Where do I find my Secret API Key?(您的ApiKey所关联的账号已被openai停用!)

I. OpenAI封禁账号的缘由分析

A. 异常登录账号的安全问题

OpenAI为保护用户账号安全,对异常登录账号采取封禁措施。这可能与歹意攻击、盗号行动有关。每一个用户的账号和API Key都应当仅由其本人使用,避免将账号信息泄漏或提供给他人。


B. 遏制歹意行动致使封禁


例子:如果用户使用OpenAI API生成歹意输出或散布不实信息,OpenAI有权利封禁该用户的账号。

C. 特定IP地址或服务器账号引发封号

OpenAI可能对一些特定IP地址或服务器账号进行封禁。比如,多个账号在同一IP或类似IP下频繁更换API发出要求,这违背了OpenAI API的使用规则。为了不被封禁,用户应当避免使用代理服务器或频繁更换IP地址。

例子:如果多个用户在同一台服务器上使用OpenAI API,并且频繁更换API发出要求,OpenAI可能会将该IP地址或服务器账号列为风险账号并进行封禁。

II. 避免OpenAI API封禁的策略

A. 合规使用API

用户应当遵照OpenAI API的使用规则和条款,避免通过API进行背法、背规、歹意攻击性行动。

例子:用户应当确保在使用OpenAI API生成内容时,遵守法律法规,不生成背法内容或歹意攻击性输出。

B. 了解OpenAI风控政策



C. 注册新账号解封

如果用户的账号被封禁,需要注册新账号,并在创建新账号后,更新API Key并重新使用。

例子:如果用户的OpenAI账号被封禁,用户可以通过注册新账号,并将API Key更新为新账号的Key来解封并继续使用OpenAI API。

D. 使用服务器部署方式



III. OpenAI API封禁解封攻略

A. 联系OpenAI官方支持



B. 修正问题并申述



C. 遵照解封条件



通过避免封禁的策略和采取解封攻略,可以保障OpenAI API账号的安全,避免被停用。用户应当注意合规使用API,了解OpenAI风控政策,遵照OpenAI的使用规则和条款。在遇到封禁情况时,可以与OpenAI官方支持团队联系并修正问题,进行解封申述。同时,使用服务器部署方式也是规避封禁的有效策略之一。希望这些信息能帮助到您!



In the world of API development, it is common to use an API key to access and authenticate with various services. API keys serve as a security measure to ensure that only authorized users can access the resources provided by an API. In this article, we will discuss the importance of keeping your API key protected and provide some best practices to help you safeguard your key.

The Secret API Key

As an API user, you can find your Secret API key in your User settings. This key grants you access to the resources and functionality provided by the API. It is important to keep this key confidential and secure to prevent unauthorized access to your account and potential misuse of your API resources.

Best Practices for API Key Safety

To ensure the safety of your API key, it is crucial to follow some best practices and security measures. Let’s explore some of these practices:

1. Keep your API Key Confidential

Your API key should be treated as sensitive information and should never be shared publicly. Avoid exposing your key in public repositories or including it directly in your codebase. Instead, store your API key in a secure location, preferably as an environment variable or in a configuration file that is not publicly accessible.

2. Limit API Key Scope and Permissions

When generating an API key, it is essential to only grant the necessary permissions required for your application or project. Avoid giving your API key excessive access to prevent potential security risks. API key scopes and permissions should be carefully evaluated and defined to minimize potential vulnerabilities.

3. Monitor API Key Usage

Regularly monitor the usage of your API key to identify any suspicious or unauthorized activities. Most API providers offer tools and dashboards to track API key usage and provide insights into the requests made with your key. If you notice any unusual activities, you should take immediate action to investigate and address the issue.

4. Rotate your API Key

Periodically rotating your API key can be an effective security measure. By changing your key at regular intervals, you can prevent potential misuse of a compromised key. Implementing key rotation ensures that even if an unauthorized user gains access to your key, their access will be limited to a specific time frame.

5. Secure Communication Channels

When transmitting your API key over the network, it is important to use secure communication channels. Always prefer HTTPS over HTTP to encrypt the data transferred between your application and the API server. Additionally, consider implementing other security measures such as two-factor authentication to add an extra layer of protection to your API access.


As an API user, it is crucial to prioritize the security and protection of your API key. By following best practices and implementing appropriate security measures, you can mitigate the risk of unauthorized access and ensure the integrity and availability of your resources. Remember, your API key is the key to your application’s kingdom, so keep it safe!


问题1:OpenAI API封号的缘由是甚么?

答案:OpenAI API封号的缘由可能有以下几种:

  • 可能与异常登录账号的安全问题有关:OpenAI为了保护用户账号安全,对异常登录账号采取封禁措施。
  • 遏制歹意行动致使封禁:OpenAI可能对一些歹意使用AI技术的行动进行打击,致使账号被封禁。
  • 部份区域的IP地址或服务器账号引发封号:OpenAI可能对一些特定IP地址或服务器账号进行了封禁。
  • 违背API使用规则:比如一个人有多个账号获得API服务,如果被检测到在同一个IP或类似IP不停更换API发出要求,就违背了OpenAI API的使用规则。


  • 租赁API KEY后,先查询余额,使用KEY池功能多加几个KEY,公道分配要求,避免过量要求集中在同一个KEY上。
  • 遵照OpenAI的API使用规则,不进行歹意行动和滥用API的行动。
  • 定期检查账号会不会遭到异常登录的风险,确保账号的安全性。
  • 注意不要使用被封禁的IP地址或服务器账号。

问题2:如何避免OpenAI API被封号?

答案:为了不OpenAI API被封号,可以采取以下措施:

  • 租赁API KEY后,先查询余额,使用KEY池功能多加几个KEY,公道分配要求,避免过量要求集中在同一个KEY上。
  • 遵照OpenAI的API使用规则,不进行歹意行动和滥用API的行动。
  • 定期检查账号会不会遭到异常登录的风险,确保账号的安全性。
  • 注意不要使用被封禁的IP地址或服务器账号。

问题3:怎么解决OpenAI API被封号的问题?

答案:如果OpenAI API被封号,可以尝试以下解决方案:

  • 注册新账号:如果账号被封禁,可以尝试注册一个新的OpenAI账号。
  • 更换API Key:如果使用被封禁账号的API Key要求API,也需要注册一个新账号并获得新的API Key。
  • 部署系统到服务器:将系统部署到服务器上,可以完善访问OpenAI API且不会被封禁。

需要注意的是,注册新账号和获得新的API Key需要确保符合OpenAI的注册和申请规则。







