如何安全共享OpenAI API密钥(openai api key sharing)

OpenAI API Key Sharing


OpenAI provides an API key that allows developers to access their powerful language models. However, it’s important to understand the best practices and security measures when it comes to sharing your API key. This article will guide you through the process of sharing OpenAI API keys and the necessary precautions to maintain security.

Can I Share My API Key?

OpenAI does not support the sharing of API keys for security purposes. It is against OpenAI’s policies to share API keys with others, including bring-your-own-key applications.

Instead of sharing your API key, OpenAI recommends inviting teammates or coworkers to be part of your organization account through the Members page. When they join, they will receive their own unique API key.

Sharing API keys can pose significant security risks as it could lead to unauthorized access and misuse of the API. It’s important to follow the recommended practices to protect your API key.

Best Practices for API Key Safety

To ensure the safety and security of your API key, it is essential to follow these best practices:

  1. Do not share your API key with anyone.
  2. Invite team members or coworkers to join your organization account instead of sharing your key.
  3. Keep your API key protected by storing it securely and not exposing it in your code repositories.
  4. Regularly monitor your API key usage and report any suspicious activity to OpenAI.
  5. Use secure coding practices to prevent API key leakage, such as not hardcoding the key in your code.

Accessing OpenAI API Key

To access your OpenAI API key, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the official OpenAI website and create a new account if you don’t have one.
  2. Login to your account and go to the Dashboard page.
  3. On the Dashboard page, you will find your API key.

Protecting Your API Key

Once you have obtained your API key, it’s crucial to protect it from unauthorized access. Here are some recommended practices:

  • Store your API key in a secure location, such as an environment variable or a secure key management system.
  • Avoid exposing your API key in public repositories or sharing it over unsecured communication channels.
  • Consider using a library or framework that supports secure storage of API keys.
  • Regularly rotate your API key to mitigate the risk of compromise.


Sharing API keys is not supported by OpenAI due to security concerns. It is recommended to invite team members or coworkers to your organization account instead of sharing your API key directly. Following the best practices for API key safety will help protect your key and ensure the secure use of OpenAI’s language models.

openai api key sharing的常见问答Q&A

Q: OpenAI API密钥会不会可以共享?

A: OpenAI API密钥不应当被共享。以下是相关的信息:

  1. OpenAI官方不支持API密钥的共享。
  2. 为了保证安全性,建议通过成员页面约请团队成员加入您的组织账户,而不是共享您的密钥。
  3. 共享API密钥存在风险,可能致使您的账户遭到侵害。

Q: 如何确保API密钥的安全?

A: 下面是保障API密钥安全的最好实践:

  • 不要将API密钥与他人共享,以避免未经授权的访问。
  • 通过成员页面约请队友加入您的组织账户,保持密钥的安全性。
  • 将API密钥作为变量的一部份存储在安全的位置,例如设置环境变量。
  • 避免在公共代码库或公然场合暴露API密钥。
  • 定期更新API密钥,以增强安全性。

Q: 如何获得OpenAI API密钥?

A: 获得OpenAI API密钥的步骤以下:

  1. 注册并创建一个新的OpenAI账户。
  2. 登录账户后,进入Dashboard页面。
  3. 在Dashboard页面中,找到并复制您的API密钥。

Q: OpenAI会不会允许用户自行添加API密钥?

A: OpenAI允许用户向其账户添加自己的API密钥,但具体操作需要符合OpenAI的政策和使用规定。

Q: 如何找到OpenAI API密钥?

A: 您可以在用户设置中找到您的Secret API密钥。具体步骤:

  1. 登录OpenAI账户。
  2. 访问用户设置页面。
  3. 在用户设置中,您可以找到并查看您的Secret API密钥。








