Where do I find my Secret API Key?(OPENAI KEY 获得)

如何不要钱获得OpenAI API Key,打开AI世界的钥匙

OpenAI是人工智能领域的一家领先公司,提供了强大的人工智能API,以帮助开发者创建各种智能利用。要使用OpenAI的API,首先需要获得API Key,本文将介绍如何不要钱获得OpenAI API Key,并带您打开AI世界的钥匙。


首先,您需要访问OpenAI官网 https://openai.com/ ,点击网站右上角的“Sign up for free”注册一个不要钱账号。注册成功后,请登录OpenAI官网。

二、获得API Key

在登录OpenAI官网后,点击OpenAI管理控制面板底部的“API Keys”标签。然后,点击申请API Key的按钮,填写相应的申请信息并提交申请。OpenAI团队会对申请进行评估,并在通过后发送API Key至您注册的邮箱。

三、使用API Key

在取得API Key以后,您可以在https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys 查看您的API Key值。区别的API需要区别的API Key权限,您可以在https://platform.openai.com/api/keys 查看自己的API Key权限。取得API Key后,您可使用它来访问OpenAI的各种API。


在使用OpenAI API Key时,您需要遵照以下注意事项:

  • Best Practices for API Key Safety:了解如何保护和管理API Key的最好实践,确保API Key的安全性。
  • 保护私人API Key:避免将API Key泄漏给未经授权的人使用,保护您的API Key的安全。
  • 依照OpenAI的使用规范:使用API Key时,请遵照OpenAI的开发者使用规范,并遵照相关的法律法规和道德准则。

通过以上步骤,您可以避不要钱获得OpenAI API Key,并利用该API Key来访问OpenAI的各种API。使用合法合规的方式使用OpenAI API Key,您可以在利用程序和项目中充分发挥强大的人工智能能力,探索创新的可能性。

OPENAI KEY 获得的进一步展开说明


In order to access and use certain features of a website or application, users are often required to generate and use an API key. This key serves as a unique identifier and authentication mechanism, allowing the user to securely interact with the desired services. However, it is crucial to prioritize the safety and security of our API keys to prevent unauthorized access and potential misuse.

Where to Find Your Secret API Key

Within the user settings of your account, you can easily locate your secret API key. By navigating to the designated section, you will find the necessary information to access and utilize the provided services that require an API key. It is important to ensure the confidentiality of this key to maintain the security of your account and protect your data from potential security breaches.

Best Practices for API Key Safety

To safeguard your API key and maintain the security of your account and data, it is crucial to follow best practices:

  1. Store the API Key Securely: As with any sensitive information, it is vital to store your API key in a secure location. Avoid publicly sharing or committing your key to version control systems, as this may expose it to potential attackers. Consider using secure password managers or encrypted storage solutions to protect your API key from unauthorized access.
  2. Limit Access and Permissions: Take advantage of the access control mechanisms provided by the platform or service you are utilizing. Grant only the necessary permissions required for your application or website to function properly. By minimizing the scope of access, you reduce the potential risk associated with your API key being misused.
  3. Monitor API Key Usage: Regularly review the usage and activity logs associated with your API key. Keep a close eye on any suspicious activity or unauthorized access attempts. If you detect any abnormal behavior, take immediate action by revoking the existing key and generating a new one.
  4. Implement Secure Communication: When transmitting your API key, ensure that the communication channel is secure. Utilize encrypted connections such as HTTPS to protect your key from interception or eavesdropping. By encrypting the transmission, you add an extra layer of security to your API key.
  5. Regularly Update the API Key: Periodically updating your API key is an effective way to enhance security. Implement a routine schedule to generate new keys, rendering any previously obtained keys obsolete. By regularly rotating your API key, you minimize the impact in the event of key compromise or unauthorized access.
  6. Enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Enable multi-factor authentication whenever possible. This provides an additional layer of security by adding a verification step beyond simply entering the API key. By requiring an additional factor, such as a one-time password or biometric authentication, you significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access to your account.


In conclusion, the safety and security of our API keys should be of utmost importance. By following the best practices outlined above, you can minimize the risk of unauthorized access, data breaches, and potential misuse of your API key. Remember to store your key securely, limit access and permissions, monitor usage, implement secure communication, regularly update the key, and enable multi-factor authentication. By prioritizing these practices, you can confidently protect your account and data from potential security threats.


问:如何获得OpenAI的API Key?

答:要获得OpenAI的API Key,您可以依照以下步骤进行操作:

  1. 访问OpenAI官网(https://openai.com/)并注册一个账号。
  2. 登录OpenAI官网后,点击页面右上角的”Sign up for free”注册按钮完成账号注册。
  3. 注册成功后,登录OpenAI官网。
  4. 在页面底部的管理控制面板中点击”API Keys”标签。
  5. 点击申请API Key的按钮,并填写相应的申请信息,并提交申请。
  6. OpenAI团队会对您的申请进行评估,通过后将会发送API Key至您的注册邮箱。

问:怎样使用OpenAI的API Key?

答:在取得OpenAI的API Key以后,您可使用它来访问OpenAI的各种API。以下是使用OpenAI的API Key的步骤:

  1. 登录您的OpenAI账户。
  2. 在左边菜单栏当选择”API Key”。
  3. 您将看到您的API Key权限的详情,可以在https://platform.openai.com/api/keys页面查看。
  4. 根据您要使用的API类型,使用相应的API Key进行访问。

问:OpenAI的API Key如何获得不要钱?

答:要不要钱获得OpenAI的API Key,您可以依照以下方式进行操作:

  1. 访问OpenAI官方网站并注册一个账户,完成账户注册。
  2. 登录OpenAI账户后,在左边菜单栏当选择”API Key”。
  3. 创建您自己的API Key。
  4. 在https://platform.openai.com/api/keys页面查看您的API Key权限。
  5. 通过使用不要钱的API Key来访问OpenAI的API。







