ChatGPT API:如何进行Prompt Engineering以优化工作流程?(chatgpt api prompt engineering)

ChatGPT API:如何进行Prompt Engineering以优化工作流程?

I. 甚么是ChatGPT API和Prompt Engineering

A. ChatGPT是OpenAI训练的一种具有对话能力的模型,能够以对话方式进行交互。


B. Prompt Engineering是指通过精确和有效的提示/输入来引导ChatGPT生成期望结果的技术。

Prompt Engineering是通过使用恰当的提示和输入来引导ChatGPT生成期望的输出结果的技术。通过精心设计和编写的提示,可以对模型的生成结果进行束缚和引导。

II. Prompt Engineering的重要性和优势

A. 提高ChatGPT模型的性能和准确性。
  1. 通过精心设计的提示,可以引导模型生成特定领域的内容。
  2. 使用恰当的问题或指令,可以准确转达期望的输出。

III. Prompt Engineering的最好实践

A. 肯定需求和目标
  1. 肯定期望的输出类型和格式。
  2. 肯定与项目相关的问题或指令。
B. 编写清晰简洁的提示
  1. 使用简洁、明确的语言描写问题或指令。
  2. 避免使用不明确或模棱两可的词语,以减少模型生成毛病结果的机会。
C. 提供上下文和束缚
  1. 在提示中提供必要的上下文信息,以帮助模型理解问题背景。
  2. 使用束缚条件(如格式指定、关键词限制等)来指点模型生成特定类型的回答。

IV. 高级Prompt Engineering策略和技能

A. 使用系统提示
  1. 在对话的开头添加系统提示,以设定对话主题和模式。
  2. 系统提示可以包括一些基础信息或问题,以引导模型生成相关回答。
B. 逐渐展开对话
  1. 将对话分为多个回合,每一个回合逐渐提供更多的上下文信息。
  2. 逐渐展开对话可以帮助模型更好地理解用户意图并生成更联贯的回答。

V. 学习资源和指点

A. DeepLearning.AI提供的ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers课程
  1. 提供良好的资源,特别适用于开发人员和与ChatGPT一起工作的人员。
  2. 通过课程学习Prompt Engineering的最好实践和高级策略。
B. OpenAI API的介绍和入门教程
  1. 推荐先浏览介绍和入门教程,以获得对OpenAI API的初步了解。
  2. 了解Prompt Engineering怎样在工作流程中发挥作用。

chatgpt api prompt engineering的常见问答Q&A

Q: What is prompt engineering for ChatGPT?

A: Prompt engineering for ChatGPT refers to the process of crafting effective and precise prompts or input to guide the AI language model towards generating desired responses in a conversational manner. It involves formulating prompts that elicit the desired information or behavior from the model by providing specific instructions or context.

Prompt engineering plays a crucial role in improving the performance and accuracy of ChatGPT. By carefully designing prompts, developers can tailor the outputs, control the tone, and steer the conversation according to their needs. It enables developers to leverage the capabilities of ChatGPT more effectively and achieve desired results.

Key considerations in prompt engineering include providing clear instructions, specifying the format or structure of the expected response, and using relevant context to guide the model’s understanding.

Effective prompt engineering can greatly enhance the capabilities of ChatGPT and enable developers to create more interactive and useful conversational experiences.

Q: What are some techniques and tips for prompt engineering with ChatGPT?

A: When it comes to prompt engineering with ChatGPT, developers can follow several techniques and tips to improve the model’s performance:

  1. Specify the desired action: Clearly state the desired action or outcome at the beginning of the prompt to guide the model’s response.
  2. Use explicit instructions: Provide explicit instructions or examples of the desired output format to ensure the model understands the desired response structure.
  3. Control the response length: Use system-level instructions or tokens like “Answer:” or “In summary:” to control the length of the response generated by the model. This helps in getting concise and focused answers.

Additionally, developers can experiment with techniques such as using temperature and max tokens settings, adjusting the context window, or including user messages in the prompt to create more interactive and dynamic conversations.

Q: What are the best practices for prompt engineering with ChatGPT?

A: The best practices for prompt engineering with ChatGPT include:

  • Be specific and explicit: Clearly specify the desired output or request the model to think step-by-step to ensure accurate and relevant responses.
  • Iterative refinement: Start with simple prompts and gradually refine them based on the model’s responses. This iterative approach helps in achieving the desired behavior.
  • Avoid ambiguous queries: Craft prompts that avoid ambiguity and provide clear context to guide the model effectively.
  • Consider model limitations: Understand and account for the limitations of ChatGPT. For example, if the model is not aware of recent information, provide the necessary context to avoid outdated answers.
  • Experiment and iterate: Continuously experiment and iterate on prompts to improve the output quality and achieve the desired conversational experience.

By following these best practices, developers can optimize the prompts and enhance the performance of ChatGPT for their specific use cases.

Q: How can prompt engineering improve ChatGPT’s performance?

A: Prompt engineering can significantly improve ChatGPT’s performance by:

  • Guiding the model: Through carefully designed prompts, developers can guide the model’s understanding of the desired output or behavior, leading to more accurate and relevant responses.
  • Controlling the response: By providing specific instructions and context, developers can control the length, tone, and style of the model’s generated responses, resulting in more desirable outputs.
  • Reducing errors and irrelevant information: Crafting prompts with clear instructions helps in reducing errors and prevents the model from generating irrelevant or nonsensical responses.
  • Enhancing interaction: Prompt engineering enables developers to design prompts that create engaging and interactive conversations with ChatGPT, improving the overall user experience.

By leveraging prompt engineering techniques and best practices, developers can harness the full potential of ChatGPT and achieve more effective and reliable conversational AI applications.

使用虚拟信用卡升级ChatGPT Plus及OpenAI付款设置教程

本文将介绍使用虚拟信用卡升级ChatGPT Plus和OpenAI付款设置的详细进程。以下是要涵盖的3个知识点:

1. 如何升级ChatGPT Plus
2. OpenAI付款设置步骤
3. 绑定虚拟信用卡的注意事项

1. 如何升级ChatGPT Plus:

首先,登录到ChatGPT Plus的官方网站,该网站为:。选择升级选项,并点击租赁按钮。

接下来,选择ChatGPT Plus的定阅计划,该计划每个月需支付20美元。


请注意,目前ChatGPT Plus不支持中国内地和中国香港的信用卡付款。如果遇到此问题,提示为:”Unfortunately we are unable to offer services to the country you specified.”,多是由于Stripe所采取的拦截措施致使的。

2. OpenAI付款设置步骤:


点击”Set up paid account”选项,并选择您的使用方式(个人使用或打工人)。


确保虚拟信用卡的账单地址完全准确,并点击”Set up payment method”按钮以提交设置。

3. 绑定虚拟信用卡的注意事项:




通过上述步骤,您可使用虚拟信用卡升级ChatGPT Plus,并在OpenAI平台上进行付款设置。请确保在使用ChatGPT Plus或OpenAI其他服务之前,仔细浏览并遵照相关规定。


问题:OpenAI API怎样付款?


  • 要设置付款账户,需要登录OpenAI的账户,然后点击“账户”,在“账户设置”当选择“付款账户”。
  • 您可使用信用卡、PayPal或其他支持的付款方式绑定付款账户。


  • OpenAI平台登录
  • OpenAI平台

问题:OpenAI API如何充值?

答:要充值OpenAI API,您可以选择使用信用卡进行充值。

  • 打开OpenAI网站并选择充值选项。
  • 填写信用卡信息并进行支付。
  • 支持的信用卡类型包括Visa、MasterCard和American Express等。


  • OpenAI平台



  1. 使用虚拟信用卡,如WildCard虚拟信用卡。
  2. 使用国际支付平台进行付款。
  3. 寻求代购合作火伴的帮助。


  • WildCard虚拟信用卡








