怎样在插件设置中添加 OpenAI API 密钥以满足您的需求?(need openai api key. add one in plugin settings)

I. 了解 OpenAI API

A. 插件功能

此插件实现了使用 gpt⑶ 进行文本摘要和生成命令的功能,并且可以在 logseq 中使用 OpenAI API。

您可以通过查看仓库中的 gif 演示来了解插件的使用方式。

B. 打开 gpt 弹出窗口

您可使用快捷键 cmd+g 或从块或斜杠菜单当选择 gpt 来打开 gpt 弹出窗口。

如果当前在一个块中,插件将使用该块的内容作为 gpt 输入。

II. 添加 API 密钥

A. 获得 API 密钥

  1. 首先需要注册 OpenAI 账户。
  2. 注册成功后,返回页面可以获得 API 密钥。

B. 在插件设置中添加密钥

  1. 打开插件的设置菜单。
  2. 找到 API 密钥的输入字段。
  3. 将获得的 API 密钥输入到字段中。

III. 创建插件的三个步骤

A. 构建 API

首先需要构建一个 API。

B. 使用 OpenAPI Yaml 或 JSON 格式记录 API

可使用 OpenAPI Yaml 或 JSON 格式来记录 API 的相关信息。

C. 创建包括相关信息的 JSON 清单文件

需要创建一个 JSON 清单文件,其中包括插件的相关信息。

IV. 设置 ai-plugin.json 文件

A. 设置 auth schema

需要设置 auth schema,可以选择使用 service、user 或 OAuth 身份验证。


V. OpenAI API 密钥获得步骤

A. 注册 OpenAI 账户

首先需要注册 OpenAI 账户。

B. 访问 OpenAI 的 API keys 页面

访问 OpenAI 的 API keys 页面来获得 API 密钥。

C. 点击笔记的三个点,选择合适您的选项

在笔记上点击三个点按钮,选择合适您的选项来获得 API 密钥。

VI. 使用 OpenAI 的开发者平台资源

A. 探索资源,教程,API 文档和动态示例

使用 OpenAI 的开发者平台资源来学习更多内容,包括资源、教程、API 文档和动态示例。

VII. 在 Dataiku DSS 中使用 API 密钥

A. 在 Dataiku DSS 中需要 API 密钥

在 Dataiku DSS 中需要使用 API 密钥。

B. 创建 API 配置预设

  1. 在 Dataiku DSS 中导航到插件页面 > 设置 > API。
  2. 创建 API 配置预设。

need openai api key. add one in plugin settings的常见问答Q&A

Q: What is the Logseq GPT⑶ OpenAI plugin?

A: The Logseq GPT⑶ OpenAI plugin is a plugin for Logseq, a note-taking and knowledge management tool. This plugin allows users to run GPT⑶ text summarization and generation commands within Logseq using the OpenAI API. It provides an integration between Logseq and GPT⑶, enabling users to leverage the power of GPT⑶ for generating and summarizing text directly within their Logseq environment.

Q: How can I add AI to Logseq with the GPT⑶ OpenAI plugin?

A: To add AI to Logseq with the GPT⑶ OpenAI plugin, follow these steps:

  1. Obtain an API key for the OpenAI API by signing up for an account.
  2. Install the Logseq GPT⑶ OpenAI plugin.
  3. Configure the plugin with your API key.
  4. Use the provided keyboard shortcut or menu option to bring up the GPT⑶ popup in Logseq.
  5. Enter your desired text prompt or command in the GPT⑶ popup to generate or summarize text using GPT⑶.

By following these steps, you will be able to seamlessly integrate GPT⑶ AI capabilities into your Logseq workflow.

Q: How can I obtain an API key for the OpenAI API?

A: To obtain an API key for the OpenAI API, you need to sign up for an account on the OpenAI website. After signing up, you can visit the API keys section in your account settings to generate an API key. Follow the provided instructions to create your API key and ensure it is associated with your account. Once you have generated the API key, you can use it to authenticate the Logseq GPT⑶ OpenAI plugin and access the GPT⑶ functionality within Logseq.

Q: What are the steps for creating a plugin for Logseq?

A: The steps for creating a plugin for Logseq are as follows:

  1. Build an API for your plugin.
  2. Document the API in the OpenAPI YAML or JSON format.
  3. Create a JSON manifest file that defines the relevant details and configurations for your plugin.

By following these steps, you can create a plugin for Logseq that extends its functionality and integrates with external APIs or services.

Q: What authentication schema is required for the ai-plugin.json file in Logseq?

A: The ai-plugin.json file in Logseq requires an authentication schema to be set. Depending on your requirements, you can choose one of the following authentication methods:

  • Service authentication: Authenticate the plugin using service credentials.
  • User authentication: Authenticate the plugin using user credentials.
  • OAuth authentication: Authenticate the plugin using OAuth credentials.

Based on your chosen authentication method, you need to set up and configure the appropriate authentication mechanism in the ai-plugin.json file.

Q: What is the purpose of the OpenAI GPT plugin?

A: The OpenAI GPT plugin is designed to enhance the functionality of Logseq by integrating GPT⑶ capabilities. It allows users to utilize GPT⑶ for text summarization and generation commands directly within Logseq using the OpenAI API. The plugin provides a convenient way to leverage the power of GPT⑶ AI model within the Logseq environment.







