“GPT detected. Please create a BIOS-Boot partition.. ??(gpt detected)
GPT detected毛病的方法和教程
本文将介绍解决” GPT detected” 毛病的方法和教程。这个毛病意味着系统设置为使用BIOS引导模式,但检测到GPT分区表,因此需要创建一个BIOS-Boot分区来解决此问题。
I. GPT detected毛病的缘由和背景
A. 描写
当系统设置为使用BIOS引导模式时,如果检测到GPT分区表,就会出现GPT detected毛病。
B. 要点:
- 该毛病产生在系统设置为使用BIOS引导模式时。
- 毛病提示检测到GPT分区表,但在BIOS引导模式下需要创建BIOS-Boot分区。
II. 创建BIOS-Boot分区的方法
A. 描写
B. 要点:
- 使用工具如Gparted创建BIOS-Boot分区。
- BIOS-Boot分区应大于1MB,使用未格式化的文件系统和bios_grub标志。
III. 使用boot-repair修复GPT detected毛病的方法
A. 描写
使用boot-repair修复GPT detected毛病的步骤以下:
B. 要点:
- 下载和安装boot-repair工具。
- 运行boot-repair并依照提示修复毛病。
IV. 修改系统设置以免GPT detected毛病
A. 描写
修改系统设置为UEFI引导模式以免GPT detected毛病的方法以下:
B. 要点:
- 进入系统BIOS设置。
- 切换到UEFI引导模式并保存修改。
V. 预防GPT detected毛病的建议
A. 描写
为了不GPT detected毛病的产生,可以斟酌以下建议:
B. 要点:
- 在安装操作系统时选择适合的引导模式和分区表。
- 在对系统进行重要操作之前备份重要数据。
通过本文介绍了解决” GPT detected” 毛病的方法和教程。强调了检测到GPT分区表时需要创建BIOS-Boot分区的重要性,并提供了使用boot-repair和修改系统设置的解决方案。最后,给出一些建议来避免GPT detected毛病的产生。
gpt detected的进一步展开说明
Your 35MB is not very large. Windows used to use 100MB, but we normally suggest using 300 to 500MB for better performance. However, when I install a full system to my USB flash drives, I only use a small ESP (EFI System Partition) of 100MB. This is because I typically only install some software and do not use the system extensively. Interestingly, my new Kubuntu install is only using 16MB in the ESP.
The reason for having an ESP is that it allows us to download and update UEFI, as UEFI can only read from FAT32 partitions. Some users opt for SystemD boot instead, which moves a lot of the files that are normally stored in the /boot directory to the ESP.
There are several advantages to using the GPT (GUID Partition Table) system, which is now a decade old but still relevant today. For example, if you want to install grub to GPT partitions, you need to have an ESP formatted in FAT32 with the boot/esp flags enabled. On the other hand, if you are installing in the older BIOS boot mode, which has been around for 40 years, you need a small unformatted partition (1 or 2MB) with the bios_grub flag.
It’s important to note that using MBR (Master Boot Record) partitioning should be avoided unless absolutely necessary. This is especially true if you plan to install Windows, as Microsoft has required UEFI/GPT since the release of Windows 8 in 2012.
In conclusion, while 35MB may not seem large in the context of system partitions, it’s worth considering the different options and requirements when it comes to ESP, GPT, and BIOS boot mode. Understanding these nuances can help you make informed decisions when setting up your system.
gpt detected的常见问答Q&A
答案:关于GPT(GUID Partition Table),它是一种全局唯一标识分区表的格式,用于在计算机硬盘上组织磁盘分区。与传统的主引导记录(Master Boot Record,MBR)相比,GPT提供了更大的磁盘容量支持、更高的可靠性和可扩大性。
- GPT可以支持更大容量的硬盘。MBR仅支持最多2TB的磁盘容量,而GPT可以支持超过2TB的磁盘容量。
- GPT具有更高的可靠性。GPT使用CRC32校验和来检测分区表的破坏,并在磁盘上保存多份分区表备份,以提高数据的可靠性。
- GPT支持更多的分区。MBR最多支持4个主分区,而GPT可以支持128个分区。