this issue.


[Your Full Name]
[Your Username]
[Your Email Address]


Subject: Urgent Request for Account Unban – Never Used [您的可疑IP]

Dear ChatGPT Support Team,

I am writing this email to urgently request the unblocking of my ChatGPT account (用户名:[你的邮箱名字]). I was shocked to learn that my account has been banned due to suspicious activity related to the use of a Hong Kong IP address ([您的可疑IP]), which I have never used in my entire ChatGPT experience.

I want to emphasize that I have always adhered to ChatGPT’s guidelines and have been a responsible user. This ban has deeply affected me, as I rely on ChatGPT for various aspects of my work and studies.

I kindly request your immediate attention to this matter. I sincerely believe that my account was flagged due to a misunderstanding or technical error. I urge you to thoroughly review the situation and consider lifting the ban on my account.

Thank you for your understanding, and I hope for a swift resolution to this issue.


[Your Full Name]
[Your Username]
[Your Email Address]


Subject: Urgent Request for Account Unban – Suspension Resulting from the Use of [您的可疑IP]

Dear ChatGPT Support Team,

I am writing this email to urgently request the unblocking of my ChatGPT account (用户名:[你的邮箱名字]). I am surprised to learn that my account has been banned due to the use of a Hong Kong IP address ([您的可疑IP]), which is completely unfamiliar to me.

I assure you that I have always followed ChatGPT’s guidelines, and I have never engaged in any improper activities. This ban has greatly disrupted my work and studies, and I am eager to resolve this issue and regain access to my account.

I kindly request your immediate attention to this matter. I firmly believe that this ban is the result of a misunderstanding or technical glitch. I seek your cooperation in thoroughly reviewing my account activity and lifting the ban.

Thank you for your understanding, and I appreciate your prompt assistance in resolving this issue.


[Your Full Name]
[Your Username]
[Your Email Address]

请根据你的实际情况选择合适的申述信模板,并在对应的时间发送给open AI。通过量次发送申述信,指明具体可疑节点轨迹,恳切地解释情况,提高解封成功的几率。

## 总结


您的 OpenAI 帐户已被停用,请检查您的电子邮件以获得更多信息。如果您认为这是一的常见问答Q&A



  • OpenAI使用条款包括用户在使用OpenAI产品和服务时的权利、责任和限制。
  • 使用OpenAI产品和服务时,用户需要遵照OpenAI的使用策略,包括制止的行动和内容。
  • OpenAI在一些特定地区可能不提供支持或遭到限制。用户在使用OpenAI产品和服务时需要确认所在地区会不会支持。
  • 用户一定要仔细浏览并理解OpenAI使用条款和使用策略,以免违背规定。
  • 如果有任何疑问或背规举报,请联系OpenAI的支持团队获得帮助和投诉。



  • 输入毛病的登录凭据,如毛病的用户名或密码。
  • 多是账号被封禁致使没法登录官网,请根据OpenAI的封禁解封攻略来解决这个问题。
  • 多是网络连接问题,检查您的网络连接会不会正常。
  • 如果您使用的是代理服务器,尝试关闭代理服务器或更换其他网络环境。
  • 如果以上方法都无效,建议联系OpenAI的技术支持团队获得进一步的帮助。



  • 第一步:向OpenAI提交解封要求。您可以发送一封邮件给OpenAI,详细说明您的账号被封禁的情况,并表达您的诚意和保证不再违背使用条款。
  • 第二步:等待回复。OpenAI会对您的要求进行审核,并在一定时间内回复您的邮件。
  • 第三步:遵照OpenAI的唆使。如果OpenAI同意解封您的账号,您需要遵照OpenAI的相关唆使和注意事项,并确保不再违背使用条款。

问题4:API突然频繁被封(原#419) #423


  • 您的API使用行动被OpenAI认为违背了使用条款和使用策略。
  • 您的API要求频率太高,超越了OpenAI规定的限制。
  • 您的API要求存在异常或异常行动,被OpenAI认为是自动化脚本或歹意攻击。
  • 多是网络连接问题,致使API要求失败或被封禁。
  • 建议您参考OpenAI的使用指南和文档,确保正确使用API,并遵照OpenAI的规定和限制。








