chatgpt 的开发和利用(openai 流式返回单字python)

OpenAI API简介

OpenAI API是由OpenAI提供的人工智能服务接口,可以用于处理自然语言处理任务。使用OpenAI API可以进行对话生成、文本摘要、语言翻译等各种NLP任务。

Python调用OpenAI API

在Python中调用OpenAI API需要安装OpenAI库。使用OpenAI库提供的函数可以方便地与OpenAI API进行交互。

流式传输OpenAI API响应

OpenAI API支持流式传输响应,可以实时接收返回的单字或单词。使用流式传输可以提高用户体验,可以实时展现生成的文本内容。


通过Python代码可以实现对OpenAI API响应的流式传输。可使用Python的异步编程技术来实现实时接收和展现响应内容。

使用SSE(Server Sent Events)实现流式传输

SSE是一种服务器向客户端推送数据的方式,可以实现实时流式传输。使用Python可以通过SSE来实现与OpenAI API的流式通讯。


在Python中使用SSE库连接到OpenAI API。通过SSE库发送要求并实时接收OpenAI API的响应。解析响应数据并展现在命令行或其他界面上。




需要根据OpenAI API文档中的限制和建议进行调剂。需要注意处理可能出现的毛病和异常情况。


使用Python实现流式传输可以实时接收和展现OpenAI API的响应。这类方式可以提高用户体验,并提高处理文本生成任务的效力。

openai 流式返回单字python的进一步展开说明


This article explores a conversation between a user named Jobs and an assistant named chatgpt. The conversation reveals Jobs’ curiosity about the assistant’s identity and their brief exchange on how they are doing. Jobs also asks if the assistant knows his name. This article delves into the different roles played by the system, user, and assistant, and the importance of clear communication in human-computer interactions.

Understanding the Roles

In this conversation, there are three distinct roles: the system, the user, and the assistant. The system acts as an intermediary, providing information about the assistant’s capabilities and purpose. The user, Jobs, seeks interaction with the assistant and poses questions. The assistant, chatgpt, serves as the primary respondent, engaging in conversation and providing answers.

System’s Introduction

  • The system, in its initial message, establishes its role and purpose, stating, “You are a helpful assistant!” This introduction sets expectations for the user and provides a foundation for the subsequent conversation.

User’s Introduction

  • Jobs, the user, initiates the conversation by introducing himself, saying, “I’m Jobs, who are you?” This opening question demonstrates his curiosity about the assistant’s identity.

Assistant’s Introduction

  • The assistant, chatgpt, responds to Jobs’ question, introducing itself with the message, “Hello Jobs, I’m chatgpt.” This reply establishes a friendly tone and acknowledges Jobs’ identity.

Establishing Rapport

Once the introductions are complete, the conversation progresses to establish rapport between Jobs and chatgpt. The user asks the assistant how it is doing, prompting a polite response.

User’s Inquiry about the Assistant’s Well-being

  • Jobs asks chatgpt, “How are you?” This question reflects a basic human tendency to engage in small talk and show concern for others.

Assistant’s Polite and Considerate Response

  • The assistant responds to Jobs’ inquiry with gratitude, saying, “Fine, thank you. And you?” This response demonstrates politeness and the assistant’s ability to engage in conversational exchanges beyond providing information.

Reciprocity of Information

As the conversation progresses, Jobs seeks to validate the assistant’s knowledge. He asks the assistant if it knows his name. This part of the conversation highlights the importance of clear communication and provides an opportunity to explicitly address any limitations the assistant may have.

User’s Request for Validation

  • Jobs asks the assistant, “Do you know my name?” This question tests the assistant’s ability to retain previously shared information and assesses its capacity to recognize and remember individual users.

Assistant’s Acknowledgement

  • chatgpt responds to Jobs’ question, saying, “Yes, you’re Jobs.” This affirmation indicates the assistant’s capability to remember and recognize users, thereby instilling a sense of trust and personalized interaction.


This conversation exemplifies the role of a helpful assistant in facilitating human-computer interactions. The system introduces the assistant, the user engages with curiosity, and the assistant reciprocates, establishing rapport and providing personalized responses. Clear communication and validation of the assistant’s knowledge are crucial factors in fostering trust and a satisfactory user experience.

openai 流式返回单字python的常见问答Q&A

问题1:怎样使用Python调用OpenAI API?

答案:要使用Python调用OpenAI API,可以依照以下步骤进行:

  1. 注册OpenAI账号并获得OpenAI-API key。
  2. 安装OpenAI库。
  3. 编写代码来调用OpenAI的API。


首先,您需要在OpenAI官网注册账号,并取得OpenAI-API key。这个API key将在后续的调用中用到。


pip install openai

安装完成后,您可以在Python代码中导入openai模块并开始调用OpenAI API。


import openai
openai.api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
response = openai.Completion.create(engine='davinci', prompt='What is Python?')

在这个示例中,我们首先将OpenAI的API key设置为您的API key。




如果您想了解更多有关使用Python调用OpenAI API的详细信息,可以参考OpenAI官方文档和相关教程。








