ChatGPT API输入限制:揭秘ChatGPT的字符上限并了解如何规避(chatgpt api input limit)

ChatGPT API输入限制:揭秘ChatGPT的字符上限并了解如何规避




A. ChatGPT字符上限是4096个字符。

1. 4096个字符包括输入和输出。

2. 可以将较长的文本分为多个提示进行输入,只要在同一对话中便可。


A. ChatGPT使用标记(tokens)进行处理,而不是直接根据字符数进行计算。

1. 每一个标记代表一个字符、一个单词或一个子词。

2. 默许情况下,ChatGPT的标记限制是2048个。

3. 最大的标记限制是4096个。


A. 理解标记的概念。

1. 了解甚么构成了GPT⑶中的一个标记。

2. 肯定输入文本的标记数。

B. 将文本分成小块。

1. 将较长的文本分成合适标记限制的小块。

2. 通过量个要求发送这些小块。

C. 自定义每一个小块的长度。

1. 可以为每一个小块指定特定的长度。

2. 根据输入文本的重要性和上下文,灵活地设置每一个小块的长度。

D. 注意输出的长度限制。

1. 输出的长度限制是2048个字符。

2. 调剂输入长度以便在输出中取得完全的答案。



chatgpt api input limit的常见问答Q&A

Q: Does ChatGPT have a character limit? How to bypass it?


Yes, ChatGPT has a character limit of 4096 characters for input and output combined. However, you can bypass this limit by splitting your text into smaller chunks and sending them as separate prompts within the same conversation. As long as each prompt stays within the character limit, you can concatenate the outputs to get the complete response.

Here’s how you can bypass the character limit:

  1. Identify the text you want to send as input.
  2. Split the text into smaller chunks, ensuring each chunk is within the character limit.
  3. Send each chunk as a separate prompt to the ChatGPT API.
  4. Concatenate the API responses to reconstruct the complete response.

Q: What is the maximum character limit for ChatGPT input?


The maximum character limit for ChatGPT input is 4096 characters, including both input and output. If your text exceeds this limit, you will need to split it into smaller chunks and send them as separate prompts. However, please note that each prompt must stay within the character limit of 4096 characters.

Q: What is the default and maximum token limit for ChatGPT?


The default token limit for ChatGPT is 2048 tokens, while the maximum limit is 4096 tokens. Tokens are chunks of text used for language processing. If your text exceeds the token limit, it will be truncated. To ensure your input is not cut off, you can split it into smaller chunks and send them as separate prompts within the same conversation. Each prompt should respect the token limit.

Q: How to send longer text inputs to ChatGPT API?


To send longer text inputs to the ChatGPT API, you can break your text into smaller chunks and send them as separate requests. Here’s how:

  1. Understand the token limit: The token limit determines the maximum number of tokens you can send in a single request.
  2. Split your text: Divide your longer text into smaller chunks, ensuring each chunk respects the token limit.
  3. Send multiple requests: Send each chunk as a separate request to the ChatGPT API.
  4. Process the responses: Concatenate the responses to obtain the complete generated text.

By following these steps, you can work around the token limit and generate responses for longer text inputs.







