新版本GPT⑶.5 Turbo-0613带来的 OpenAI API 模型有甚么变化?(openai gpt⑶.5-turbo-0613)

I. GPT⑶.5 Turbo-0613 is a New Version of OpenAI API

GPT⑶.5 Turbo-0613 is the latest version of OpenAI API. It offers several improvements in terms of model capabilities and pricing.

A. Model Features and Pricing

1. GPT⑶.5 Turbo-0613 has four times the context length compared to the 4k base model. This means it can handle significantly longer inputs and outputs.

2. The pricing for GPT⑶.5 Turbo-0613 is $0.003 per 1K input tokens and $0.004 per 1K output tokens. This pricing structure allows users to control their costs based on the amount of token usage.

B. Model Capabilities and Performance improvements

1. GPT⑶.5 Turbo-0613 is the most powerful and cost-effective model in the GPT⑶.5 family. It can understand and generate natural language or code.

2. Compared to the previous version, GPT⑶.5 Turbo-0301, GPT⑶.5 Turbo-0613 has faster turn-around times. However, there is a slight decrease in label quality.

II. Issues with the Output Quality of GPT⑶.5 Turbo-0613

GPT⑶.5 Turbo-0613 initially had excellent output performance, being able to understand and generate natural language or code. However, there has been a recent update that has led to a decline in output quality.

1. The prompts now produce slightly different results compared to before the update.

2. The output from the latest version of GPT⑶.5 Turbo-0613 has been rated as poor or worse compared to the previous versions.

III. Context Window Size of GPT⑶.5 Turbo-0613

Unfortunately, the exact context window size of GPT⑶.5 Turbo-0613 is not mentioned in the provided material. However, the latest version, GPT⑶.5 Turbo⑴6k, is known to have a huge context window.

IV. Pricing of GPT⑶.5 Turbo-0613

The pricing of GPT⑶.5 Turbo-0613 aims to address previous concerns about the cost of using GPT⑶.5 Turbo models. However, the specific details of the latest pricing structure are not provided in the given information.

V. Improvements in GPT⑷-0613 and GPT⑷⑶2k-0613

OpenAI has introduced two new models, GPT⑷-0613 and GPT⑷⑶2k-0613.

A. GPT⑷-0613 features an updated and improved model with new function-calling capabilities.

B. GPT⑷⑶2k-0613 has the same function-calling capabilities as GPT⑷-0613 but with a larger context window size, allowing it to handle even longer inputs and outputs.

Q: What is the gpt⑶.5-turbo model?

A: The gpt⑶.5-turbo model is a language model developed by OpenAI. It is part of the GPT⑶.5 family of models and offers an extended context window compared to the base model. The gpt⑶.5-turbo-0613 model, for example, provides four times the context length of the 4k base model. It is designed to understand and generate natural language as well as code.

Q: How does the gpt⑶.5-turbo model compare to other versions?

A: The gpt⑶.5-turbo-0613 model is an improvement over the previous gpt⑶.5-turbo-0301 model in terms of speed, with about 40% lower turn-around time. However, there is a trade-off in label quality, as the newer model is noticeably worse in terms of output quality.

Q: What is the pricing for the gpt⑶.5-turbo models?

A: The pricing for the gpt⑶.5-turbo models, such as gpt⑶.5-turbo-0613 and gpt⑶.5-turbo⑴6k, is based on input and output tokens. The current pricing is $0.003 per 1K input tokens and $0.004 per 1K output tokens.

Q: What is the context window size of the gpt⑶.5-turbo⑴6k model?

A: The gpt⑶.5-turbo⑴6k model has an impressive context window size. It offers 16k tokens of context, which is four times the context length of the gpt⑶.5-turbo-0613 model.

Q: Is the new gpt⑶.5-turbo model worse in terms of quality?

A: Yes, the new gpt⑶.5-turbo-0613 model is noticeably worse in terms of label quality compared to the previous gpt⑶.5-turbo-0301 model. Although it has faster turn-around time, the output generated by the new model is shockingly bad.

ChatGPT Plus与New Bing申请全攻略

**1. ChatGPT Plus与New Bing有甚么关系?**

ChatGPT Plus和New Bing是两个区别的服务,没有直接的关联。ChatGPT Plus是OpenAI推出的付费版本的聊天机器人模型,而New Bing是必应搜索引擎的新功能。

**2. 如何申请ChatGPT Plus账号?**

要申请ChatGPT Plus账号,您需要前往OpenAI的官方网站,在申请页面填写相关信息,并完成付费定阅。请注意,ChatGPT Plus目前仅对部份国家开放,您需要确认自己的国家会不会在支持范围内。

**3. ChatGPT Plus和ChatGPT是有区分的吗?**

是的,ChatGPT Plus是ChatGPT的付费版本,相比不要钱版ChatGPT,ChatGPT Plus提供了更多的优势,包括更高的响应速度、优先访问新功能、更低的等待时间等。

**4. New Bing是甚么?**

New Bing是必应搜索引擎的一项新功能,它提供了更高质量和更广泛的搜索结果,和一些其他的增强功能,例如视觉搜索、智能答案等。

**5. 如何申请New Bing账号?**

要申请New Bing账号,您需要先下载并安装Edge dev版本浏览器,然后在浏览器中的必应图标上点击申请按钮,登录您的账号并申请加入New Bing等待列表。请注意,获得访问资历可能需要一定的等待时间。

新必应(New Bing)国内申请与使用教程

**1. 如何申请新必应(New Bing)账号?**

要申请新必应账号,您需要先下载和安装Edge dev版本浏览器,这个版本可以直接申请使用而无需使用梯子。安装完成后,点击浏览器右上角的必应图标,会弹出申请按钮,您可以通过登录账号来申请加入New Bing等待列表。

**2. 申请New Bing账号需要排队吗?**

是的,申请New Bing账号通常需要排队等待。由于申请的人数较多,取得访问资历的人数较少,有可能需要一定的等待时间才能取得访问权限。

**3. New Bing与传统必应搜索有甚么区别?**


**4. 新必应账号申请与使用有甚么限制?**

申请新必应账号的流程相对简单,但取得访问资历可能需要一定的等待时间。另外,新必应目前暂时只支持Edge dev版本浏览器,其他浏览器可能没法正常访问新必应。

**5. 新必应值得申请和使用吗?**



**1. 如何无需候补排队申请Newbing新必应账号?**


1. 下载安装Edge dev版本浏览器,此版本支持直接申请使用而无需使用梯子。
2. 安装完成后,点击浏览器右上角的必应图标,会弹出申请按钮。
3. 点击申请按钮并登录您的账号,便可申请加入Newbing等待列表。

**2. 为何需要无需候补排队申请Newbing新必应账号?**


**3. Newbing新必应账号申请成功后怎样使用?**

申请成功后,您可以直接在Edge dev版本浏览器中使用Newbing新必应。打开浏览器后,在地址栏输入您要搜索的内容,然后按下回车键便可取得相关的搜索结果。

**4. Newbing新必应特点有哪些和功能?**


– 提供更高质量和更广泛的搜索结果。
– 支持视觉搜索,可以通过图片进行搜索。
– 提供智能答案,可以直接在搜索结果中获得相关的答案。
– 不断进行改进和优化,以提供更好的搜索体验。

**5. Newbing新必应与ChatGPT Plus有甚么联系?**

Newbing新必应和ChatGPT Plus是两个独立的服务,没有直接的联系。Newbing是必应搜索引擎的新功能,而ChatGPT Plus是OpenAI提供的付费聊天机器人模型。








