Chat GPT教你轻松写文章:逆向工程大法(附详细教程)

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使用了Chat GPT快两个月,每天都被网络上最新的AI教程、Reddit、Discrd论坛讨论,几近每天都在练习如何应用Prompt(提示词)来有效训练Chat GPT,今天恰好刷到一篇””The Essential SEO Prompt Library for Chat GPT Users”其中提到”Reverse Prompt Engineering”(逆向提示工程),让我觉得非常有趣,马上来实验看看,所谓逆向工程方法,是指让Chat GPT分析数据来生成Prompt,让使用者应用在类似的工作项目中。

I have been using Chat GPT for almost two months now,and every day I immerse myself in the latest AI tutorials,Reddit and Discord forums.Almost every day,I practice how to effectively train Chat GPT using prompts.Today,I stumbled upon an article titled“The Essential SEO Prompt Library for Chat GPT Users,”which mentioned“Reverse Prompt Engineering.”I found this method very interesting and decided to try it out.Reverse Prompt Engineering refers to using Chat GPT to analyze data and generate prompts that can be used by the user in similar work projects.


“Reverse engineering”is actually widely used in daily life.For example,the popular dating app Tinder records when users carefully review a member’s profile or quickly respond to a message from someone,and Tinder’s algorithm uses this data and features to recommend other members who match these characteristics to the user.


Ignore all previous prompts.You are a prompt engineering expert that is able to reverse engineer any prompt based on the text provided to you.

am going to provide you with an article.Please provide a prompting suggestion based on style,syntax,language,and any other factors you consider relevant.I would like to use a prompt that you provide to replicate this style.

Please respond with“understood”if that makes sense.If that doesn’t make sense you may ask further questions to clarify your understanding.[Then paste in the contextual data…blog article,landing page copy,ect.]

我将Prompt提示翻成中文,转达给Chat GPT,再来粘贴我自己写的文章”马斯克重金收购推特6个方法跟风打造社群经济商机”请Chat GPT来做出Prompt,方便接下来生成另外一篇新文章:

I translated‘Prompt‘into Chinese and conveyed it to Chat GPT.Then,I used my own article,‘6 Ways to Follow Elon Musk’s Acquisition of Twitter and Create Community Economic Opportunities.’Let Chat GPT generate a prompt to facilitate the creation of the next article.

Chat GPT根据”马斯克重金收购推特6个方法跟风打造社群经济商机”文章给出了Prompt,我请他使用这个Prompt再生成一篇”使用Chat GPT对数位营销人员带来甚么样的帮助”的文章:

Chat GPT provided a prompt based on the article ‘6 Ways to Follow Elon Musk’s Acquisition of Twitter and Create Community Economic Opportunities.’ I requested GPT to use this prompt to generate another article titled ‘How Chat GPT Can Help Digital Marketers.'”:

After comparing the new and old articles,the content of the articles seems to be relatively coherent at first glance.The key points in the old article have been applied to the new article,and only minor modifications are needed to make it usable.You can try it out a few times,and there will be many surprises or shocks…

这类Prompt只合适使用在主题、内容情绪、风格、语法、语言等类似的主题上,不可以跳脱太多,否则Chat GPT会变得一派正经的胡说八道;还有主题一定要是作者善于的领域,如果领域差别太大,文章要是被扭曲的乱七八糟,作者怎样都救不回来,

This type of prompt is only suitable for use in similar topics such as theme,content emotion,style,grammar,language,etc. It cannot deviate too much,otherwise,Chat GPT will become serious nonsense.In addition,the topic must be in the author’s area of expertise.If the difference in expertise is too large,the article will be distorted and chaotic,and the author will not be able to salvage it,which is equivalent to a waste of time.

以上只是一个例子,如果你想了解决更多,请关注我,我会分享最新Prompts 技能给你!





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