LINE 上也能跟 ChatGPT 開聊了!(內有加入方法)(chatgpt line 帐号)

最新注册ChatGPT LINE账号教程

一、ChatGPT LINE账号注册步骤

1. 打开ChatGPT注册页面,点击Sign Up按钮;

2. 使用谷歌或微软邮箱授权注册,或直接输入邮箱地址和密码进行注册;

3. 根据系统验证进行操作。

  • 打开ChatGPT注册页面并点击Sign Up按钮;
  • 提供谷歌或微软邮箱进行快速授权注册;
  • 或直接输入邮箱地址和设置密码进行注册;
  • 完成系统验证以完成账号注册。


1. 不能使用香港作为网络环境,需切换为其他地区;

2. 需注意验证邮件的跳转问题。

  • 确保网络环境不是香港地区;
  • 检查验证邮件的跳转会不会正常。


1. 使用社交媒体账号登录ChatGPT;

2. 方便快捷地访问ChatGPT。

  • 使用已有的社交媒体账号进行登录;
  • 方便快捷地享受ChatGPT服务。


1. 使用注册好的账号密码进行登录;

2. 进入ChatGPT主界面,开始使用交互式对话功能。

  • 使用注册好的账号密码进行登录ChatGPT;
  • 进入主界面,使用交互式对话功能。


1. 在LINE中搜索ChatGPT官方账号;

2. 无需安装利用程序或进行账号设置。

  • 在LINE中搜索ChatGPT官方账号;
  • 无需下载安装或设置账号便可使用。


1. ChatGPT是OpenAI开发的能够生成人类语言的AI模型;

2. ChatGPT可以进行自然对话,解答简单问题。

  • ChatGPT是OpenAI开发的AI模型;
  • ChatGPT可以进行自然对话和解答问题。


chatgpt line 帐号的进一步展开说明

IPO: A Process of Strengthening Digital Capability for Enterprises

For many companies, IPO (Initial Public Offering) is an important goal. IPO offers many benefits, including the ability to raise more funds and the option to reward employees through stock options. However, MetaGuru Digital Solutions, an expert in enterprise digital solution planning and software development, believes that IPO is not just a capital transaction but also an opportunity for companies to transform and strengthen their capabilities.

According to MetaGuru Digital’s General Manager, Xia Shi-Qin, “The IPO preparation process is actually a major digital transformation for a company. Although IPO is the goal of many companies, the process of going public is full of challenges, and the industry often says ‘Go big or Go home.'”

Publicly listed companies have greater social responsibilities and are subject to stricter supervision from government and investors compared to private companies. Therefore, to successfully go public, companies need to undergo extensive internal transformations and be well-prepared.

MetaGuru Digital suggests that IPO preparation is essentially a process of large-scale digital transformation for a company.

Why should system management be the starting point for a successful IPO?

In terms of regulations, the preparation for IPO is guided by the “Guidelines for the Establishment of Internal Control System for Public Offering Companies” issued by the Financial Supervisory Commission in Taiwan. For example, the guidelines include nine cycles and 18 management rules, which require companies to systematize their internal operations and improve efficiency. It is clear that without efficient and transparent enterprise core application systems, it is difficult for companies to establish the nine cycles and internal control management required for IPO.

“We can say that IPO actually starts with system management. By establishing structured systems, companies can save time and costs, as well as reduce operational risks and uncertainties, from the preparation for IPO to post-IPO operations,” says Xia Shi-Qin.

IT and HR: The Two Vital Teams on the IPO Journey

Companies that have gone through the IPO process know that before applying for listing, there is a review process that includes IT-related audits. The audits focus on two areas: “Data Flow” and “IT Management.” Data flow audits examine the use of IT systems, such as ERP operation processes, form management, data processing, and access control. IT management audits include internal audits and controls, such as the establishment of internal electronic computer cycles and management rules, and the development of comprehensive contingency plans for information security. These audits are essential for IPO applicants.

HR departments are responsible for managing the “payroll cycle” and all processes related to employees, such as recruitment, attendance management, salary administration, and performance evaluation. The efficiency of these processes is crucial for companies. Therefore, they are also important items to be reviewed before IPO applications. IT and HR departments are considered the soul teams on the IPO journey.

Trustworthy IPO Support from MetaGuru Digital

From an IT perspective, companies aiming for a successful IPO and going big need to quickly establish a comprehensive BPM (Business Process Management) system and an HCM (Human Capital Management) system. These systems are essential for successfully passing audits. “In other words, without sound operational flow planning and enterprise core systems, it is difficult for companies to establish the nine cycles that can withstand scrutiny,” says Xia Shi-Qin.

The IPO process for private companies is often challenging. Therefore, MetaGuru Digital continues to assist companies in the significant operational issues related to IPO through their enterprise digital solutions. With over 20 years of experience in developing BPM and HCM systems, MetaGuru Digital joined forces with MetaAge in 2023 to provide comprehensive IT solutions for enterprises. MetaGuru Digital has helped numerous companies establish sound internal audit and control mechanisms, enabling them to achieve the next milestone in their operations.

MetaGuru’s BPM system integrates front-end technology and diverse applications to combine risk management, internal audit, and carbon footprint management into one reliable and efficient system. This system covers various management processes that companies need on a daily basis, such as organization, personnel, announcements, decision-making, agent assignment, and form development, providing time and cost savings while reducing operational risks.

MetaGuru’s BPM Cloud Flow, a lightweight cloud version of the BPM system, offers complete BPM functions for both web and app versions at a cost of just 10 NTD per person per day, allowing companies to achieve significant benefits with minimal costs.

In the field of HR, MetaGuru’s HCM system focuses on people and caters to the specific needs of enterprises in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and mainland China. The system integrates an employee portal, enabling seamless communication between employees and the company. It includes modules for organization structure, personnel management, attendance management, insurance management, and payroll administration. Managers have internal personnel management rights, while employees can access personal information, leave records, payroll and insurance information, making the related processes more convenient. Notably, MetaGuru is continuously developing AI modules for the HCM system, which can automatically import resumes from external recruitment platforms and match them with suitable candidates, reducing recruitment time from 3 months to under 3 weeks.

The Success Rate of Digital Transformation is not as High as Expected

As for the current situation of enterprise digital transformation, MetaGuru Digital’s General Manager Xia Shi-Qin observes that “the success rate of companies undergoing digital transformation is not as high as expected.” According to a McKinsey report, the success rate of digital transformation in traditional industries is only 4⑴1%, while the technology and multimedia industries have a slightly higher success rate of 26%. A Boston Consulting Group survey in early 2023 revealed that only 35% of companies achieved their digital transformation goals in 2023.

“The global landscape is changing rapidly, and if companies are not transforming quickly enough, they may not even know how they are being eliminated,” says Xia Shi-Qin. “Although everyone knows the importance of digital transformation, many struggle with how to do it, allocate resources, and formulate strategies.”

MetaGuru believes that any digital tool or transformation should focus on people and develop a “people-oriented” digital transformation strategy to ensure a successful transformation.

MetaGuru firmly believes that digital transformation is a top-down process, and the support of executives is a key factor in its success. In recent years, MetaGuru has been actively promoting its “Digital Transformation Comprehensive Planning Service,” which provides tailored digital transformation strategies for companies and assists in the effective implementation of these strategies within their processes, ensuring consistency between business strategy and operational information architecture and avoiding strategy being just on paper.

MetaGuru’s “Digital Transformation Comprehensive Planning” is guided by four principles and characterized by three key features:

1. Comprehensive Strategy Planning
2. Designing Management Models
3. Designing Business and Management Processes
4. Implementing in Stages to Ensure Achievable Goals

MetaGuru’s approach highlights the importance of flexible modular services to create a strong foundation for companies and extends from core enterprise management systems to innovative applications, providing companies with comprehensive digital transformation strategies.

ESG Compliance with iCarbon Cloud, the Carbon Management Platform

In addition to digital transformation, IPO requirements now also include ESG compliance. Starting from this year, the Financial Supervisory Commission in Taiwan requires listed companies to release sustainability reports and sets a schedule for future verifications. ESG compliance often involves carbon footprint management, which is a major challenge for many companies. In response to the need for carbon management, MetaGuru announced the release of “iCarbon Cloud,” an enterprise carbon process tracking platform, in August 2023. Leveraging its over 20 years of experience in core system applications, MetaGuru helps companies conduct comprehensive carbon footprint audits from upstream to downstream throughout the product lifecycle.

Currently, one of the major challenges for companies is effectively collecting carbon emissions data from upstream and downstream supply chains. MetaGuru’s iCarbon Cloud platform integrates with ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and GPM (Green Supply Chain Management) systems through API, allowing companies to obtain various carbon emissions data from external supply chains and internal organizations.

A One-stop Solution for IPO and ESG Transformation with MetaGuru

MetaGuru Digital is ready to assist companies determined to pursue IPO and ESG compliance, providing them with ample methods and tools. MetaGuru offers highly flexible modular services to create strong foundations for companies, as well as digital transformation strategies based on enterprise management systems.

About MetaGuru Digital

Established in 1998 as BenQ Technology’s affiliate company, MetaGuru Digital joined MetaAge, the best partner for intelligent IT solutions, in 2023. MetaGuru Digital has over 20 years of experience in the IT industry, serving clients across 10 major industries as well as numerous Fortune 500 companies. Its team of consultants has extensive experience from grassroots to senior management, combining theoretical knowledge with practical expertise, averaging over 20 years of experience. With its solid technical integration capabilities, MetaGuru has helped numerous companies choose and implement appropriate solutions, successfully driving their digital transformations.

Embark on your enterprise transformation journey with MetaGuru Digital and benefit from their expertise in digital solutions. Contact MetaGuru Digital now for a personalized consultation on your digital transformation needs or to learn more about their enterprise digital solution and value-added services.

chatgpt line 帐号的常见问答Q&A



  • ChatGPT使用了深度学习技术和大范围的预训练数据,使其具有了理解和生成自然语言的能力。
  • ChatGPT已获得了显著的成绩,并成了人工智能领域的一项重要技术。
  • 通过与ChatGPT进行对话,用户可以像与真人交谈一样,提出问题、寻求帮助或进行简单的对话。



  • 使用谷歌浏览器打开ChatGPT注册页面。
  • 在注册页面输入你的邮箱号(国内邮箱也能够),或使用谷歌账号进行注册。
  • 如果遇到网络代理地区限制的问题,可以尝试切换网络代理地区为美国、韩国等。
  • 根据页面唆使完成账号注册,并验证你的邮箱。
  • 一旦完成验证,你就能够使用ChatGPT账号了。



  1. 打开谷歌浏览器,并访问ChatGPT注册页面。
  2. 使用谷歌或微软邮箱进行快速授权注册,或直接输入邮箱地址和设置密码。
  3. 完成授权注册后,系统会验证你的信息。
  4. 验证成功后,你就能够使用ChatGPT账号登录。



  • 方法一:自行注册
  • 方法二:使用社交媒体账号登录
  • 方法三:联系支持



  1. 将账号和姓名复制到中英文模板中。
  2. 使用另外一个邮箱,将模板发送到需要申述的邮箱地址:[email protected]。
  3. 在邮件主题中紧急呼吁解封账户。
  4. 详细论述账户被封的缘由,并保证自己不会再次滥用账户。

问题6:怎样在LINE使用ChatGPT AI聊天功能?

答案:在LINE上使用ChatGPT AI聊天功能的步骤以下:

  1. 在LINE中搜索ChatGPT的官方账号。
  2. 将ChatGPT官方账号添加为好友。
  3. 便可开始使用ChatGPT AI聊天功能,无需下载安装任何利用程序或设置账号。



  • 打开LINE利用,并搜索ChatGPT机器人的官方帐号。
  • 将ChatGPT机器人的官方帐号加为好友。
  • 现在你可以随时向ChatGPT机器人发问和聊天了。




  • 在LINE中搜索ChatGPT官方帐号。
  • 将ChatGPT官方帐号添加为好友。
  • 现在你可以开始使用ChatGPT在LINE上进行聊天了。


  • 将ChatGPT添加到你的朋友列表中。
  • 打开对话框,开始与ChatGPT进行聊天。
  • ChatGPT会根据你的输入生成回应,构成有趣的对话。



  1. 在LINE中搜索ChatGPT官方帐号,将其加为好友。
  2. 现在你可以开始向ChatGPT发问和聊天了,无需进行额外的注册或登录。
  3. ChatGPT会进行自但是然的对话,并协助你回答一些简单的问题。



  • 当使用ChatGPT和LINE进行聊天时,要谨慎提示不要泄漏个人敏感信息。
  • 避免向ChatGPT和LINE提供银行卡号、密码或其他重要的个人信息。
  • 如果发现ChatGPT和LINE账户被滥用,及时向相关机构或平台举报。

问题11:怎样在LINE上创建个人专属ChatGPT AI助手?

答案:以下是在LINE上创建个人专属ChatGPT AI助手的教学步骤:

  1. 注册一个不要钱的LINE开发者帐号。
  2. 创建一个ChatGPT专用的LINE BOT机器人频道。
  3. 生成LINE频道访问令牌。
  4. 将生成的LINE频道访问令牌与ChatGPT API进行集成。
  5. 现在你可以自己定制和使用个人专属的ChatGPT AI助手了。



  1. 打开YouTube网站或利用。
  2. 在搜索框中输入”ChatGPT”。
  3. 选择一个提供ChatGPT服务的频道。
  4. 进入频道后便可开始不要钱使用ChatGPT进行聊天,无需进行任何注册。



  • ChatGPT使用了深度学习技术和大范围的预训练数据,使其具有了理解和生成自然语言的能力。
  • ChatGPT已获得了显著的成绩,并成了人工智能领域的一项重要技术。
  • 通过与ChatGPT进行对话,用户可以像与真人交谈一样,提出问题、寻求帮助或进行简单的对话。








